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// META: script=nested-cloning-common.js
// META: script=support.js
// META: script=support-promises.js
'use strict';
// Define constants used to populate object stores and indexes.
const alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('');
const vowels = 'aeiou'.split('');
// Setup multiple object stores to test `getAllKeys()`, `getAll()` and
// `getAllRecords()`.
function object_store_get_all_test(func, name) {
indexeddb_test((test, connection, transaction) => {
// Record the keys and values added to each object store during test setup.
// Maps each object store's name to an array of records. Tests can use
// these records to verify the actual results from a get all request.
self.expectedObjectStoreRecords = {
'generated': [],
'out-of-line': [],
'empty': [],
'large-values': [],
// Create an object store with auto-generated, auto-incrementing, inline
// keys.
let store = connection.createObjectStore(
'generated', {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'id'});
alphabet.forEach(letter => {
store.put({ch: letter});
const generatedKey = alphabet.indexOf(letter) + 1;
{key: generatedKey, primaryKey: generatedKey, value: {ch: letter}});
// Create an object store with out-of-line keys.
store = connection.createObjectStore('out-of-line');
alphabet.forEach(letter => {
store.put(`value-${letter}`, letter);
{key: letter, primaryKey: letter, value: `value-${letter}`});
// Create an empty object store.
store = connection.createObjectStore('empty');
// Create an object store with 3 large values.
// `largeValue()` generates the value using the key as the seed.
// The keys start at 0 and then increment by 1.
store = connection.createObjectStore('large-values');
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const value = largeValue(/*size=*/ wrapThreshold, /*seed=*/ i);
store.put(value, i);
{key: i, primaryKey: i, value});
}, func, name);
// Test `getAllRecords()` on `storeName` with the given `options`.
// - `options` is an `IDBGetAllRecordsOptions ` dictionary that may contain a
// `query`, `direction` and `count`.
function object_store_get_all_records_test(storeName, options, description) {
object_store_get_all_test((test, connection) => {
const request =
createGetAllRecordsRequest(test, connection, storeName, options);
request.onsuccess = test.step_func(event => {
// Build the expected results.
let expectedResults = expectedObjectStoreRecords[storeName];
expectedResults = applyGetAllRecordsOptions(expectedResults, options);
const actualResults =;
assert_records_equals(actualResults, expectedResults);
}, description);
// Setup multiple object stores with indexes to test `getAllKeys()`, `getAll()`
// and `getAllRecords()`.
function index_get_all_test(func, name) {
indexeddb_test(function(test, connection, transaction) {
// Record the keys and values added to each object store's index during test
// setup. Maps each object store's name to the array of records in its
// index. Tests can use these records to verify the actual results from a
// get all request.
self.expectedIndexRecords = {
'generated': [],
'out-of-line': [],
'out-of-line-not-unique': [],
'out-of-line-multi': [],
'empty': [],
'large-values': [],
// Create an object store with auto-incrementing, inline keys. Create an
// index on the uppercase letter property `upper`.
let store = connection.createObjectStore(
'generated', {autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'id'});
let index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'upper');
alphabet.forEach(function(letter) {
const value = {ch: letter, upper: letter.toUpperCase()};
const generatedKey = alphabet.indexOf(letter) + 1;
{key: value.upper, primaryKey: generatedKey, value});
// Create an object store with out-of-line keys. Create an index on the
// uppercase letter property `upper`.
store = connection.createObjectStore('out-of-line', null);
index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'upper');
alphabet.forEach(function(letter) {
const value = {ch: letter, upper: letter.toUpperCase()};
store.put(value, letter);
{key: value.upper, primaryKey: letter, value});
// Create an index on the `half` property, which is not unique, with two
// possible values: `first` and `second`.
store = connection.createObjectStore('out-of-line-not-unique', null);
index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'half');
alphabet.forEach(function(letter) {
let half = 'first';
if (letter > 'm') {
half = 'second';
const value = {ch: letter, half};
store.put(value, letter);
{key: half, primaryKey: letter, value});
// Create a multi-entry index on `attribs`, which is an array of strings.
store = connection.createObjectStore('out-of-line-multi', null);
index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'attribs', {multiEntry: true});
alphabet.forEach(function(letter) {
let attrs = [];
if (['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'].indexOf(letter) != -1) {
} else {
if (letter == 'a') {
if (letter == 'z') {
const value = {ch: letter, attribs: attrs};
store.put(value, letter);
for (let attr of attrs) {
{key: attr, primaryKey: letter, value});
// Create an empty index.
store = connection.createObjectStore('empty', null);
index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'upper');
// Create an object store and index with 3 large values and their seed. Use
// the large value's seed as the index key.
store = connection.createObjectStore('large-values');
index = store.createIndex('test_idx', 'seed');
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const seed = i;
const randomValue = largeValue(/*size=*/ wrapThreshold, seed);
const recordValue = {seed, randomValue};
store.put(recordValue, i);
{key: seed, primaryKey: i, value: recordValue});
}, func, name);
function index_get_all_records_test(storeName, options, description) {
index_get_all_test((test, connection) => {
const request = createGetAllRecordsRequest(
test, connection, storeName, options, 'test_idx');
request.onsuccess = test.step_func(event => {
// Build the expected results.
let expectedResults = expectedIndexRecords[storeName];
expectedResults = applyGetAllRecordsOptions(expectedResults, options);
const actualResults =;
assert_records_equals(actualResults, expectedResults);
}, description);
// Create a `getAllRecords()` request for either `storeName` or
// `optionalIndexName`.
// - `options` is an `IDBGetAllRecordsOptions ` dictionary that may contain a
// `query`, `direction` and `count`.
function createGetAllRecordsRequest(
test, connection, storeName, options, optionalIndexName) {
const transaction = connection.transaction(storeName, 'readonly');
let queryTarget = transaction.objectStore(storeName);
if (optionalIndexName) {
queryTarget = queryTarget.index(optionalIndexName);
const request = queryTarget.getAllRecords(options);
request.onerror = test.unreached_func('getAllRecords request must succeed');
return request;
// Returns the array of `records` that satisfy `options`. Tests may use this to
// generate expected results.
// - `records` is an array of objects where each object has the properties:
// `key`, `primaryKey`, and `value`.
// - `options` is an `IDBGetAllRecordsOptions ` dictionary that may contain a
// `query`, `direction` and `count`.
function applyGetAllRecordsOptions(records, options) {
if (!options) {
return records;
// Remove records that don't satisfy the query.
if (options.query) {
let query = options.query;
if (!(query instanceof IDBKeyRange)) {
// Create an IDBKeyRange for the query's key value.
query = IDBKeyRange.only(query);
records = records.filter(record => query.includes(record.key));
// Remove duplicate records.
if (options.direction === 'nextunique' ||
options.direction === 'prevunique') {
const uniqueRecords = [];
records.forEach(record => {
if (!uniqueRecords.some(
unique => IDBKeyRange.only(unique.key).includes(record.key))) {
records = uniqueRecords;
// Reverse the order of the records.
if (options.direction === 'prev' || options.direction === 'prevunique') {
records = records.slice().reverse();
// Limit the number of records.
if (options.count) {
records = records.slice(0, options.count);
return records;
function isArrayOrArrayBufferView(value) {
return Array.isArray(value) || ArrayBuffer.isView(value);
// This function compares the string representation of the arrays because
// `assert_array_equals()` is too slow for large values.
function assert_large_array_equals(actual, expected, description) {
const array_string = actual.join(',');
const expected_string = expected.join(',');
assert_equals(array_string, expected_string, description);
// Verifies each record from the results of `getAllRecords()`.
function assert_record_equals(actual_record, expected_record) {
actual_record, 'IDBRecord', 'The record must be an IDBRecord');
actual_record, 'key', 'The record must have a key attribute');
actual_record, 'primaryKey',
'The record must have a primaryKey attribute');
actual_record, 'value', 'The record must have a value attribute');
// Verify the key properties.
actual_record.primaryKey, expected_record.primaryKey,
'The record must have the expected primaryKey');
actual_record.key, expected_record.key,
'The record must have the expected key');
// Verify the value.
const actual_value = actual_record.value;
const expected_value = expected_record.value;
if (isArrayOrArrayBufferView(expected_value)) {
actual_value, expected_value,
'The record must have the expected value');
} else if (typeof expected_value === 'object') {
// Verify each property of the object value.
for (let property_name of Object.keys(expected_value)) {
if (isArrayOrArrayBufferView(expected_value[property_name])) {
// Verify the array property value.
actual_value[property_name], expected_value[property_name],
`The record must contain the array value "${
expected_value)}" with property "${property_name}"`);
} else {
// Verify the primitive property value.
actual_value[property_name], expected_value[property_name],
`The record must contain the value "${
expected_value)}" with property "${property_name}"`);
} else {
// Verify the primitive value.
actual_value, expected_value,
'The record must have the expected value');
// Verifies the results from `getAllRecords()`, which is an array of records:
// [
// { 'key': key1, 'primaryKey': primary_key1, 'value': value1 },
// { 'key': key2, 'primaryKey': primary_key2, 'value': value2 },
// ...
// ]
function assert_records_equals(actual_records, expected_records) {
'The records must be an array of IDBRecords');
actual_records.length, expected_records.length,
'The records array must contain the expected number of records');
for (let i = 0; i < actual_records.length; i++) {
assert_record_equals(actual_records[i], expected_records[i]);