Name Description Size
497-novalid.html Test 497 Image element with role="presentation" but with a reference to a description 314
498-novalid.html Test 498 Image element with role="presentation" but aria-disabled="true" 263
499-novalid.html Test 499 Image element with role="presentation" but aria-dropeffect="move" 267
500-novalid.html Test 500 Image element with role="presentation" but with a valid aria-flowto attribute 310
501-novalid.html Test 501 Image element with role="presentation" but with aria-grabbed="true" 265
502-novalid.html Test 502 Image element with role="presentation" but with aria-haspopup="true" 267
503-novalid.html Test 503 Image element with role="presentation" but with aria-hidden="true" 263
504-novalid.html Test 504 Image element with role="presentation" but with aria-invalid="true" 265
505-novalid.html Test 505 Image element with role="presentation" but with aria-label="test" 261
506-novalid.html Test 506 Image element with role="presentation" but with a valid aria-labelledby attribute 318
507-novalid.html Test 507 Image element with role="presentation" but with aria-live="assertive" 269
509-novalid.html Test 509 Image element with role="presentation" but with aria-relevant="text" 286
510.html Test 510 An owned, unfocusable, element untied to an aria relationship that inherits role="presentation" 268
511.html Test 511 An owned, focusable element, tied to an aria relationship that inherits role="presentation" 319
512.html Test 512 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-atomic="true" that inherits role="presentation" 282
513.html Test 513 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-busy="true" that inherits role="presentation" 278
514.html Test 514 An owned, unfocusable element, with a valid aria-controls attribue set that inherits role="presentation" 319
515.html Test 515 An owned, unfocusable element, with a valid aria-describedby attribue set that inherits role="presentation" 333
516.html Test 516 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-disabled="true" that inherits role="presentation" 286
517.html Test 517 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-dropeffect="move" that inherits role="presentation" 290
518.html Test 518 An owned, unfocusable element, with a valid aria-flowto attribue set that inherits role="presentation" 323
519.html Test 519 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-grabbed="true" that inherits role="presentation" 284
520.html Test 520 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-haspopup="true" that inherits role="presentation" 286
521.html Test 521 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-hidden="true" that inherits role="presentation" 282
522.html Test 522 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-invalid="true" that inherits role="presentation" 284
523-haswarn.html Test 523 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-label="test" that inherits role="presentation" 276
524.html Test 524 An owned, unfocusable element, with a valid aria-labelledby attribute set that inherits role="presentation" 320
525.html Test 525 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-live="assertive" that inherits role="presentation" 285
527.html Test 527 An owned, unfocusable element, having aria-relevant="text" that inherits role="presentation" 283