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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>mongolian, 10+</title>
<link rel='author' title='Richard Ishida' href=''>
<link rel='match' href='css3-counter-styles-138-ref.html'>
<meta name="assert" content="list-style-type: mongolian produces numbers after 9 per the spec.">
<meta name=fuzzy content="maxDifference=0-255;totalPixels=0-240">
<style type='text/css'>
ol li { list-style-type: mongolian; }
/* the following CSS is not part of the test */
.test { font-size: 25px; }
ol { margin: 0; padding-left: 8em; list-style-position: inside; }
<p class="instructions">Test passes if the two columns are the same, IGNORING the suffix.</p>
<div class="test">
<ol start="10"><li title="10">᠑᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="11"><li title="11">᠑᠑</li></ol>
<ol start="12"><li title="12">᠑᠒</li></ol>
<ol start="43"><li title="43">᠔᠓</li></ol>
<ol start="77"><li title="77">᠗᠗</li></ol>
<ol start="80"><li title="80">᠘᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="99"><li title="99">᠙᠙</li></ol>
<ol start="100"><li title="100">᠑᠐᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="101"><li title="101">᠑᠐᠑</li></ol>
<ol start="222"><li title="222">᠒᠒᠒</li></ol>
<ol start="540"><li title="540">᠕᠔᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="999"><li title="999">᠙᠙᠙</li></ol>
<ol start="1000"><li title="1000">᠑᠐᠐᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="1005"><li title="1005">᠑᠐᠐᠕</li></ol>
<ol start="1060"><li title="1060">᠑᠐᠖᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="1065"><li title="1065">᠑᠐᠖᠕</li></ol>
<ol start="1800"><li title="1800">᠑᠘᠐᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="1860"><li title="1860">᠑᠘᠖᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="1865"><li title="1865">᠑᠘᠖᠕</li></ol>
<ol start="5865"><li title="5865">᠕᠘᠖᠕</li></ol>
<ol start="7005"><li title="7005">᠗᠐᠐᠕</li></ol>
<ol start="7800"><li title="7800">᠗᠘᠐᠐</li></ol>
<ol start="7864"><li title="7864">᠗᠘᠖᠔</li></ol>
<ol start="9999"><li title="9999">᠙᠙᠙᠙</li></ol>
You will need an appropriate font to run this test.
The test relies on the start attribute working.
To see the ASCII decimal number associated with a row, mouse over it and the number will pop up in a tooltip.