Name Description Size
active-selection-001-manual.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and color (basic) 1148
active-selection-002-manual.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and background-color (basic) 1528
active-selection-004-manual.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and text-decoration (basic) 1272
active-selection-011.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and color (basic) 1277
active-selection-012.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and background-color (basic) 1572
active-selection-014.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and text-decoration 2163
active-selection-016.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection of partial text and color 1320
active-selection-018.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection, color and background-color 1656
active-selection-021.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection, color and 'text-decoration: underline overline line-through' 1699
active-selection-025.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and first-letter pseudo-element 1944
active-selection-027.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and first-line pseudo-element 2004
active-selection-031.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and vertical writing-modes 1999
active-selection-041.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and image 2686
active-selection-043.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and image (complex) 2231
active-selection-045.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and image 1672
active-selection-051-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 786
active-selection-051.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and invalid declaration block 1314
active-selection-052.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and empty declaration block 1289
active-selection-053.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and invalid color value 1403
active-selection-054.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and invalid background-color value 1436
active-selection-056.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and 3 consecutive <br> elements 1566
active-selection-057.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and 3 empty elements 2259
active-selection-063.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and consecutive preserved 	 1865
backdrop-animate-002-ref.html 255
backdrop-animate-002.html CSS Test: A Web Animations on ::backdrop 671
backdrop-animate.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::backdrop & web animations 1076
before-after-dynamic-custom-property-001-ref.html CSS Test reference 238
before-after-dynamic-custom-property-001.html CSS Test: Dynamic ::before and ::after generation by a custom property reference 892
before-dynamic-display-none.html CSS Test: ::before box removed when display set to 'none'. 576
before-in-display-none-thcrash.html CSS Test: Invalidating style inside display:none with ::before should not crash. 678
before-preceding-whitespace-dynamic.html Removing an empty inline should not cause a space after ::before content to collapse 568
chrome-bug-1299142-crash.html 532
chrome-first-letter-container-query-crash.html Chrome crash issue 41492455 653
chrome-first-letter-inside-replaced-crash.html Chrome issue 1370386 475
file-selector-button-001-notref.html CSS Test Reference 70
file-selector-button-001.html ::file-selector-button allows to customize the button in <input type=file> 365
file-selector-button-after-part.html ::file-selector-button allows to customize the button in <input type=file> 598
file-selector-button-display-none-overflow-crash.html 292
file-selector-button-display-toggle-crash.html Shouldn't assert when re-creating a ::file-selector-button pseudo-element after it being display: none 507
file-selector-button-float.html float shouldn't make file control button disappear 559
file-selector-button-inherit.html CSS Pseudo Test: ::file-selector-button inherits from its originating element 857
firefox-bug-1907238-crash.html 371
first-letter-001-ref.html CSS Reference File 516
first-letter-001.html CSS Test: ::first-letter formatting 868
first-letter-002.html CSS Test: ::first-letter formatting 940
first-letter-003.html CSS Test: ::first-letter formatting 940
first-letter-004-ref.html CSS Reference 329
first-letter-004.html CSS Test: ::first-letter formatting 786
first-letter-005-ref.html CSS Reference: ::first-letter formatting 531
first-letter-005.html CSS Test: ::first-letter formatting 821
first-letter-allowed-properties.html CSS Test: Properties allowed on ::first-letter pseudo elements 2879
first-letter-and-sibling-display-change.html CSS Test: Changing ::first-letter color while sibling changes display type. 657
first-letter-and-whitespace-ref.html CSS Reference File 364
first-letter-and-whitespace.html CSS Test: White-spaces around floated ::first-letter 1145
first-letter-background-image-dynamic.html CSS Test: ::first-letter correctly applies background-image dynamically 889
first-letter-background-image-ref.html CSS Test Reference 306
first-letter-background-image.html CSS Test: ::first-letter correctly applies background-image 722
first-letter-bidi-pre-crash.html 170
first-letter-block-to-inline-ref.html 76
first-letter-block-to-inline.html CSS Test: ::first-letter stops applying to element becoming inline. 607
first-letter-crash.html 374
first-letter-digraph.html CSS Test: ::first-letter digraph recognition 1182
first-letter-exclude-block-child-marker-ref.html Reference: A child's ::marker should be excluded when finding the ::first-letter content 1019
first-letter-exclude-block-child-marker.html CSS Test: A child's ::marker should be excluded when finding the ::first-letter content 934
first-letter-exclude-inline-child-marker-ref.html Reference: A child's ::marker should be excluded when finding the ::first-letter content 1196
first-letter-exclude-inline-child-marker.html CSS Test: A child's ::marker should be excluded when finding the ::first-letter content 1184
first-letter-exclude-inline-marker-ref.html Reference: The element's own ::marker should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 1142
first-letter-exclude-inline-marker.html CSS Test: The element's own ::marker should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 1025
first-letter-hi-001-ref.html CSS-Pseudo reference - ::first-letter in Hindi 902
first-letter-hi-001.html CSS-Pseudo testcase - ::first-letter in Hindi 1298
first-letter-hi-002-ref.html CSS-Pseudo reference - ::first-letter in Hindi 776
first-letter-hi-002.html CSS-Pseudo testcase - ::first-letter in Hindi 1236
first-letter-list-item-dynamic-001-ref.html CSS Test Reference 119
first-letter-list-item-dynamic-001.html CSS Test: Move ::first-letter text node (required: list item, float, fixed, contenteditable). 842
first-letter-of-html-root-crash-ref.html CSS Test Reference 85
first-letter-of-html-root-refcrash.html CSS Test: ::first-letter of html root element crash in combination with removal of body 624
first-letter-opacity-001-not-ref.html Reference mismatch: ::first-letter supports opacity. 246
first-letter-opacity-001-ref.html Reference: ::first-letter supports opacity. 367
first-letter-opacity-001.html CSS Test: ::first-letter supports opacity. 448
first-letter-opacity-float-001-ref.html 220
first-letter-opacity-float-001.html CSS Test: floating ::first-letter with opacity 893
first-letter-punctuation-and-space-ref.html CSS Reference 376
first-letter-punctuation-and-space.html CSS Test: ::first-letter formatting 840
first-letter-punctuation-dynamic-ref.html CSS Test Reference 154
first-letter-punctuation-dynamic.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::first-letter modified text node with punctuation 502
first-letter-skip-empty-span-nested-ref.html Reference: The nested empty span should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 324
first-letter-skip-empty-span-nested.html CSS Test: The nested empty span should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 484
first-letter-skip-empty-span-ref.html Reference: The empty span should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 317
first-letter-skip-empty-span.html CSS Test: The empty span should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 457
first-letter-skip-marker-ref.html Reference: The element's own ::marker should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 643
first-letter-skip-marker.html CSS Test: The element's own ::marker should be skipped when finding the ::first-letter content 747
first-letter-text-and-display-change.html CSS Test: Change display for the ::first-letter container while replacing text node 698
first-letter-width-2-ref.html initial-letter width test 386
first-letter-width-2.html initial-letter width test 1122
first-letter-width-ref.html initial-letter width test 345
first-letter-width.html initial-letter width test 914
first-letter-with-before-after-ref.html CSS Test Reference 204
first-letter-with-before-after.html CSS Pseudo Test: ::first-letter text from ::before and ::after 461
first-letter-with-preceding-new-line.html CSS Test: ::first-letter with preceding new line 807
first-letter-with-quote-ref.html Reference: The ::first-letter should work with quote element 244
first-letter-with-quote.html CSS Test: The ::first-letter should work with quote element 384
first-letter-with-span-ref.html Reference: The ::first-letter should work with quote text span element 240
first-letter-with-span.html CSS Test: The ::first-letter should work with quote text span element 391
first-line-allowed-properties.html CSS Test: Properties allowed on ::first-line pseudo elements 2892
first-line-and-marker-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 654
first-line-and-marker.html Interaction of ::first-line and ::marker 959
first-line-and-placeholder-ref.html 158
first-line-and-placeholder.html Interaction of ::first-line and ::placeholder 596
first-line-below-float.html 855
first-line-change-inline-color-nested-ref.html 114
first-line-change-inline-color-nested.html 621
first-line-change-inline-color-ref.html 114
first-line-change-inline-color.html 601
first-line-first-letter-insert-crash.html Should not crash when inserting an element inside a :first-line pseudo. 560
first-line-float-mapped-attribute-crash.html 304
first-line-green-ref.html CSS Test Reference 108
first-line-inherited-no-transition-ref.html CSS Test Reference 139
first-line-inherited-no-transition.html CSS Pseudo-Element Test: ::first-line style should not trigger transitions on elements 493
first-line-inherited-transition-crash.html CSS Pseudo-Element Test: Color transition from inherited ::first-line style should not crash 295
first-line-inherited-with-transition-ref.html CSS Test Reference 218
first-line-inherited-with-transition.html CSS Pseudo-Element Test: ::first-line style should not trigger transitions on elements 587
first-line-input-image-crash.html Don't crash when using ::first-line and <input type=image> 271
first-line-line-height-001-ref.html CSS-Pseudo reference 524
first-line-line-height-001.html CSS-Pseudo testcase: first-line 857
first-line-line-height-002-ref.html CSS-Pseudo reference 501
first-line-line-height-002.html CSS-Pseudo testcase: first-line 839
first-line-nested-gcs.html CSS Pseudo Test: Query ::first-line computed style before outer block ::first-line matches 504
first-line-on-ancestor-block-ref.html 157
first-line-on-ancestor-block.html 424
first-line-opacity-001-not-ref.html Reference mismatch: ::first-line supports opacity. 254
first-line-opacity-001-ref.html Reference: ::first-line supports opacity. 373
first-line-opacity-001.html CSS Test: ::first-line supports opacity. 450
first-line-replaced-001-ref.html 141
first-line-replaced-001.html 394
first-line-with-before-after-ref.html 432
first-line-with-before-after.html ::before and ::after styles should apply inside ::first-line 705
first-line-with-inline-block-before-ref.html 106
first-line-with-inline-block-before.html inline block ::before styles should apply inside ::first-line 425
first-line-with-inline-block.html 389
first-line-with-out-of-flow-and-nested-div.html CSS Test: ::first-line with out of flow and nested div 741
first-line-with-out-of-flow-and-nested-span.html CSS Test: ::first-line with out of flow and nested span 746
first-line-with-out-of-flow-ref.html 157
first-line-with-out-of-flow.html CSS Test: ::first-line with out of flow 650
get-computed-style-crash.html 143
grammar-error-001-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 704
grammar-error-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlighting of grammar error (basic) 967
grammar-error-002-manual.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlighting of grammar error 904
grammar-error-003-manual.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlighting of grammar error 922
grammar-spelling-errors-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::spelling-error overlay drawn over the ::grammar-error overlay 1706
grammar-spelling-errors-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::spelling-error overlay drawn over the ::grammar-error overlay 1714
highlight-custom-properties-dynamic-001-ref.html CSS Pseudo Test: Dynamic Custom Properties for Highlights 409
highlight-custom-properties-dynamic-001.html CSS Pseudo Test: Dynamic Custom Properties for Highlights 963
highlight-painting-001-ref.html 669
highlight-painting-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting 1207
highlight-painting-002-ref.html 756
highlight-painting-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting 1324
highlight-painting-003-ref.html 1093
highlight-painting-003.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting 2185
highlight-painting-004-ref1.html 1091
highlight-painting-004-ref2.html 1661
highlight-painting-004-ref3.html 1638
highlight-painting-004.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting 2186
highlight-painting-005-crash.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting with display:contents 665
highlight-painting-currentcolor-001-ref.html 571
highlight-painting-currentcolor-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ of overlapping highlights 1180
highlight-painting-currentcolor-001a-ref.html 571
highlight-painting-currentcolor-001a.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ of overlapping highlights 1306
highlight-painting-currentcolor-002-ref.html 578
highlight-painting-currentcolor-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ and ‘background-color’ of overlapping highlights 1241
highlight-painting-currentcolor-002a-ref.html 578
highlight-painting-currentcolor-002a.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ and ‘background-color’ of overlapping highlights 1367
highlight-painting-currentcolor-002b-ref.html 571
highlight-painting-currentcolor-002b.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘background-color’ (but not ‘color’) of overlapping highlights 1275
highlight-painting-currentcolor-003-ref.html 622
highlight-painting-currentcolor-003.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ and ‘text-decoration-color’ of overlapping highlights 1295
highlight-painting-currentcolor-003a-ref.html 622
highlight-painting-currentcolor-003a.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ and ‘text-decoration-color’ of overlapping highlights 1421
highlight-painting-currentcolor-003b-ref.html 615
highlight-painting-currentcolor-003b.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘text-decoration-color’ (but not ‘color’) of overlapping highlights 1329
highlight-painting-currentcolor-004-ref.html 619
highlight-painting-currentcolor-004.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ and ‘text-shadow’ of overlapping highlights 1272
highlight-painting-currentcolor-004a-ref.html 619
highlight-painting-currentcolor-004a.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘color’ and ‘text-shadow’ of overlapping highlights 1398
highlight-painting-currentcolor-004b-ref.html 612
highlight-painting-currentcolor-004b.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ‘currentColor’ in ‘text-shadow’ (but not ‘color’) of overlapping highlights 1306
highlight-painting-currentcolor-005-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reference 446
highlight-painting-currentcolor-005.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Custom Highlights currentcolor on visited 1219
highlight-painting-shadows-horizontal-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on highlights horizontal text - reference 2256
highlight-painting-shadows-horizontal.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on highlights horizontal text 1377
highlight-painting-shadows-vertical-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on highlights vertical text - reference 2235
highlight-painting-shadows-vertical.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on highlights vertical text 1473
highlight-painting-soft-hyphens-001-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting: soft hyphens 674
highlight-painting-soft-hyphens-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting: soft hyphens 1437
highlight-painting-soft-hyphens-002-crash.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight painting: soft hyphens near atomic inlines 575
highlight-styling-001-ref.html 545
highlight-styling-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight styling: custom properties are not applicable properties in highlight pseudos 1002
highlight-styling-002-ref.html 545
highlight-styling-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight styling: originating custom property values are used for highlight pseudos 993
highlight-styling-003-ref.html 505
highlight-styling-003.tentative.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight styling: compat stroke/fill properties 1075
highlight-z-index-001-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 539
highlight-z-index-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight pseudo-element drawn below positioned element 1558
highlight-z-index-002-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 494
highlight-z-index-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlight pseudo-element drawn below positioned element 1511
idlharness.html CSS Pseudo Element API IDL tests 739
input-element-pseudo-open.optional.html 1872
marker-and-other-pseudo-elements-ref.html CSS Test: ::marker interaction with ::before, ::after, and ::first-letter pseudo elements reference file 500
marker-and-other-pseudo-elements.html CSS Test: ::marker interaction with ::before, ::after, and ::first-letter pseudo elements 850
marker-animate-002-ref.html 112
marker-animate-002.html CSS Test: A Web Animations only apply to restricted properties on ::marker pseudo-elements 470
marker-animate.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reverted styles for ::marker 1893
marker-color-ref.html CSS Test: ::marker formatting with color property reference file 403
marker-color.html CSS Test: ::marker formatting with color property 622
marker-computed-content.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Computed size of ::marker 1926
marker-computed-size.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Computed size of ::marker 2799
marker-content-001-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 338
marker-content-001.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 604
marker-content-001b.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 622
marker-content-001c.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 647
marker-content-002-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 428
marker-content-002.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 525
marker-content-003-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property and display:grid 444
marker-content-003.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property and display:grid 591
marker-content-003b.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property and display:inline-grid 605
marker-content-004-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property and display:flex 544
marker-content-004.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property and display:flex 644
marker-content-005-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 413
marker-content-005.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 587
marker-content-006-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 466
marker-content-006.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 599
marker-content-007-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property and display:inline-grid 574
marker-content-007.tentative.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property and display:inline-grid 683
marker-content-008-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 707
marker-content-008.tentative.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 851
marker-content-009-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1267
marker-content-009.tentative.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1134
marker-content-010-ref-001.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 839
marker-content-010-ref-002.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 824
marker-content-010.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1088
marker-content-011-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1267
marker-content-011.tentative.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1192
marker-content-012-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 2201
marker-content-012.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 2347
marker-content-013-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 851
marker-content-013.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1542
marker-content-014-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1159
marker-content-014.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1593
marker-content-015-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 647
marker-content-015.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 931
marker-content-016-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 429
marker-content-016.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 777
marker-content-017-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 455
marker-content-017.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 759
marker-content-018-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1277
marker-content-018.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1592
marker-content-019-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 467
marker-content-019.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1138
marker-content-020-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1329
marker-content-020.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1999
marker-content-021-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 680
marker-content-021.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 2016
marker-content-022-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 607
marker-content-022.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1657
marker-content-023-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 805
marker-content-023.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1274
marker-content-024-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 446
marker-content-024.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'content' property 1278
marker-default-styles.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Default styles for ::marker 1805
marker-display-computed.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Supported properties in ::marker 1955
marker-display-dynamic-001.html CSS Test: ::marker is created dynamically properly 821
marker-font-properties-ref.html CSS Test: ::marker formatting with font properties reference file 519
marker-font-properties.html CSS Test: ::marker formatting with font properties 825
marker-font-variant-numeric-default-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 1391
marker-font-variant-numeric-default.html ::marker has 'font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums' by default 2903
marker-font-variant-numeric-normal-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 2618
marker-font-variant-numeric-normal.html ::marker accepts 'font-variant-numeric: normal' 3212
marker-hit-testing.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Hit testing ::marker 3151
marker-hyphens-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 423
marker-hyphens.html ::marker supports 'hyphens' 1254
marker-inherit-line-height-ref.html Reference: Check that :marker inherits line-height 386
marker-inherit-line-height.html Check that :marker inherits line-height 845
marker-inherit-values-ref.html CSS Test: ::marker inherits values from originating element reference file 478
marker-inherit-values.html CSS Test: ::marker inherits values from originating element 899
marker-intrinsic-contribution-001.html CSS Test: intrinsic contribution of ::marker 2039
marker-intrinsic-contribution-002-ref.html CSS Reference: intrinsic contribution of ::marker 715
marker-intrinsic-contribution-002.html CSS Test: intrinsic contribution of ::marker 1513
marker-letter-spacing-ref-001.html CSS Reftest Reference 1354
marker-letter-spacing-ref-002.html CSS Reftest Reference 1357
marker-letter-spacing.html ::marker supports 'letter-spacing' 2181
marker-line-break-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 427
marker-line-break.html ::marker supports 'line-break' 1700
marker-line-height-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 694
marker-line-height.html ::marker supports 'line-height' 1905
marker-list-style-position-ref-001.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'list-style-position' property 898
marker-list-style-position-ref-002.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'list-style-position' property 919
marker-list-style-position.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'list-style-position' property 1771
marker-overflow-wrap.html ::marker supports 'overflow-wrap' 1739
marker-reverted-styles.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reverted styles for ::marker 1873
marker-tab-size-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 961
marker-tab-size.html ::marker supports 'tab-size' 1468
marker-text-align-001-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'text-align' property 1240
marker-text-align-001.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'text-align' property 1557
marker-text-align-002-ref.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'text-align' property 899
marker-text-align-002.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'text-align' property 1016
marker-text-align-003-ref.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'text-align' property 925
marker-text-align-003.html CSS Test: ::marker pseudo elements styled with 'text-align' property 1042
marker-text-combine-upright-ref.html CSS Reference: ::marker supports 'text-combine-upright' 708
marker-text-combine-upright.html CSS Test: ::marker supports 'text-combine-upright' 1426
marker-text-decoration-skip-ink-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 837
marker-text-decoration-skip-ink.html ::marker supports 'text-decoration-skip-ink' 1749
marker-text-emphasis-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 997
marker-text-emphasis.html ::marker supports 'text-emphasis' 1811
marker-text-shadow-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 438
marker-text-shadow.html ::marker supports 'text-shadow' 1110
marker-text-transform-default-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 879
marker-text-transform-default.html ::marker has 'text-transform: none' by default 1186
marker-text-transform-dynamic-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 549
marker-text-transform-dynamic.html ::marker with dynamic 'text-transform' 1076
marker-text-transform-uppercase-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 879
marker-text-transform-uppercase.html ::marker accepts 'text-transform: uppercase' 1223
marker-unicode-bidi-default-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 3690
marker-unicode-bidi-default.html ::marker has 'unicode-bidi: isolate' by default 2245
marker-unicode-bidi-normal-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 3690
marker-unicode-bidi-normal.html ::marker accepts 'unicode-bidi: normal' 2282
marker-variable-computed-style.html ::marker with variables 1555
marker-variable-ref.html ::marker with variables 701
marker-variable.html ::marker with variables 739
marker-word-break-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 419
marker-word-break.html ::marker supports 'word-break' 1715
marker-word-spacing-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 1369
marker-word-spacing.html ::marker supports 'word-spacing' 1902
META.yml 87
outside-marker-paint-order-ref.html CSS Pseduo: painting order of outside ::marker box 711
outside-marker-paint-order.html CSS Pseduo: painting order of outside ::marker box 1007
placeholder-as-multicol-crash.html 285
placeholder-excluded-properties.html ::placeholder should not support 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation' 671
placeholder-inherit.html CSS Pseudo Test: ::placeholder inherits from its originating element 803
placeholder-input-dynamic-crash.html Dynamic placeholder attribute changes after addition shouldn't crash 355
placeholder-input-number-notref.html CSS Test Reference 248
placeholder-input-number.html CSS Test: ::placeholder applies to input type="number" 434
pseudo-replaced-elements.html Replaced elements don't generate before / after CSS pseudo-elements 3025 ## Highlight pseudos 3166
selection-background-color-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::selection background color 876
selection-background-painting-order-ref1.html 1049
selection-background-painting-order-ref2.html 1234
selection-background-painting-order.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::selection background always paints over unselected parts when selecting text 1943
selection-contenteditable-011.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and contenteditable element 1320
selection-input-011.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and input type="text" element 1117
selection-intercharacter-011.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and inter-character spacing 1987
selection-intercharacter-012.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and inter-character spacing 1704
selection-link-001-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reference file 585
selection-link-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::selection on visited and unvisited links 924
selection-link-002-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reference file 584
selection-link-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::selection on visited and unvisited links 922
selection-link-003-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reference file 538
selection-link-003.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::selection on visited and unvisited links 951
selection-originating-decoration-color-ref.html 727
selection-originating-decoration-color.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: originating decorations on unselected parts remain in originating text-decoration-color when selecting text 1718
selection-originating-strikethrough-order-ref.html 514
selection-originating-strikethrough-order.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: originating line-through decorations paint over ::selection backgrounds on selected text 1834
selection-originating-underline-order-ref.html 1405
selection-originating-underline-order.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: originating underlines remain under unselected parts when selecting text 1770
selection-over-highlight-001-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: selected highlight highlight painting - reference 395
selection-over-highlight-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: selected highlight highlight painting 823
selection-overlay-and-grammar-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::selection overlay drawn over the ::grammar-error overlay 2169
selection-overlay-and-spelling-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::selection overlay drawn over the ::spelling-error overlay 2116
selection-paint-image-notref.html CSS Test Reference 188
selection-paint-image.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Replaced content shown through selection 714
selection-textarea-011.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: active selection and textarea element 1088
selection-universal-shadow-dom.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Universal ::selection in Shadow DOM 943
spelling-error-001-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 694
spelling-error-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlighting of spelling error (basic) 960
spelling-error-002-manual.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlighting of spelling error 897
spelling-error-003-manual.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: highlighting of spelling error 915
spelling-error-004-crash.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: spelling error with unusual root element 843
spelling-error-005-crash.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: spelling error with unusual root element 770
spelling-error-006-notref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: spelling error with originating decorations 445
spelling-error-006.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: spelling error with originating decorations 827
svg-text-selection-002.html CSS Pseudo Test: active selection of text within a svg object styled with 'color' 1740
target-text-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - basic 627
target-text-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - match across elements 655
target-text-003.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - two matches 602
target-text-004.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - with selection 822
target-text-005.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - with transparent selection 841
target-text-006.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - text rendered once 560
target-text-007.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text text color with transparent originating color 829
target-text-008-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reference 433
target-text-008.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text visited links 728
target-text-009.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - overlap targets 686
target-text-010.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text color rendering - overlap targets with hidden: until-found 908
target-text-dynamic-001-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reference 355
target-text-dynamic-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Dynamic change ::target-text background color 1042
target-text-dynamic-002.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Dynamic change ::target-text background color 980
target-text-dynamic-003.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Dynamic change ::target-text background color 1057
target-text-dynamic-004.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Dynamic change ::target-text background color 1054
target-text-five-words-ref.html CSS Test Reference 198
target-text-lime-green-ref.html 258
target-text-lime-ref.html 302
target-text-shadow-horizontal-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on horizontal target text - reference 558
target-text-shadow-horizontal.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on horizontal target text 872
target-text-shadow-vertical-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on vertical target text - reference 591
target-text-shadow-vertical.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Shadows on vertical target text 861
target-text-text-decoration-001-ref.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Reference ::target-text text-decoration-color 339
target-text-text-decoration-001.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: ::target-text text-decoration 680
target-text-two-words-ref.html CSS Test Reference 189
text-selection.html CSS Pseudo-Elements Test: Text selection 3140
textpath-selection-011-ref.html CSS Reftest Reference 1370
textpath-selection-011.html CSS Test: active selection of text following a path (complex) 2545