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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
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<h1>Source SVG: animate-elem-44-t-manual.svg</h1>
<svg version="1.1" baseProfile="tiny" id="svg-root"
width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 480 360"
<!--= SVG 1.1 2nd Edition Test Case =-->
<!--= Copyright 2009 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for =-->
<!--= Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), Keio University). =-->
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<title id="test-title">$RCSfile: animate-elem-44-t.svg,v $</title>
<font-face font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII" unicode-range="U+0-7F">
<font-face-uri xlink:href="../resources/SVGFreeSans.svg#ascii"/>
<g id="test-body-content" font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="18">
<g transform="translate(40,0) scale(0.8)">
<path id="Number1" d="M 26.5,32.5 L 33.5,32.5 40.5,29.5 47.5,23.5 61.5,17.5 73.5,16.5 74.5,33.5 73.5,50.5 73.5,64.5 72.5,77.5 72.5,90.5 72.5,105.5 71.5,126.5 89.5,128.5 90.5,138.5 89.5,151.5 72.5,151.5 54.5,152.5 38.5,152.5 27.5,152.5 28.5,139.5 30.5,127.5 44.5,125.5 46.5,112.5 47.5,99.5 46.5,87.5 48.5,73.5 48.5,53.5 34.5,52.5 22.5,52.5 22.5,51.5 22.5,41.5 22.5,33.5 Z" fill="#ccc" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"/>
<path id="Number2" d="M 108.5,38.5 L 123.5,26.5 148.5,16.5 172.5,17.5 188.5,19.5 202.5,23.5 206.5,26.5 210.5,37.5 213.5,44.5 215.5,57.5 209.5,68.5 203.5,81.5 187.5,98.5 164.5,120.5 206.5,121.5 224.5,121.5 220.5,149.5 194.5,147.5 181.5,147.5 167.5,146.5 150.5,147.5 133.5,149.5 117.5,148.5 117.5,136.5 118.5,124.5 133.5,115.5 151.5,97.5 170.5,78.5 186.5,59.5 179.5,43.5 159.5,35.5 139.5,40.5 125.5,49.5 Z" fill="#ccc" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"/>
<path id="Number3" d="M 248.5,38.5 L 276.5,22.5 298.5,19.5 316.5,26.5 332.5,40.5 331.5,57.5 322.5,70.5 307.5,76.5 314.5,80.5 324.5,86.5 333.5,99.5 333.5,121.5 327.5,130.5 312.5,143.5 292.5,149.5 270.5,148.5 248.5,142.5 252.5,114.5 267.5,119.5 282.5,119.5 297.5,115.5 304.5,109.5 295.5,99.5 284.5,92.5 277.5,84.5 270.5,74.5 281.5,66.5 293.5,60.5 297.5,50.5 292.5,45.5 281.5,45.5 274.5,49.5 266.5,53.5 Z" fill="#ccc" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"/>
<path id="Number4" d="M 427.5,17.5 L 439.5,15.5 449.5,15.5 449.5,29.5 447.5,44.5 447.5,59.5 465.5,60.5 466.5,74.5 465.5,89.5 450.5,87.5 449.5,102.5 449.5,123.5 449.5,140.5 449.5,153.5 420.5,154.5 421.5,137.5 420.5,123.5 420.5,111.5 419.5,99.5 392.5,97.5 367.5,99.5 366.5,79.5 367.5,69.5 376.5,43.5 381.5,27.5 384.5,17.5 412.5,16.5 406.5,36.5 400.5,49.5 394.5,70.5 419.5,71.5 423.5,49.5 424.5,33.5 Z" fill="#ccc" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-width="1"/>
<!-- Gray silhouettes indicating the positions of the marker circle -->
<circle r="30" cx="50" cy="200" fill="#ccc"/>
<circle r="30" cx="173" cy="200" fill="#ccc"/>
<circle r="30" cx="297" cy="200" fill="#ccc"/>
<circle r="30" cx="420" cy="200" fill="#ccc"/>
<!-- Test the animation of the d attribute -->
<path id="animatedNumber" d="M 26.5,32.5 L 33.5,32.5 40.5,29.5 47.5,23.5 61.5,17.5 73.5,16.5 74.5,33.5 73.5,50.5 73.5,64.5 72.5,77.5 72.5,90.5 72.5,105.5 71.5,126.5 89.5,128.5 90.5,138.5 89.5,151.5 72.5,151.5 54.5,152.5 38.5,152.5 27.5,152.5 28.5,139.5 30.5,127.5 44.5,125.5 46.5,112.5 47.5,99.5 46.5,87.5 48.5,73.5 48.5,53.5 34.5,52.5 22.5,52.5 22.5,51.5 22.5,41.5 22.5,33.5 Z" fill="rgb(204,0,102)" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-width="4">
<animate attributeName="d" values="M 26.5,32.5 L 33.5,32.5 40.5,29.5 47.5,23.5 61.5,17.5 73.5,16.5 74.5,33.5 73.5,50.5 73.5,64.5 72.5,77.5 72.5,90.5 72.5,105.5 71.5,126.5 89.5,128.5 90.5,138.5 89.5,151.5 72.5,151.5 54.5,152.5 38.5,152.5 27.5,152.5 28.5,139.5 30.5,127.5 44.5,125.5 46.5,112.5 47.5,99.5 46.5,87.5 48.5,73.5 48.5,53.5 34.5,52.5 22.5,52.5 22.5,51.5 22.5,41.5 22.5,33.5 Z; M 108.5,38.5 L 123.5,26.5 148.5,16.5 172.5,17.5 188.5,19.5 202.5,23.5 206.5,26.5 210.5,37.5 213.5,44.5 215.5,57.5 209.5,68.5 203.5,81.5 187.5,98.5 164.5,120.5 206.5,121.5 224.5,121.5 220.5,149.5 194.5,147.5 181.5,147.5 167.5,146.5 150.5,147.5 133.5,149.5 117.5,148.5 117.5,136.5 118.5,124.5 133.5,115.5 151.5,97.5 170.5,78.5 186.5,59.5 179.5,43.5 159.5,35.5 139.5,40.5 125.5,49.5 Z; M 248.5,38.5 L 276.5,22.5 298.5,19.5 316.5,26.5 332.5,40.5 331.5,57.5 322.5,70.5 307.5,76.5 314.5,80.5 324.5,86.5 333.5,99.5 333.5,121.5 327.5,130.5 312.5,143.5 292.5,149.5 270.5,148.5 248.5,142.5 252.5,114.5 267.5,119.5 282.5,119.5 297.5,115.5 304.5,109.5 295.5,99.5 284.5,92.5 277.5,84.5 270.5,74.5 281.5,66.5 293.5,60.5 297.5,50.5 292.5,45.5 281.5,45.5 274.5,49.5 266.5,53.5 Z; M 427.5,17.5 L 439.5,15.5 449.5,15.5 449.5,29.5 447.5,44.5 447.5,59.5 465.5,60.5 466.5,74.5 465.5,89.5 450.5,87.5 449.5,102.5 449.5,123.5 449.5,140.5 449.5,153.5 420.5,154.5 421.5,137.5 420.5,123.5 420.5,111.5 419.5,99.5 392.5,97.5 367.5,99.5 366.5,79.5 367.5,69.5 376.5,43.5 381.5,27.5 384.5,17.5 412.5,16.5 406.5,36.5 400.5,49.5 394.5,70.5 419.5,71.5 423.5,49.5 424.5,33.5 Z" fill="freeze" begin="1" dur="3s"/>
<!-- the "bouncing ball" circle that shows where the path should be -->
<circle r="30" cx="50" cy="200" fill="rgb(204,0,102)">
<animate attributeName="cx" values="50; 173; 297; 420" begin="1" dur="4" calcMode="discrete" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="5" y="225" font-size="28">
Animation on the 'd'
attribute of path.
<text x="5" y="255" font-size="18">Digit should match outline at indicated time.</text>
<text x="5" y="275" font-size="18">Filled circle should follow morphing digit discretely.</text>
<g font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-size="32">
<text id="revision" x="10" y="340" stroke="none" fill="black">$Revision: 1.6 $</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>
<!-- comment out this watermark once the test is approved -->
<!--<g id="draft-watermark">
<rect x="1" y="1" width="478" height="20" fill="red" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
<text font-family="SVGFreeSansASCII,sans-serif" font-weight="bold" font-size="20" x="240"
text-anchor="middle" y="18" stroke-width="0.5" stroke="black" fill="white">DRAFT</text>