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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /cookies/prefix/document-cookie.non-secure.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/cookies/resources/cookie-helper.sub.js"></script>
function create_test(prefix, params, shouldExistInDOM, shouldExistViaHTTP, title) {
promise_test(t => {
var name = prefix + "prefixtestcookie";
erase_cookie_from_js(name, params);
t.add_cleanup(() => erase_cookie_from_js(name, params));
var value = "" + Math.random();
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";" + params;
assert_dom_cookie(name, value, shouldExistInDOM);
return credFetch("/cookies/resources/")
.then(r => r.json())
.then(cookies => assert_equals(cookies[name], shouldExistViaHTTP ? value : undefined));
}, title);
// No prefix
create_test("", "path=/", true, true, "No prefix, root path, no special behavior");
create_test("", "path=/;domain=" + document.location.hostname, true, true, "No prefix, domain, no special behavior");
// `__Secure-` Prefix
["", "domain="+document.location.hostname, "MaxAge=10", "HttpOnly"].forEach(params => {
create_test("__Secure-", "Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__Secure: Non-secure origin: 'Path=/;" + params + "'");
create_test("__SeCuRe-", "Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__SeCuRe: Non-secure origin: 'Path=/;" + params + "'");
create_test("__Secure-", "Secure; Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__Secure: Non-secure origin: 'Secure; Path=/;" + params + "'");
create_test("__SeCuRe-", "Secure; Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__SeCuRe: Non-secure origin: 'Secure; Path=/;" + params + "'");
// `__Host-` Prefix
["", "domain="+document.location.hostname, "MaxAge=10", "HttpOnly"].forEach(params => {
create_test("__Host-", "Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__Host: Non-secure origin: 'Path=/; " + params + "'");
create_test("__HoSt-", "Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__HoSt: Non-secure origin: 'Path=/; " + params + "'");
create_test("__Host-", "Secure; Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__Host: Non-secure origin: 'Secure; Path=/; " + params + "'");
create_test("__HoSt-", "Secure; Path=/;" + params, false, false, "__HoSt: Non-secure origin: 'Secure; Path=/; " + params + "'");
create_test("__Secure-", "Path=/cookies/resources/;Secure", false, false, "__Host: Non-secure origin: 'Path=/cookies/resources/;Secure'");