Name Description Size
acronym-novalid.html the "acronym" element is obsolete 154
applet-novalid.html the "applet" element is obsolete 151
basefont-novalid.html the "basefont" element is obsolete 143
big-novalid.html the "big" element is obsolete 142
center-novalid.html the "center" element is obsolete 151
dir-novalid.html the "dir" element is obsolete 139
font-novalid.html the "font" element is obsolete 145
frameset-novalid.html the "frameset" element is obsolete 177
noframes-novalid.html the "noframes" element is obsolete 157
profile-novalid.html the profile attribute on the head element is obsolete 386
strike-novalid.html the "strike" element is obsolete 151
tt-novalid.html the "tt" element is obsolete 139