Name Description Size
border-padding-001.html Border/padding on the trim-establishing container itself isn't considered to be "intervening" 761
border-padding-002.html Border/padding on the trim-establishing container itself isn't considered to be "intervening" 816
border-padding-003.html Border/padding on the trim-establishing container itself isn't considered to be "intervening" 942
border-padding-004.html Border/padding on the trim-establishing container itself isn't considered to be "intervening" 940
new-fc-001.html text-box-trim with block formatting context root children 1108
not-at-page-edges-001-print-ref.html 409
not-at-page-edges-001-print.html 879
not-at-page-edges-002-print-ref.html 417
not-at-page-edges-002-print.html 880
not-at-page-edges-003-print-ref.html 413
not-at-page-edges-003-print.html 878
out-of-flow-001.html 649
out-of-flow-002.html 837
text-box-on-non-root-inline-box.html text-box on non-root inline box does not affect layout bounds only the box's size. 1098
text-box-trim-accumulation-001-ref.html 422
text-box-trim-accumulation-001.html Test choosing the correct text-box-edge value for requested trim metric 1117
text-box-trim-accumulation-002-ref.html 291
text-box-trim-accumulation-002.html Test trimming both sides of the inline content 865
text-box-trim-accumulation-003-ref.html 291
text-box-trim-accumulation-003.html Test trimming both sides of the inline content 865
text-box-trim-accumulation-004-ref.html 422
text-box-trim-accumulation-004.html Test trimming both sides of the inline content 1049
text-box-trim-atomic-inline-001-ref.html 469
text-box-trim-atomic-inline-001.html Test the `text-box-trim` isn't propagated into atomic inlines 702
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-end-001-ref.html 307
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-end-001.html text-box-trim: trim-end is propagated to the last formatted line, even if it's after a block-in-inline 712
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-end-002.html text-box-trim: trim-end is propagated to the last formatted line, even if it's within a block-in-inline 714
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-end-003.html text-box-trim: trim-end is propagated to the last formatted line only, even if it's within a block-in-inline 781
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-end-004.html text-box-trim: trim-end is propagated to the last formatted line, even if it's within a block-in-inline inside another block 832
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-start-001-ref.html 387
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-start-001.html text-box-trim: trim-start is propagated to the last formatted line, even if it's within a block-in-inline 738
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-start-002.html text-box-trim: trim-end is propagated to the last formatted line, even if it's followed by a block-in-inline 741
text-box-trim-block-in-inline-start-003.html text-box-trim: trim-end is propagated to the last formatted line only, even if it's within a block-in-inline 777
text-box-trim-dynamic-001-ref.html 291
text-box-trim-dynamic-001.html Dynamically adding text-box-trim 806
text-box-trim-dynamic-002.html Dynamically adding text-box-edge 806
text-box-trim-end-001-ref.html 900
text-box-trim-end-001.html Test text-box-trim: trim-end on various writing modes 1412
text-box-trim-end-empty-line-001-ref.html 398
text-box-trim-end-empty-line-001.html text-box-trim skips "invisible line boxes" 780
text-box-trim-float-clear-br-001-ref.html 404
text-box-trim-float-clear-br-001.html text-box-trim does not interfere with positive clearance 745
text-box-trim-float-clear-br-002-ref.html 370
text-box-trim-float-clear-br-002.html text-box-trim does not interfere with zero clearance 727
text-box-trim-float-clear-br-003-ref.html 427
text-box-trim-float-clear-br-003.html text-box-trim does not interfere with clearance less than trim amount 780
text-box-trim-float-start-001-ref.html 299
text-box-trim-float-start-001.html Tests BFC resolves at the box trimmed by `text-box-trim`. 645
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-001-ref.html Untrimmed 3-line Reference 309
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-001.html text-box-trim propagation is blocked by empty block boxes 650
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-002-ref.html 240
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-002.html text-box-trim trims the block-start (not over) side of a line box 595
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-003-ref.html Trimmed 3-line Reference 315
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-003.html text-box-trim should only be applied on the first/last formatted line 1229
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-004-ref.html Untrimmed 3-line reference with margin and padding 372
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-004.html text-box-trim does not propagate through padding 657
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-005.html text-box-trim does not propagate through borders 668
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-006-ref.html Trimmed 3-line Reference 307
text-box-trim-half-leading-block-box-006.html text-box-trim does propagate through margins 653
text-box-trim-height-001-ref.html 666
text-box-trim-height-001.html text-box-trim does not interfere with height and vice versa (start edge) 1061
text-box-trim-height-002-ref.html 786
text-box-trim-height-002.html text-box-trim does not interfere with height and vice versa (end edge) 1246
text-box-trim-initial-letter-end-001-ref.html 371
text-box-trim-initial-letter-end-001.html text-box-trim: trim-end works even in the presence of initial-letter 712
text-box-trim-initial-letter-start-001-ref.html 974
text-box-trim-initial-letter-start-001.html text-box-trim: trim-start works even in the presence of initial-letter 660
text-box-trim-line-clamp-001-ref.html 507
text-box-trim-line-clamp-001.html text-box-trim applies to the last line before line-clamp 906
text-box-trim-line-clamp-002.html text-box-trim applies to the last line before line-clamp, even if it's in a nested block 960
text-box-trim-line-clamp-auto-001-ref.html 333
text-box-trim-line-clamp-auto-001.html text-box-trim applies to the last line before clamp when clamping by a height 747
text-box-trim-line-clamp-auto-002-ref.html 378
text-box-trim-line-clamp-auto-002.html text-box-trim applies to the last line before clamp when clamping by a height 990
text-box-trim-line-clamp-auto-block-in-inline-001.html text-box-trim when used together with line-clamp: auto shouldn't crash with block-in-inlines 955
text-box-trim-line-clamp-auto-block-in-inline-002.html text-box-trim when used together with line-clamp: auto shouldn't crash with block-in-inlines 919
text-box-trim-multicol-001-ref.html 523
text-box-trim-multicol-001.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is multi-column 902
text-box-trim-multicol-002-ref.html 520
text-box-trim-multicol-002.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is block fragmented 1097
text-box-trim-multicol-003-ref.html 487
text-box-trim-multicol-003.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is block fragmented 1128
text-box-trim-multicol-004-ref.html 577
text-box-trim-multicol-004.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is block fragmented 1122
text-box-trim-multicol-005-ref.html 477
text-box-trim-multicol-005.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is block fragmented 1112
text-box-trim-multicol-006-ref.html 604
text-box-trim-multicol-006.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is block fragmented 1149
text-box-trim-multicol-007-ref.html 576
text-box-trim-multicol-007.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is block fragmented 1139
text-box-trim-multicol-008-ref.html 455
text-box-trim-multicol-008.html Test when a box with `text-box-trim` is block fragmented 940
text-box-trim-multicol-009-ref.html 654
text-box-trim-multicol-009.html Test text-box-trim with widows 784
text-box-trim-multicol-010-ref.html 654
text-box-trim-multicol-010.html Test text-box-trim with widows 784
text-box-trim-multicol-011-ref.html 745
text-box-trim-multicol-011.html Test text-box-trim with orphans 828
text-box-trim-multicol-012-ref.html 662
text-box-trim-multicol-012.html Test text-box-trim with orphans 828
text-box-trim-multicol-013.html Test text-box-trim on multicol with column spanner 1452
text-box-trim-not-ignore-nested-text-box-edge-ref.html 273
text-box-trim-not-ignore-nested-text-box-edge.html No need to consult the block container requesting the trim for text-box-edge 941
text-box-trim-om-001.html 1843
text-box-trim-on-button-ref.html 312
text-box-trim-on-button.html Test that text-box-trim works on button 743
text-box-trim-pseudo-before-after-001-ref.html text-box-trim: trim-start is propagated to the last formatted line, even if it's within a block-in-inline 678
text-box-trim-pseudo-before-after-001.html text-box-trim also trims the ":before" and ":after" pseudo elements 729
text-box-trim-pseudo-before-after-002-ref.html text-box-trim: trim-start is propagated to the last formatted line, even if it's within a block-in-inline 660
text-box-trim-pseudo-before-after-002.html text-box-trim also trims the ":before" and ":after" pseudo elements 729
text-box-trim-ruby-end-001.html text-box-trim ignores ruby annotations under 898
text-box-trim-ruby-start-001-ref.html 315
text-box-trim-ruby-start-001.html text-box-trim ignores ruby annotations over 875
text-box-trim-ruby-start-002.html text-box-trim ignores ruby annotations combined with emphasis marks 878
text-box-trim-start-001-ref.html 819
text-box-trim-start-001.html Test text-box-trim: trim-end on various writing modes 1437
text-box-trim-tall-line-001-ref.html 400
text-box-trim-tall-line-001.html text-box-trim references the block container metrics, not inline descendants 672
text-box-trim-text-emphasis-001-ref.html 306
text-box-trim-text-emphasis-001.html text-box-trim ignores emphasis marks 737