Name Description Size
font-001.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-size and font-family 1554
font-002.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-size and font-family 1626
font-003-ref.html CSS Reference 470
font-003.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-size and font-family 1259
font-004.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-size and font-family 1529
font-005.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-variant, font-size and font-family 1807
font-006.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-weight, font-size and font-family 1813
font-007.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-style, font-size and font-family 1804
font-008.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-weight, font-size and font-family 1803
font-009.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-style, font-size and font-family 1813
font-010.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-variant, font-size and font-family 1803
font-011.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size and font-family 1983
font-012.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-weight, font-variant, font-size and font-family 1983
font-013.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-style, font-weight, font-size and font-family 1983
font-014.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-weight, font-style, font-size and font-family 1995
font-015.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-style, font-variant, font-size and font-family 1983
font-016.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-variant, font-style, font-size and font-family 1983
font-017.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-size, line-height and font-family 1694
font-018.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-size, line-height and font-family 1640
font-019.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-size, line-height and font-family 1688
font-020.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family 1666
font-021.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-variant, font-size, line-height and font-family 1799
font-022.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family 1929
font-023.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-style, font-size, line-height and font-family 1937
font-024.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family 1936
font-025.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-style, font-size, line-height and font-family 1789
font-026.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-variant, font-size, line-height and font-family 1936
font-027.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family 2010
font-028.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-style, font-weight, font-variant, font-size, line-height and font-family 2010
font-029.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-style, font-weight, font-size, line-height and font-family 1979
font-030.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-variant, font-weight, font-style, font-size, line-height and font-family 1991
font-031.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-style, font-variant, font-size, line-height and font-family 1979
font-032.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set using the values font-weight, font-variant, font-style, font-size, line-height and font-family 1979
font-033.xht CSS Test: Font set to the keyword 'caption' 1077
font-034.xht CSS Test: Font set to the keyword 'icon' 1068
font-035.xht CSS Test: Font set to the keyword 'menu' 1068
font-036.xht CSS Test: Font set to the keyword 'message-box' 1089
font-037.xht CSS Test: Font set to the keyword 'small-caption' 1095
font-038.xht CSS Test: Font set to the keyword 'status-bar' 1086
font-039.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set to 'inherit' inheriting two values 1618
font-040.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set to 'inherit' inheriting three values 1668
font-041.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set to 'inherit' inheriting four values 1745
font-042.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set to 'inherit' inheriting five values 1970
font-043.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand set to 'inherit' inheriting six values 1939
font-044.xht CSS Test: font - system fonts 1152
font-045.xht CSS Test: font - inherit keyword value 1164
font-046.xht CSS Test: font - system fonts 1148
font-047.xht CSS Test: font - system fonts 1145
font-048.xht CSS Test: font - system fonts 1145
font-049.xht CSS Test: font - system fonts 1154
font-050.xht CSS Test: font - system fonts 1151
font-051-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 552
font-051.xht CSS Test: font shorthand - minimal requirements 1796
font-052.xht CSS Test: font shorthand - reserved keywords 3961
font-144.xht CSS Test: Parsing the 'font' shorthand 2273
font-145.xht CSS Test: The 'font' property with line-height: normal 1561
font-146-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 573
font-146.xht CSS Test: font shorthand and negative line-heights 1062
font-147.xht CSS Test: CSS: unquoted 'font-family' syntax (tested with 'font') 2800
font-148-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 593
font-148.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand using calc() value for font-size 1062
font-applies-to-001-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 571
font-applies-to-001.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: inline' elements 1286
font-applies-to-002.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: block' elements 1335
font-applies-to-003.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: list-item' elements 1387
font-applies-to-005.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: inline-block' elements 1510
font-applies-to-006.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: table' elements 1674
font-applies-to-007.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: inline-table' elements 1695
font-applies-to-008.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: table-row-group' elements 1852
font-applies-to-009.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: table-header-group' elements 1861
font-applies-to-010.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: table-footer-group' elements 1861
font-applies-to-011.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: table-row' elements 1578
font-applies-to-014.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: table-cell' elements 1618
font-applies-to-015.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: table-caption' elements 1721
font-applies-to-016.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: none' elements 1229
font-applies-to-017.xht CSS Test: Font and 'display: inherit' elements 1456
font-family-001.xht CSS Test: Font-family set to an installed font 1070
font-family-002.xht CSS Test: Font-family set to the keyword 'serif' 1243
font-family-003.xht CSS Test: Font-family set to the keyword 'sans-serif' 1263
font-family-004.xht CSS Test: Font-family set to the keyword 'cursive' 1251
font-family-005.xht CSS Test: Font-family set to the keyword 'fantasy' 1251
font-family-006.xht CSS Test: Font-family set to the keyword 'monospace' 1259
font-family-007.xht CSS Test: Font-family set to 'inherit' 1278
font-family-008-ref.html CSS Reference 322
font-family-008.xht CSS Test: font-family - unquoted font-family names with parentheses or curly braces 1495
font-family-009-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 575
font-family-009.xht CSS Test: CSS: font-family inheritance 1243
font-family-011-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 803
font-family-011.xht CSS Test: CSS: font-family and whitespace 1441
font-family-012.xht CSS Test: font-family with box drawing characters 876
font-family-013-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 1099
font-family-013.xht CSS Test: font-family and fallbacks 1697
font-family-014.xht CSS Test: font-family and fallbacks 1654
font-family-015.xht CSS Test: Baselines and Fallback 1061
font-family-016.xht CSS Test: Font test 939
font-family-applies-to-001-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 528
font-family-applies-to-001.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: inline' elements 1349
font-family-applies-to-002.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: block' elements 1345
font-family-applies-to-003.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: list-item' elements 1370
font-family-applies-to-005.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: inline-block' elements 1563
font-family-applies-to-006.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: table' elements 1599
font-family-applies-to-007.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: inline-table' elements 1742
font-family-applies-to-008.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: table-row-group' elements 1861
font-family-applies-to-009.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: table-header-group' elements 1870
font-family-applies-to-010.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: table-footer-group' elements 1870
font-family-applies-to-011.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: table-row' elements 1588
font-family-applies-to-014.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: table-cell' elements 1590
font-family-applies-to-015.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: table-caption' elements 1716
font-family-applies-to-016.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: none' elements 1345
font-family-applies-to-017.xht CSS Test: Font-family and 'display: inherit' elements 1481
font-family-invalid-characters-001-ref.html CSS Reference 501
font-family-invalid-characters-001.xht CSS Test: Invalid characters in font-family values 3629
font-family-invalid-characters-002-ref.html CSS Reference 287
font-family-invalid-characters-002.xht CSS Test: Invalid parenthesis and pair matching 1895
font-family-invalid-characters-003.xht CSS Test: Invalid curly brackets and pair matching 2171
font-family-invalid-characters-004.xht CSS Test: Invalid square brackets and pair matching 1897
font-family-invalid-characters-005-ref.html CSS Reference 304
font-family-invalid-characters-005.xht CSS Test: Invalid quotes and pair matching 1969
font-family-invalid-characters-006-ref.html CSS Reference 270
font-family-invalid-characters-006.xht CSS Test: Invalid single quotes and pair matching 1629
font-family-rule-001-ref.html CSS Reference 353
font-family-rule-001.xht CSS Test: Font-family, fallback mechanism 1121
font-family-rule-002.xht CSS Test: Font-family with white space 1254
font-family-rule-002a-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 914
font-family-rule-002a.xht CSS Test: Unquoted and unescaped font-family name with white spaces 2008
font-family-rule-003.xht CSS Test: Font family name with special character, quoted 1383
font-family-rule-004.xht CSS Test: Font family name same as keyword 'inherit' 1216
font-family-rule-004a.xht CSS Test: font-family - inherit as part of font-family name 4040
font-family-rule-005-ref.html CSS Reference 239
font-family-rule-005.xht CSS Test: Font family unknown character glyph matching 1297
font-family-rule-006.xht CSS Test: Font family generic name cannot be quoted 969
font-family-rule-007.xht CSS Test: Font family name with special characters, escaped 1377
font-family-rule-009.xht CSS Test: Font name with multiple white space characters 1132
font-family-rule-010.xht CSS Test: Font name same as reserved keyword 'initial' 1227
font-family-rule-011.xht CSS Test: Font name same as reserved keyword 'default' 1227
font-family-rule-012.xht CSS Test: Font name same as keyword 'serif' 1209
font-family-rule-013.xht CSS Test: Font name same as keyword 'sans-serif' 1244
font-family-rule-014.xht CSS Test: Font name same as keyword 'cursive' 1219
font-family-rule-015.xht CSS Test: Font name same as keyword 'fantasy' 1219
font-family-rule-016.xht CSS Test: Font name same as keyword 'monospace' 1232
font-family-rule-017.xht CSS Test: Font-family multiple white space characters in font name 1232
font-family-valid-characters-001.xht CSS Test: Valid characters in font-family values 2452
font-family-valid-characters-002.xht CSS Test: Valid numbers in font-family values 2469
font-family-valid-characters-ref.html CSS Reference 541
font-matching-rule-001.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, Match Font-Family 1268
font-matching-rule-006.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, match font-style 1358
font-matching-rule-008.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, small-caps synthesized 1011
font-matching-rule-009.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, font-weight out of range 1301
font-matching-rule-010.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, font-variant never fails if property does not match 1261
font-matching-rule-012.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, font-size and rounding 1339
font-matching-rule-013.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, font-variant font missing small-caps property 1356
font-matching-rule-014.xht CSS Test: Font Matching Algorithm, same fonts 1383
font-size-001.xht CSS Test: Font-size using pixels with a minimum minus one value, -1px 1486
font-size-002.xht CSS Test: Font-size using pixels with a minimum value, 0px 1221
font-size-003.xht CSS Test: Font-size using pixels with a minimum plus one value, 1px 1112
font-size-004.xht CSS Test: Font-size using pixels with a negative zero value, -0px 1235
font-size-005.xht CSS Test: Font-size using pixels with a positive zero value, +0px 1235
font-size-006.xht CSS Test: Font-size using pixels with a nominal value, 96px 1521
font-size-007.xht CSS Test: Font-size using pixels with a positive nominal value, +96px 1541
font-size-012.xht CSS Test: Font-size using points with a minimum minus one value, -1pt 1484
font-size-013.xht CSS Test: Font-size using points with a minimum value, 0pt 1219
font-size-014.xht CSS Test: Font-size using points with a minimum plus one value, 1pt 1112
font-size-015.xht CSS Test: Font-size using points with a negative zero value, -0pt 1233
font-size-016.xht CSS Test: Font-size using points with a positive zero value, +0pt 1233
font-size-017.xht CSS Test: Font-size using points with a nominal value, 72pt 1521
font-size-018.xht CSS Test: Font-size using points with a positive nominal value, +72pt 1541
font-size-023.xht CSS Test: Font-size using picas with a minimum minus one value, -1pc 1482
font-size-024.xht CSS Test: Font-size using picas with a minimum value, 0pc 1217
font-size-025.xht CSS Test: Font-size using picas with a minimum plus one value, 1pc 1105
font-size-026.xht CSS Test: Font-size using picas with a negative zero value, -0pc 1231
font-size-027.xht CSS Test: Font-size using picas with a positive zero value, +0pc 1231
font-size-028.xht CSS Test: Font-size using picas with a nominal value, 6pc 1515
font-size-029.xht CSS Test: Font-size using picas with a positive nominal value, +6pc 1535
font-size-034.xht CSS Test: Font-size using centimeters with a minimum minus one value, -1cm 1494
font-size-035.xht CSS Test: Font-size using centimeters with a minimum value, 0cm 1229
font-size-036.xht CSS Test: Font-size using centimeters with a minimum plus one value, 1cm 1117
font-size-037.xht CSS Test: Font-size using centimeters with a negative zero value, -0cm 1243
font-size-038.xht CSS Test: Font-size using centimeters with a positive zero value, +0cm 1243
font-size-039.xht CSS Test: Font-size using centimeters with a nominal value, 2.54cm 1539
font-size-040.xht CSS Test: Font-size using centimeters with a positive nominal value, +2.54cm 1559
font-size-045.xht CSS Test: Font-size using millimeters with a minimum minus one value, -1mm 1494
font-size-046.xht CSS Test: Font-size using millimeters with a minimum value, 0mm 1229
font-size-047.xht CSS Test: Font-size using millimeters with a minimum plus one value, 1mm 1117
font-size-048.xht CSS Test: Font-size using millimeters with a negative zero value, -0mm 1243
font-size-049.xht CSS Test: Font-size using millimeters with a positive zero value, +0mm 1243
font-size-050.xht CSS Test: Font-size using millimeters with a nominal value, 25.4mm 1567
font-size-051.xht CSS Test: Font-size using millimeters with a positive nominal value, +25.4mm 1587
font-size-056.xht CSS Test: Font-size using inches with a minimum minus one value, -1in 1484
font-size-057.xht CSS Test: Font-size using inches with a minimum value, 0in 1219
font-size-058.xht CSS Test: Font-size using inches with a minimum plus one value, 1in 1107
font-size-059.xht CSS Test: Font-size using inches with a negative zero value, -0in 1233
font-size-060.xht CSS Test: Font-size using inches with a positive zero value, +0in 1233
font-size-061.xht CSS Test: Font-size using inches with a nominal value, 2in 1517
font-size-062.xht CSS Test: Font-size using inches with a positive nominal value, +2in 1537
font-size-067.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'em' units with a minimum minus one value, -1em 1492
font-size-068.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'em' units with a minimum value, 0em 1227
font-size-069.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'em' units with a minimum plus one value, 1em 1115
font-size-070.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'em' units with a negative zero value, -0em 1241
font-size-071.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'em' units with a positive zero value, +0em 1241
font-size-072.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'em' units with a nominal value, 6em 1553
font-size-073.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'em' units with a positive nominal value, +6em 1540
font-size-078.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'ex' units with a minimum minus one value, -1ex 1492
font-size-079.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'ex' units with a minimum value, 0ex 1227
font-size-080.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'ex' units with a minimum plus one value, 1ex 1115
font-size-081.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'ex' units with a negative zero value, -0ex 1241
font-size-082.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'ex' units with a positive zero value, +0ex 1241
font-size-083.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'ex' units with a nominal value, 6ex 1720
font-size-084.xht CSS Test: Font-size using 'ex' units with a positive nominal value, +6ex 1740
font-size-089.xht CSS Test: Font-size using percentages with a minimum minus one value, -1% 1494
font-size-090.xht CSS Test: Font-size using percentages with a minimum value, 0% 1319
font-size-091.xht CSS Test: Font-size using percentages with a minimum plus one value, 1% 1370
font-size-092.xht CSS Test: Font-size using percentages with a negative zero value, -0% 1333
font-size-093.xht CSS Test: Font-size using percentages with a positive zero value, +0% 1333
font-size-094.xht CSS Test: Font-size using percentages with a nominal value, 100% 1556
font-size-095.xht CSS Test: Font-size using percentages with a positive nominal value, +100% 1576
font-size-100.xht CSS Test: Font-size with a negative zero value and no units, -0 1235
font-size-101.xht CSS Test: Font-size with a zero value and no units, 0 1215
font-size-102.xht CSS Test: Font-size with a positive zero value and no units, +0 1235
font-size-103.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'xx-small' 1307
font-size-104.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'x-small' 1304
font-size-105.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'small' 1298
font-size-106.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'medium' 1334
font-size-107.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'large' 1296
font-size-108.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'x-large' 1302
font-size-109.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'xx-large' 1305
font-size-110.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'larger' 1299
font-size-111.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to the keyword 'smaller' 1304
font-size-112.xht CSS Test: Font-size set to 'inherit' 1289
font-size-113.xht CSS Test: font-size - ex unit 1270
font-size-114.xht CSS Test: CSS: sanity tests for relative keyword values of font-size 1608
font-size-115.xht CSS Test: CSS: sanity tests for font inheritance 821
font-size-116.xht CSS Test: font-size in pixels 1389
font-size-117.xht CSS Test: font-sizes in pixels compared to images in pixels 1830
font-size-118.xht CSS Test: CSS: sanity tests for relative keyword values of font-size 1331
font-size-119.xht CSS Test: CSS: sanity tests for relative keyword values of font-size 1560
font-size-120-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 569
font-size-120.xht CSS Test: CSS: font-size inheritance 1230
font-size-121-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 1149
font-size-121.xht CSS Test: CSS: sanity tests for relative keyword values of font-size 1564
font-size-122-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 566
font-size-122.xht CSS Test: Default Font Sizes 1046
font-size-123-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 578
font-size-123.xht CSS Test: CSS Parsing: Negative Font-Size 1265
font-size-124.xht CSS Test: inheritance of computed font-size across fonts 1984
font-size-applies-to-001.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: inline' elements 1308
font-size-applies-to-002.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: block' elements 1329
font-size-applies-to-003.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: list-item' elements 1456
font-size-applies-to-005.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: inline-block' elements 1326
font-size-applies-to-006.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: table' elements 1642
font-size-applies-to-007.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: inline-table' elements 1663
font-size-applies-to-008.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: table-row-group' elements 1809
font-size-applies-to-009.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: table-header-group' elements 1818
font-size-applies-to-010.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: table-footer-group' elements 1818
font-size-applies-to-011.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: table-row' elements 1650
font-size-applies-to-014.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: table-cell' elements 1652
font-size-applies-to-015.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: table-caption' elements 1738
font-size-applies-to-016.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: none' elements 1233
font-size-applies-to-017.xht CSS Test: Font-size and 'display: inherit' elements 1503
font-size-rule-001.xht CSS Test: Font-size, negative values 1407
font-size-rule-002.xht CSS Test: Font-size, relative-size 'larger' 1345
font-size-rule-003.xht CSS Test: Font-size and font sizes available 1371
font-size-rule-004.xht CSS Test: Font-size 'em' unit value referring to parent 1348
font-style-001.xht CSS Test: Font-style set to 'normal' 1183
font-style-002.xht CSS Test: Font-style set to 'italic' 1136
font-style-003.xht CSS Test: Font-style set to 'oblique' 1139
font-style-004.xht CSS Test: Font-style set to 'inherit' 1343
font-style-applies-to-001-ref.html CSS Reference 249
font-style-applies-to-001.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: inline' elements 1074
font-style-applies-to-002.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: block' elements 1107
font-style-applies-to-003.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: list-item' elements 1154
font-style-applies-to-005.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: inline-block' elements 1104
font-style-applies-to-006.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: table' elements 1354
font-style-applies-to-007.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: inline-table' elements 1375
font-style-applies-to-008.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: table-row-group' elements 1521
font-style-applies-to-009.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: table-header-group' elements 1539
font-style-applies-to-010.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: table-footer-group' elements 1530
font-style-applies-to-011.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: table-row' elements 1362
font-style-applies-to-014.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: table-cell' elements 1364
font-style-applies-to-015.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: table-caption' elements 1412
font-style-applies-to-016.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: none' elements 1084
font-style-applies-to-017.xht CSS Test: Font-style and 'display: inherit' elements 1203
font-style-rule-001.xht CSS Test: Font-style with font properties missing 1319
font-systemfont-rule-003.xht CSS Test: System Font, substitute for similar system font when font unknown 1163
font-systemfont-rule-004.xht CSS Test: Font shorthand property reset to default values if not explicitly set 1223
font-variant-001-ref.html CSS Reference 252
font-variant-001.xht CSS Test: Font-variant set to 'normal' 1109
font-variant-002.xht CSS Test: Font-variant set to 'small-caps' 1035
font-variant-003.xht CSS Test: Font-variant set to 'inherit' 1222
font-variant-004.xht CSS Test: font-variant and color 1112
font-variant-applies-to-001.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: inline' elements 1186
font-variant-applies-to-002.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: block' elements 1235
font-variant-applies-to-003.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: list-item' elements 1260
font-variant-applies-to-005.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: inline-block' elements 1204
font-variant-applies-to-006.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: table' elements 1472
font-variant-applies-to-007.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: inline-table' elements 1493
font-variant-applies-to-008.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: table-row-group' elements 1638
font-variant-applies-to-009.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: table-header-group' elements 1656
font-variant-applies-to-010.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: table-footer-group' elements 1647
font-variant-applies-to-011.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: table-row' elements 1478
font-variant-applies-to-014.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: table-cell' elements 1481
font-variant-applies-to-015.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: table-caption' elements 1645
font-variant-applies-to-016.xht CSS Test: 'font-variant' and 'display: none' elements 1100
font-variant-applies-to-017.xht CSS Test: Font-variant and 'display: inherit' elements 1369
font-weight-001.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the keyword 'normal' 1334
font-weight-002.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the keyword 'bold' 1277
font-weight-003.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the keyword 'bolder' 1295
font-weight-008.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the numerical value, 400 1273
font-weight-010.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the numerical value, 600 1278
font-weight-011.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the numerical value, 700 1278
font-weight-012.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the numerical value, 800 1278
font-weight-013.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the numerical value, 900 1278
font-weight-014.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to the keyword 'inherit' 1473
font-weight-015.xht CSS Test: CSS: font-weight inheritance 1283
font-weight-016.xht CSS Test: CSS: font-weight 500/600 defaulting to normal/bold 1295
font-weight-017.xht CSS Test: CSS: sanity tests for absolute keyword values of font-weight 2186
font-weight-018.xht CSS Test: CSS: sanity tests for relative keyword values of font-weight 3967
font-weight-100-ref.html CSS Reference 303
font-weight-900-ref.html CSS Reference 303
font-weight-applies-to-001.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: inline' elements 1133
font-weight-applies-to-002.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: block' elements 1182
font-weight-applies-to-003.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: list-item' elements 1236
font-weight-applies-to-005.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: inline-block' elements 1175
font-weight-applies-to-006.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: table' elements 1443
font-weight-applies-to-007.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: inline-table' elements 1464
font-weight-applies-to-008.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: table-row-group' elements 1609
font-weight-applies-to-009.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: table-header-group' elements 1642
font-weight-applies-to-010.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: table-footer-group' elements 1618
font-weight-applies-to-011.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: table-row' elements 1449
font-weight-applies-to-014.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: table-cell' elements 1452
font-weight-applies-to-015.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: table-caption' elements 1616
font-weight-applies-to-016.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: none' elements 1074
font-weight-applies-to-017.xht CSS Test: Font-weight and 'display: inherit' elements 1316
font-weight-bold-ref.html CSS Reference 273
font-weight-normal-ref.html CSS Reference 259
font-weight-rule-001.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to 'normal' corresponds to '400' 1078
font-weight-rule-002.xht CSS Test: Font-weight comparison of 100 to 900 1993
font-weight-rule-003.xht CSS Test: Font-weight inherits the computed weight 1193
font-weight-rule-004.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to 'bolder' 1202
font-weight-rule-005.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to 'bolder' increasing the value above '900' 1283
font-weight-rule-006.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to 'lighter' 1187
font-weight-rule-007.xht CSS Test: Font-weight set to 'lighter' decreasing value below '100' 1168
font-weight-rule-008.xht CSS Test: Font-weight compare 'bold' to '700' 1063
fonts-009.xht CSS Test: CSS Tables: Font Inheritance 997
fonts-010-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 620
fonts-010.xht CSS Test: font inheritance into <pre> elements 1170
fonts-011-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 605
fonts-011.xht CSS Test: Fonts and bidi 1108
fonts-012-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 1152
fonts-012.xht CSS Test: Fonts and not bidi 1063
fonts-013-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 1115
fonts-013.xht CSS Test: font and fallbacks 1666
fonts-014.xht CSS Test: font and fallbacks 1623
shand-font-000-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 535
shand-font-000.xht CSS Test: Shorthand Properties (font) 757
shand-font-001.xht CSS Test: Shorthand Properties (font) 769
shand-font-002-ref.xht CSS Reftest Reference 538
shand-font-002.xht CSS Test: Shorthand Properties (font) 758
shand-font-003.xht CSS Test: Shorthand Properties (font) 770