Name Description Size This file is intended to be requested twice to verify that the correct headers are included for images. 1. Make an initial request for an img. The `sec-browsing-topics` header will be stored for step 2. The request will be redirected to an image. 2. Make a request with the query parameter set. The stashed header from the first step will be returned in the response content. Parameters: `token` should be a unique UUID request parameter for the duration of this request. It will get stored in the server stash and will be used later in a query request. `query` should be a request parameter indicating the request would like to know the last `sec-browsing-topics` header with that token. 1504 <script> let parentOrOpener = window.opener || window.parent; parentOrOpener.postMessage({ topicsHeader: '%s'}, "*"); </script> 540 217
document-api-notify-parent.tentative.https.html 259
empty.html 16
fetch-topics-header-not-visible-in-service-worker-helper.tentative.https.html 660
fetch-topics.js 438
header-util.sub.js 1344
intercept-request.js 350
load_img.sub.js 1273
permissions-policy-util.sub.js 1119
pixel.png 119
topics-not-allowed-for-service-worker-fetch-helper.tentative.https.html 709