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Loaded in Step 2/4/Optional 6 (/clear-site-data/clear-cache.https.html)
Sending Message for Step 3/5/Optional 7 (/clear-site-data/clear-cache.https.html)
import uuid
def main(request, response):
# type of response:
# - "single_html": Main page html file with a different postMessage uuid on each response
# - "json": Json that always responds with a different uuid in a single-element array
# - "html_embed_json": Main page html that embeds a cachable version of the above json
response_type = request.GET.first(b"response")
cache_helper = request.GET.first(b"cache_helper")
# force enable caching when present or force disable if not
cache = b"cache" in request.GET
clear = None
if b"clear" in request.GET:
clear = request.GET.first(b"clear")
if b"clear_first" in request.GET:
if request.server.stash.take(cache_helper) is None:
clear = request.GET.first(b"clear_first")
request.server.stash.put(cache_helper, ())
headers = []
if response_type == b"json":
headers += [(b"Content-Type", b"application/json")]
headers += [(b"Content-Type", b"text/html")]
if cache:
headers += [(b"cache-control", b"public, max-age=31536000, immutable")]
headers += [(b"cache-control", b"no-store")]
if clear is not None:
if clear == b"all":
headers += [(b"Clear-Site-Data", b'"*"')]
headers += [(b"Clear-Site-Data", b'"' + clear + b'"')]
if response_type == b"single_html":
# send unique UUID. Cache got cleared when uuids don't match.
content = f'''
window.opener.postMessage("{uuid.uuid4()}" , "*");
elif response_type == b"json":
# send unique UUID. helper for below "html_embed_json"
content = f'''["{uuid.uuid4()}"]'''
elif response_type == b"html_embed_json":
url = request.url_parts.path + "?response=json&cache&cache_helper=" + cache_helper.decode()
content = f'''
.then(response => response.json())
.then(uuid => window.opener.postMessage(uuid[0], "*"));
return 200, headers, content