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- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 4 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /IndexedDB/idbcursor-direction-index.htm - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>IDBCursor direction - index</title>
<link rel="author" href="" title="Odin Hørthe Omdal">
<link rel=help href="">
<link rel=assert title='If direction is "next", let found record be the first record in records which satisfy all of the following requirements'>
<link rel=assert title="If position is defined, and source is an object store, the record's key is greater than position.">
<link rel=assert title='If direction is "prev", let found record be the last record in records which satisfy all of the following requirements'>
<link rel=assert title="If position is defined, and source is an object store, the record's key is less than position.">
<link rel=assert title="Set cursor's position to found record's key. If source is an index, set cursor's object store position to found record's value.">
<link rel=assert title="Set cursor's key to found record's key.">
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var records = [ "Alice", "Bob", "Bob", "Greg" ];
var cases = [
{dir: 'next', expect: ['Alice:0', 'Bob:1', 'Bob:2', 'Greg:3']},
{dir: 'prev', expect: ['Greg:3', 'Bob:2', 'Bob:1', 'Alice:0']},
{dir: 'nextunique', expect: ['Alice:0', 'Bob:1', 'Greg:3']},
{dir: 'prevunique', expect: ['Greg:3', 'Bob:1', 'Alice:0']},
cases.forEach(function(testcase) {
var dir = testcase.dir;
var expect = testcase.expect;
function(t, db, tx) {
var objStore = db.createObjectStore("test");
objStore.createIndex("idx", "name");
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
objStore.add({ name: records[i] }, i);
function(t, db) {
var count = 0;
var rq = db.transaction("test", "readonly").objectStore("test").index("idx").openCursor(undefined, dir);
rq.onsuccess = t.step_func(function(e) {
var cursor =;
if (!cursor) {
assert_equals(count, expect.length, "cursor runs");
assert_equals( + ":" + cursor.primaryKey, expect[count], "cursor.value");
rq.onerror = t.step_func(function(e) {
assert_unreached("rq.onerror - " + e.message);
document.title + ' - ' + dir