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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 1 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /css/css-conditional/container-queries/at-container-serialization.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!doctype html>
<title>CSS Container Queries: @container serialization</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="support/cq-testcommon.js"></script>
<style id="testSheet">
@container (width=100px) {
@container \!-name (inline-size > 200px ) {
#id { color: lime }
#id { color: green }
<main id="cq-main"></main>
setup(() => assert_implements_size_container_queries());
const rules = testSheet.sheet.cssRules;
test(() => {
assert_equals(rules.length, 1);
assert_equals(rules[0].cssRules.length, 2);
assert_equals(rules[0].conditionText, "(width = 100px)");
assert_equals(rules[0].cssRules[0].conditionText, "\\!-name (inline-size > 200px)");
}, "Serialization of conditionText");
test(() => {
assert_equals(rules[0].cssRules[0].cssText, "@container \\!-name (inline-size > 200px) {\n #id { color: lime; }\n}");
}, "Serialization of inner @container rule");
test(() => {
assert_equals(rules[0].cssText, "@container (width = 100px) {\n @container \\!-name (inline-size > 200px) {\n #id { color: lime; }\n}\n #id { color: green; }\n}");
}, "Serialization of nested @container rule");
const testCases = [
["( wiDTh )", "(width)"],
["(width:100px)", "(width: 100px)"],
["(min-width: 100px)", "(min-width: 100px)"],
["( MAX-WIDTH:100px )", "(max-width: 100px)"],
["(width > 100px)", "(width > 100px)"],
["(width < 100px)", "(width < 100px)"],
["(widTH >= 100px)", "(width >= 100px)"],
["(width <= 100px)", "(width <= 100px)"],
["(10px < width < 100px)", "(10px < width < 100px)"],
["(10px <= width <= 100px)", "(10px <= width <= 100px)"],
["(100px>WIDTH>10px)", "(100px > width > 10px)"],
["( 100px >= width >= 10px )", "(100px >= width >= 10px)"],
["(calc(1em + 1px) >= width >= max(10em, 10px))", "(calc(1em + 1px) >= width >= max(10em, 10px))"],
["(width),(height) ,--foo ,--bar", "(width), (height), --foo, --bar"],
for (testCase of testCases) {
test_cq_condition_serialization(testCase[0], testCase[1]);