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Test Info: Warnings

<!doctype html>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<script src=/browsing-topics/resources/header-util.sub.js></script>
<script src=/browsing-topics/resources/load_img.sub.js></script>
<script src=/browsing-topics/resources/permissions-policy-util.sub.js></script>
<script src=/common/utils.js></script>
'use strict';
const header = 'permissions policy header browsing-topics=(self)';
promise_test(async t => {
let topics = await document.browsingTopics();
assert_equals(topics.length, 0);
}, header + ' allows document.browsingTopics() in the current page.');
async_test(t => {
test_topics_feature_availability_in_subframe(t, /*is_same_origin=*/true,
}, header + ' allows document.browsingTopics() in same-origin iframes.');
async_test(t => {
test_topics_feature_availability_in_subframe(t, /*is_same_origin=*/false,
}, header + ' disallows document.browsingTopics() in cross-origin iframes.');
const same_origin_url = '/browsing-topics/resources/';
const cross_origin_url = 'https://{{domains[www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}' +
promise_test(async t => {
let response = await fetch(same_origin_url, {browsingTopics: true});
let topics_header = await response.text();
assert_equals(topics_header, EMPTY_TOPICS_HEADER);
}, header + 'allows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the same-origin topics fetch request.');
promise_test(async t => {
let response = await fetch(cross_origin_url, {browsingTopics: true});
let topics_header = await response.text();
assert_equals(topics_header, "NO_TOPICS_HEADER");
}, header + 'disallows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the cross-origin topics fetch request.');
promise_test(async t => {
let response = await fetch('/common/' + same_origin_url, {browsingTopics: true});
let topics_header = await response.text();
assert_equals(topics_header, EMPTY_TOPICS_HEADER);
}, header + 'allows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the redirect of a topics fetch request, where the redirect has a same-origin URL.');
promise_test(async t => {
let response = await fetch('/common/' + cross_origin_url, {browsingTopics: true});
let topics_header = await response.text();
assert_equals(topics_header, "NO_TOPICS_HEADER");
}, header + 'disallows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the redirect of a topics fetch request, where the redirect has a cross-origin URL.');
promise_test(async t => {
let topics_header = await load_topics_image(
/*has_browsing_topics_attribute=*/true, /*is_same_origin=*/true);
assert_equals(topics_header, EMPTY_TOPICS_HEADER);
}, header + 'allows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the same-origin topics img request.');
promise_test(async t => {
let topics_header = await load_topics_image(
/*has_browsing_topics_attribute=*/true, /*is_same_origin=*/false);
assert_equals(topics_header, "NO_TOPICS_HEADER");
}, header + 'disallows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the cross-origin topics img request.');
async_test(t => {
t, /*has_browsing_topics_attribute=*/true, /*is_same_origin=*/true,
}, header + ' allows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the same-origin iframe navigation request.');
async_test(t => {
t, /*has_browsing_topics_attribute=*/true, /*is_same_origin=*/false,
}, header + ' disallows the \'Sec-Browsing-Topics\' header to be sent for the cross-origin iframe navigation request.');