Name Description Size
append-whitespace-only-node-crash-001.html 1204
break-spaces-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of line and white-space is break-spaces 1036
break-spaces-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: single preserved white space at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1030
break-spaces-003.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1543
break-spaces-004.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1393
break-spaces-005.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1543
break-spaces-006.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1593
break-spaces-007.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1574
break-spaces-008.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1525
break-spaces-009.html CSS Text Test: word-break:break-word + white-space:break-spaces 1531
break-spaces-010.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1134
break-spaces-011.html CSS Text Test: line breaking with white-space: break-spaces and element boundaries 1436
break-spaces-051.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 911
break-spaces-052.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 921
break-spaces-before-first-char-001.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1160
break-spaces-before-first-char-002.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1579
break-spaces-before-first-char-003.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1575
break-spaces-before-first-char-004.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1525
break-spaces-before-first-char-005.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1852
break-spaces-before-first-char-006.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1848
break-spaces-before-first-char-007.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1515
break-spaces-before-first-char-008.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1835
break-spaces-before-first-char-009.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1831
break-spaces-before-first-char-010.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1820
break-spaces-before-first-char-011.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 2098
break-spaces-before-first-char-012.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1525
break-spaces-before-first-char-013.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1521
break-spaces-before-first-char-014.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1575
break-spaces-before-first-char-015.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1850
break-spaces-before-first-char-016.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1831
break-spaces-before-first-char-017.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 2094
break-spaces-before-first-char-018.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1521
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-001.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1169
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-002.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1588
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-003.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1584
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-004.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1534
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-005.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1861
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-006.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1857
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-007.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1524
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-008.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1844
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-009.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1840
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-010.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1829
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-011.html CSS Text Test: ideographic space - break-spaces 2114
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-012.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1527
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-013.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1523
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-014.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1584
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-015.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1859
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-016.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1840
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-017.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 2103
break-spaces-before-first-ideographic-char-018.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1523
break-spaces-newline-011.html CSS Text: 'white-space: break-spaces' with 4 white spaces and 4 line feeda 1464
break-spaces-newline-012.html CSS Text: 'white-space: break-spaces', 10 white spaces and 1 line feed 1433
break-spaces-newline-013.html CSS Text: 'white-space: break-spaces', 7 white spaces and 2 line feeds 1451
break-spaces-newline-014.html CSS Text: 'white-space: break-spaces', 4 white spaces and 3 line feeds 1469
break-spaces-newline-015.html CSS Text: 'white-space: break-spaces', 3 white spaces and 3 line feeds 1466
break-spaces-newline-016.html CSS Text: 'white-space: break-spaces' and 4 consecutive line feeds 1330
break-spaces-tab-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: wrapping opportunity after break-spaces tabs 868
break-spaces-tab-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: wrapping opportunity after break-spaces tabs and space 891
break-spaces-tab-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: wrapping opportunity after each break-spaces tab 910
break-spaces-tab-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: wrapping opportunity after each break-spaces space and tab 920
break-spaces-tab-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: break-space tabs don't hang 897
break-spaces-tab-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: break-spaces tabs and spaces don't hang 949
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: ideographic space at the end of line and white-space is break-spaces 1049
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-002.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1559
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-003.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1559
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-004.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1400
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-005.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 2158
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-006.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1567
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-007.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1613
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-008.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1538
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-009.html CSS Text Test: word-break:break-word + white-space:break-spaces 1547
break-spaces-with-ideographic-space-010.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces 1134
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-001.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces and Overflow Wrapping 1579
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-002.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces and Overflow Wrapping 1573
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-003.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces and Overflow Wrapping 1427
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-004.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces and Overflow Wrapping 1425
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-005.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces and Overflow Wrapping 1504
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-006.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces and Overflow Wrapping 1502
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-007.html CSS Text Test: white-space: break-spaces and Overflow Wrapping 1537
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-008.html CSS Text Test: white-space - break-spaces 1510
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-009.html CSS Text Test: word-break:break-word + white-space:break-spaces 1540
break-spaces-with-overflow-wrap-010.html CSS Text Test: word-break:break-word + white-space:break-spaces 1536
break-spaces-with-word-break-001.html CSS Text Test: white-space:break-spaces + word-break:keep-all 876
control-chars-00B.html Control charcters must be visible: U+000B 644
control-chars-00C.html Control charcters must be visible: U+000C 644
control-chars-00D.html U+000D must be treated the same as U+0020 1218
control-chars-00E.html Control charcters must be visible: U+000E 644
control-chars-00F.html Control charcters must be visible: U+000F 644
control-chars-01A.html Control charcters must be visible: U+001A 644
control-chars-01B.html Control charcters must be visible: U+001B 644
control-chars-01C.html Control charcters must be visible: U+001C 644
control-chars-01D.html Control charcters must be visible: U+001D 644
control-chars-01E.html Control charcters must be visible: U+001E 644
control-chars-01F.html Control charcters must be visible: U+001F 644
control-chars-07F.html Control charcters must be visible: U+007F 644
control-chars-08A.html Control charcters must be visible: U+008A 644
control-chars-08B.html Control charcters must be visible: U+008B 644
control-chars-08C.html Control charcters must be visible: U+008C 644
control-chars-08D.html Control charcters must be visible: U+008D 644
control-chars-08E.html Control charcters must be visible: U+008E 644
control-chars-08F.html Control charcters must be visible: U+008F 644
control-chars-09A.html Control charcters must be visible: U+009A 644
control-chars-09B.html Control charcters must be visible: U+009B 644
control-chars-09C.html Control charcters must be visible: U+009C 644
control-chars-09D.html Control charcters must be visible: U+009D 644
control-chars-09E.html Control charcters must be visible: U+009E 644
control-chars-09F.html Control charcters must be visible: U+009F 644
control-chars-000.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0000 644
control-chars-001.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0001 644
control-chars-002.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0002 644
control-chars-003.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0003 644
control-chars-004.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0004 644
control-chars-005.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0005 644
control-chars-006.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0006 644
control-chars-007.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0007 644
control-chars-008.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0008 644
control-chars-010.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0010 644
control-chars-011.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0011 644
control-chars-012.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0012 644
control-chars-013.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0013 644
control-chars-014.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0014 644
control-chars-015.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0015 644
control-chars-016.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0016 644
control-chars-017.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0017 644
control-chars-018.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0018 644
control-chars-019.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0019 644
control-chars-080.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0080 644
control-chars-081.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0081 644
control-chars-082.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0082 644
control-chars-083.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0083 644
control-chars-084.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0084 644
control-chars-085.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0085 644
control-chars-086.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0086 644
control-chars-087.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0087 644
control-chars-088.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0088 644
control-chars-089.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0089 644
control-chars-090.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0090 644
control-chars-091.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0091 644
control-chars-092.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0092 644
control-chars-093.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0093 644
control-chars-094.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0094 644
control-chars-095.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0095 644
control-chars-096.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0096 644
control-chars-097.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0097 644
control-chars-098.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0098 644
control-chars-099.html Control charcters must be visible: U+0099 644
display-contents-remove-whitespace-change.html Remove display:contents with block child and whitespace sibling 544
eol-spaces-bidi-001.html CSS Text 3 test: trailing collapsible spaces and bidi 1875
eol-spaces-bidi-002.html CSS Text 3 test: trailing pre-wrap spaces and bidi 3203
eol-spaces-bidi-003.html CSS Text 3 test: trailing collapsible spaces and bidi 1105
eol-spaces-bidi-004.html CSS Text 3 test: trailing collapsible spaces and bidi 1417
full-width-leading-spaces-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 913
full-width-leading-spaces-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 909
full-width-leading-spaces-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 909
full-width-leading-spaces-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 929
full-width-leading-spaces-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 911
hanging-whitespace-001.tentative.html CSS Text Level 3: glyphs can only hang at the edge of a line 1486
hanging-whitespace-002.tentative.html CSS Text Level 3: pre-wrap conditionality when not at line end 1525
hanging-whitespace-003.tentative.html CSS Text Level 3: unconditional hanging spaces don't hang before non-overflowing conditionals 2150
line-edge-white-space-collapse-001.html White space collapse at end of line collapses through an inline 1331
line-edge-white-space-collapse-002.html White space collapse at start of line collapses through an inline 1388
lone-cr-001-ref.html CSS Test Reference 61
lone-cr-001.tentative.html Lone CR shouldn't cause previous spaces to collapse 617
nowrap-wbr-and-space-crash.html 441
object-replacement-1.html CSS Text: U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER presence 692
object-replacement-2.html CSS Text: U+FFFC OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER presence 684
pre-float-001.html CSS test preserved spaces and floats interaction 998
pre-line-051.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 899
pre-line-052.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 909
pre-line-br-with-whitespace-child-crash.html CSS Text Test: Chrome pre-line crash test 615
pre-line-with-space-and-newline.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: pre-line' with space and newline 1444
pre-with-whitespace-crash.html pre(white-space's one of values) crash if there is no available width 527
pre-wrap-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap is not wrapped 918
pre-wrap-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of the line and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on word-break:break-all 1016
pre-wrap-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on word-break:keep-all 1005
pre-wrap-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on line-break:loose 996
pre-wrap-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on line-break:normal 999
pre-wrap-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on line-break:strict 999
pre-wrap-007.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on overflow-wrap:break-word 1068
pre-wrap-008.html CSS Text Test: white-space: pre-wrap 1222
pre-wrap-009.html CSS Text Test: white-space: pre-wrap 1521
pre-wrap-010.html CSS Text Test: white-space: pre-wrap 1456
pre-wrap-011.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not cause wrapping 1107
pre-wrap-012.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of soft-wrapped lines and white-space:pre-wrap with right alignement 983
pre-wrap-013.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of soft-wrapped lines and white-space:pre-wrap with center alignement 982
pre-wrap-014.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of soft-wrapped lines and white-space:pre-wrap with justification 1092
pre-wrap-015.html CSS Text Test: white-space: pre-wrap 1115
pre-wrap-016.html CSS Text Test: white-space: pre-wrap 1157
pre-wrap-017.html CSS Text level 3 Test: pre-wrap trailing spaces and max-content 919
pre-wrap-018.html CSS Text level 3 Test: pre-wrap spaces and centering 931
pre-wrap-019.html CSS Text level 3 Test: trailing pre-wrap spaces and hanging 979
pre-wrap-020.html CSS Text level 3 Test: trailing pre-wrap spaces and conditional hanging 941
pre-wrap-051.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 899
pre-wrap-052.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 909
pre-wrap-align-center-001.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 822
pre-wrap-align-center-002.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 830
pre-wrap-align-center-003.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 861
pre-wrap-align-end-001.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 823
pre-wrap-align-end-002.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 829
pre-wrap-align-end-003.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 860
pre-wrap-align-left-001.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 822
pre-wrap-align-left-002.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 830
pre-wrap-align-left-003.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 861
pre-wrap-align-right-001.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 825
pre-wrap-align-right-002.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 833
pre-wrap-align-right-003.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 864
pre-wrap-align-start-001.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 823
pre-wrap-align-start-002.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 833
pre-wrap-align-start-003.html CSS Text test: white-space:pre-wrap vs text-align 864
pre-wrap-float-001.html CSS test preserved spaces and floats interaction 988
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-001.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1118
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-002.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1192
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-003.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1188
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-004.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1211
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-005.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1213
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-006.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1245
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-007.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1247
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-008.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1247
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-009.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1247
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-010.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1212
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-011.html CSS Text test: forced breaks create preserverd leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1225
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-012.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1219
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-013.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1219
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-014.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1248
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-015.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1098
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-016.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1141
pre-wrap-leading-spaces-017.html CSS Text test: breaking opportunities at leading spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1112
pre-wrap-tab-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: wrapping opportunity after pre-wrap tabs 856
pre-wrap-tab-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: wrapping opportunity after pre-wrap tabs and spaces 880
pre-wrap-tab-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: no wrapping opportunity between pre-wrap tabs 897
pre-wrap-tab-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: no wrapping opportunity between pre-wrap tabs and spaces 917
pre-wrap-tab-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: pre-wrap tabs hang 803
pre-wrap-tab-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: pre-wrap tabs and spaces hang 834
remove-slotted-with-whitespace-sibling.html 431
seg-break-transformation-000.tentative.html Whitespace and line break transformation 2653
seg-break-transformation-001.tentative.html Wide characters around line break 2689
seg-break-transformation-002.tentative.html Fullwidth characters around line break 2759
seg-break-transformation-003.tentative.html Halfwidth characters around line break 2654
seg-break-transformation-004.tentative.html Won and halfwidth characters around line break 4413
seg-break-transformation-005.tentative.html Wide character and non-wide character around line break 2713
seg-break-transformation-006.tentative.html Fullwidth character and non-fullwidth character around line break 2765
seg-break-transformation-007.tentative.html Halfwidth character and non-halfwidth character around line break 2709
seg-break-transformation-008.tentative.html Wide and fullwidth characters around line break 2756
seg-break-transformation-009.tentative.html Fullwidth and halfwidth characters around line break 2719
seg-break-transformation-010.tentative.html Hangul characters around line break 2742
seg-break-transformation-011.tentative.html Hangul jamo characters around line break 2725
seg-break-transformation-012.tentative.html Hangul halfwidth jamo characters around line break 2777
seg-break-transformation-014.tentative.html Thai characters around line break 2803
seg-break-transformation-015.tentative.html Thai and Latin characters around line break 4605
seg-break-transformation-016.tentative.html Thai with ZWSP before line break 3769
seg-break-transformation-017.tentative.html Thai with ZWSP after line break 3712
seg-break-transformation-018.tentative.html CSS Text level 3 Test: inline element boundary and segment break transformations 1247
seg-break-transformation-019.tentative.html CSS Text level 3 Test: out of flow elements and segment break transformations 1275
tab-bidi-001.html CSS Text Test: Tabs vs. Bidi 1621
tab-stop-threshold-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: the nearest tab stop is more than 0.5 ch away 1016
tab-stop-threshold-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: the nearest tab stop is less than 0.5 ch away 1050
tab-stop-threshold-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: the nearest tab stop is more than 0.5 ch away, white-space:pre-wrap 1070
tab-stop-threshold-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: the nearest tab stop is less than 0.5 ch away, white-space:pre-wrap 1105
tab-stop-threshold-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: the nearest tab stop is more than 0.5 ch away, white-space:break-spaces 1082
tab-stop-threshold-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: the nearest tab stop is less than 0.5 ch away, white-space:break-spaces 1117
text-wrap-balance-001.html 865
text-wrap-balance-002.html 404
text-wrap-balance-003.html 861
text-wrap-balance-004.html CSS test: balancing and forced breaks 1989
text-wrap-balance-005.html CSS test: balancing and forced breaks 1652
text-wrap-balance-align-001.html 605
text-wrap-balance-before-after-001.html 963
text-wrap-balance-before-after-002.html 1054
text-wrap-balance-dynamic-001.html 469
text-wrap-balance-float-001.html 491
text-wrap-balance-float-002.html 492
text-wrap-balance-float-003.html 491
text-wrap-balance-float-004.html 492
text-wrap-balance-float-005.html 1096
text-wrap-balance-float-006.html 788
text-wrap-balance-line-clamp-001.html 477
text-wrap-balance-narrow-crash.html 68
text-wrap-balance-overflow-001.html 450
text-wrap-balance-overflow-002.html 469
text-wrap-balance-right-to-left.html 1123
text-wrap-balance-text-indent-001.html 428
text-wrap-balance-top-to-bottom.html 972
text-wrap-nowrap-001.html 353
textarea-always-preserves-spaces-001-ref.html CSS Test Reference 179
textarea-always-preserves-spaces-001.tentative.html Textarea always preserves spaces 603
textarea-break-spaces-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of line is wrapped when white-space is break-spaces in a textarea 1402
textarea-break-spaces-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: single preserved white space at the end of with white-space:break-spaces in a textarea 1409
textarea-pre-wrap-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap is not wrapped in a textarea 1272
textarea-pre-wrap-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on word-break:break-all in a textarea 1361
textarea-pre-wrap-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on word-break:keep-all in a textarea 1359
textarea-pre-wrap-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on line-break:loose in a textarea 1350
textarea-pre-wrap-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on line-break:normal in a textarea 1353
textarea-pre-wrap-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on line-break:strict in a textarea 1353
textarea-pre-wrap-007.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not change based on overflow-wrap:break-word in a textarea 1422
textarea-pre-wrap-011.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of and white-space:pre-wrap does not cause wrapping in a textarea 1461
textarea-pre-wrap-012.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of soft-wrapped lines and white-space:pre-wrap with right alignement in a textarea 1345
textarea-pre-wrap-013.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of soft-wrapped line and white-space:pre-wrap with center alignement in a textarea 1398
textarea-pre-wrap-014.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved white space at the end of soft-wrapped lines and white-space:pre-wrap with justification in a textarea 1288
trailing-ideographic-space-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: ideographic space at the end of line must hang 1104
trailing-ideographic-space-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequence of spaces and ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1194
trailing-ideographic-space-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved ideographic space at the end of line must hang 1413
trailing-ideographic-space-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved sequences of spaces and ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1471
trailing-ideographic-space-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequences of spaces and ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1548
trailing-ideographic-space-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequences of spaces and ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1514
trailing-ideographic-space-007.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequences of spaces and ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1518
trailing-ideographic-space-008.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequences of spaces and ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1518
trailing-ideographic-space-009.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequences of spaces and ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1552
trailing-ideographic-space-010.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequence of ideographic spaces at the end of line must hang 1540
trailing-ideographic-space-011.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 1215
trailing-ideographic-space-012.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 1190
trailing-ideographic-space-013.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 1513
trailing-ideographic-space-014.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 1507
trailing-ideographic-space-015.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 1535
trailing-ideographic-space-016.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling leading ideographic space sequence 1539
trailing-ideographic-space-017.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1390
trailing-ideographic-space-018.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1376
trailing-ideographic-space-019.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1383
trailing-ideographic-space-020.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1384
trailing-ideographic-space-021.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1370
trailing-ideographic-space-022.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1377
trailing-ideographic-space-023.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1386
trailing-ideographic-space-024.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1372
trailing-ideographic-space-025.html CSS Text level 3 Test: handling trailing ideographic space sequence 1379
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 867
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 880
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 890
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 902
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 880
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 903
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-007.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 1270
trailing-ideographic-space-break-spaces-008.html CSS Text level 3 Test: Breaking sequences of trailing ideograohic spaces 1204
trailing-ogham-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: trailing ogham spaces 851
trailing-ogham-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: trailing pre-line ogham spaces 903
trailing-ogham-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: trailing nowrap ogham spaces 890
trailing-other-space-separators-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequence of spaces and other space separators at the end of line must hang 2535
trailing-other-space-separators-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequence of spaces and other space separators at the end of line with white-space:pre-wrap 2016
trailing-other-space-separators-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequence of spaces and other space separators at the end of line, white-space:pre-line 2600
trailing-other-space-separators-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: sequence of spaces and other space separators at the end of line, white-space:nowrap 2593
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+1680 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2000 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2001 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2002 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2003 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-006.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2004 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-007.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2005 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-008.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2006 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-009.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2007 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1572
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-010.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2008 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-011.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+2009 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-012.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+200A at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-013.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+202F at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1572
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-014.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+205F at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-other-space-separators-break-spaces-015.html CSS Text level 3 Test: U+3000 at the end of line with white-space:break-spaces 1557
trailing-space-align-start.tentative.html Preserved trailing spaces when `text-align: left` 622
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing white space that hang in a textarea 1431
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing white space that hang in a textarea 1469
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing white space that hang in a textarea 1427
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing white space that hang in a textarea 1481
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing white space that hang in a textarea 1437
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-rtl-001.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing RTL white space that hang in a textarea 1459
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-rtl-002.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing RTL white space that hang in a textarea 1497
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-rtl-003.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing white space that hang in a textarea 1451
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-rtl-004.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing RTL white space that hang in a textarea 1509
trailing-space-and-text-alignment-rtl-005.html CSS Text level 3 Test: preserved trailing RTL white space that hang in a textarea 1465
trailing-space-before-br-001.html CSS Text: A sequence of collapsible spaces at the end of a line is removed 1156
trailing-space-in-inline-box.html Preserved trailing spaces in inline boxes should hang 1037
trailing-space-position-001.html CSS Test: Positions of trailing collapsible spaces 1282
trailing-space-rtl-001.html CSS Test: Preserved trailing spaces in RTL 762
white-space-applies-to-text-001.html CSS Text Test: white-space property applies to text 3479
white-space-collapse-000.html White space collapse 2560
white-space-collapse-001.html White space and non-ASCII spaces 4039
white-space-collapse-002.html Whitespace and bidi control characters 7567
white-space-collapse-discard-001.xht CSS Test: white-space-collapse - discard - basic cases 1251
white-space-collapse-preserve-breaks-001.xht CSS Test: white-space-collapse - preserve-breaks - basic cases 1577
white-space-empty-text-sibling.html 476
white-space-intrinsic-size-001.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and white-space: break-spaces 1517
white-space-intrinsic-size-002.html CSS Text Test: max-content sizing and white-space:break-spaces 1331
white-space-intrinsic-size-003.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and white-space:pre-wrap 1182
white-space-intrinsic-size-004.html CSS Text Test: max-content sizing and white-space: pre-wrap 1167
white-space-intrinsic-size-005.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and white-space: pre-wrap 1087
white-space-intrinsic-size-006.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and white-space: pre-wrap 896
white-space-intrinsic-size-013.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and 'white-space: pre-wrap' 2482
white-space-intrinsic-size-014.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and 'white-space: pre-wrap' 2468
white-space-intrinsic-size-015.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and 'white-space: pre' 1919
white-space-intrinsic-size-016.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and 'white-space: pre' 2099
white-space-intrinsic-size-017.html CSS Text Test: max-content sizing and 'white-space: pre-wrap' 2753
white-space-intrinsic-size-018.html CSS Text Test: max-content sizing and 'white-space: pre' 2738
white-space-intrinsic-size-019.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and 'white-space: pre-line' 2071
white-space-intrinsic-size-020.html CSS Text Test: min-content sizing and 'white-space: pre-line' 2134
white-space-intrinsic-size-021.html CSS Text level 4 Test: intrinsic sizes of block containers with various 'white-space' values 24226
white-space-letter-spacing-001.html CSS Test: letter-spacing is not applied to preserved line-breaks 920
white-space-normal-011.html CSS Text: 'white-space: normal' (basic) 1180
white-space-nowrap-011.html CSS Text: 'white-space: nowrap' (basic) 1274
white-space-pre-011.html CSS Text: 'white-space: pre' (basic) 1596
white-space-pre-031.html CSS Text: wrappable ('normal') inline inside a 'white-space: pre' block 1454
white-space-pre-032.html CSS Text: wrappable ('pre-wrap') inline inside a 'white-space: pre' block 1456
white-space-pre-034.html CSS Text: wrappable ('break-spaces') inline inside a 'white-space: pre' block 1522
white-space-pre-035.html CSS Text: wrappable ('pre-line') inline inside a 'white-space: pre' block 1476
white-space-pre-051.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 1023
white-space-pre-052.html CSS Text: inline starting with a collapsible white space 1033
white-space-pre-wrap-justify-001.html CSS Text test: justification with white-space:pre-wrap 754
white-space-pre-wrap-justify-002.html CSS Text test: justification with white-space:pre-wrap 779
white-space-pre-wrap-justify-003.html CSS Text test: justification with white-space:pre-wrap 812
white-space-pre-wrap-justify-004.html CSS Text test: justification with white-space:pre-wrap 801
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-001.html CSS Text test: alignement and trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 918
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-002.html CSS Text test: intrinsic maximum sizing and alignment of trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1190
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-003.html CSS Text test: intrinsic minimum sizing of trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 863
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-004.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1245
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-005.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1316
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-006.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1450
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-007.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1589
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-008.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1589
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-010.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1508
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-011.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1574
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-012.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1483
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-013.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1453
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-014.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1503
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-015.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1486
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-021.html CSS Text Test: Overflowing hanging spaces should be ink overflow 1894
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-022.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1277
white-space-pre-wrap-trailing-spaces-023.html CSS Text test: hanging trailing spaces with white-space:pre-wrap 1306
white-space-trim-discard-inner-001.xht CSS Test: white-space-trim - discard-inner - basic cases 1495
white-space-vs-joiners-001.html CSS Text Test: join controls do not disrupt white-space processing 1158
white-space-vs-joiners-002.html CSS Text Test: join controls do not disrupt white-space processing 980
white-space-wrap-after-nowrap-001.html Break opportunities after nowrap 1305
white-space-zero-fontsize-001.html CSS Text Test: preserved white space with zero font-size 626
white-space-zero-fontsize-002.html CSS Text Test: preserved white space with zero font-size 659
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-001.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: inline' element 2302
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-002.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: block' element 2241
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-003.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: list-item' element 2344
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-005.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: inline-block' element 2263
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-006.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: table' element 2512
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-007.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: inline-table' element 2523
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-008.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: table-row-group' element 2649
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-009.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: table-header-group' element 2658
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-010.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: table-footer-group' element 2658
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-011.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: table-row' element 2535
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-012.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' does not apply to 'display: table-column-group' element 2333
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-013.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' does not apply to 'display: table-column' element 2315
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-014.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: table-cell' element 2517
ws-break-spaces-applies-to-015.html CSS Text Test: 'white-space: break-spaces' applies to 'display: table-caption' element 2429