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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 1 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /css/css-shadow-parts/multiple-scopes.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<title>::part() and pseudo-elements from multiple scopes (encapsulation contexts)</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
::part(e1)::file-selector-button { border-top-width: 7px; }
::part(p1)::file-selector-button { border-top-color: red; }
::file-selector-button { border-top-style: dashed; }
<div id="outerhost"></div>
"use strict";
let target_cs;
test(t => {
let outer_host = document.getElementById("outerhost");
let outer_shadow = outer_host.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
outer_shadow.innerHTML = `
::part(e1)::file-selector-button { border-right-width: 6px; }
::part(p1)::file-selector-button { border-right-color: lime; }
::file-selector-button { border-right-style: dotted; }
<div id="innerhost" exportparts="p1:e1"></div>
let inner_host = outer_shadow.getElementById("innerhost");
let inner_shadow = inner_host.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
inner_shadow.innerHTML = `
::part(e1)::file-selector-button { border-bottom-width: 5px; }
::part(p1)::file-selector-button { border-bottom-color: red; }
::file-selector-button { border: 3px double black; }
<input type="file" part="p1" id="target">
target_cs = getComputedStyle(inner_shadow.getElementById("target"), "::file-selector-button");
}, "successful test setup");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderTopWidth, "7px");
}, "exported part selector matches from outer scope");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderTopColor, "rgb(0, 0, 0)");
}, "non-exported part selector does not match from outer scope");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderTopStyle, "double");
}, "pseudo-element selector alone does not match from outer scope");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderRightWidth, "3px");
}, "exported part selector (for outer scope) does not match from middle scope");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderRightColor, "rgb(0, 255, 0)");
}, "correct part selector matches from middle scope");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderRightStyle, "double");
}, "pseudo-element selector alone does not match from middle scope");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderBottomWidth, "3px");
}, "selector with ::part(exported name) does not match from inner scope that exports the part");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderBottomColor, "rgb(0, 0, 0)");
}, "selector with ::part(original name) does not match from inner scope that exports the part");
test(t => {
assert_equals(target_cs.borderBottomStyle, "double");
}, "pseudo-element selector alone matches from inner scope");