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- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 1 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /IndexedDB/idbcursor-continuePrimaryKey.htm - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
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<title>IndexedDB: IDBCursor method continuePrimaryKey()</title>
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'use strict';
(t, db, txn) => {
const store = db.createObjectStore('store');
const index = store.createIndex('index', 'indexKey', {multiEntry: true});
store.put({indexKey: ['a', 'b']}, 1);
store.put({indexKey: ['a', 'b']}, 2);
store.put({indexKey: ['a', 'b']}, 3);
store.put({indexKey: ['b']}, 4);
const expectedIndexEntries = [
{key: "a", primaryKey: 1},
{key: "a", primaryKey: 2},
{key: "a", primaryKey: 3},
{key: "b", primaryKey: 1},
{key: "b", primaryKey: 2},
{key: "b", primaryKey: 3},
{key: "b", primaryKey: 4},
const request = index.openCursor();
request.onerror = t.unreached_func('IDBIndex.openCursor should not fail');
request.onsuccess = t.step_func(() => {
const cursor = request.result;
const expectedEntry = expectedIndexEntries.shift();
if (expectedEntry) {
assert_equals(cursor.key, expectedEntry.key,
'The index entry keys should reflect the object store contents');
assert_equals(cursor.primaryKey, expectedEntry.primaryKey,
'The index entry primary keys should reflect the object store ' +
} else {
assert_equals(cursor, null,
'The index should not have entries that do not reflect the ' +
'object store contents');
(t, db) => {
const testCases = [
// Continuing index key
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continue(); },
result: { key: "a", primaryKey: 2 } },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continue('a'); },
exception: 'DataError' },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continue('b'); },
result: { key: "b", primaryKey: 1 } },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continue('c'); }, result: null },
// Called w/ index key and primary key:
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey('a', 3); },
result: { key: 'a', primaryKey: 3 } },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey('a', 4); },
result: { key: 'b', primaryKey: 1 } },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey('b', 1); },
result: {key: 'b', primaryKey: 1} },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey('b', 4); },
result: {key: 'b', primaryKey: 4} },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey('b', 5); },
result: null },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey('c', 1); },
result: null },
// Called w/ primary key but w/o index key
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey(null, 1); },
exception: 'DataError' },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey(null, 2); },
exception: 'DataError' },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey(null, 3); },
exception: 'DataError' },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey(null, 4); },
exception: 'DataError' },
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey(null, 5); },
exception: 'DataError' },
// Called w/ index key but w/o primary key
{ call: cursor => { cursor.continuePrimaryKey('a', null); },
exception: 'DataError' },
const verifyContinueCalls = () => {
if (!testCases.length) {
const testCase = testCases.shift();
const txn = db.transaction('store', 'readonly');
txn.oncomplete = t.step_func(verifyContinueCalls);
const request = txn.objectStore('store').index('index').openCursor();
let calledContinue = false;
request.onerror =
t.unreached_func('IDBIndex.openCursor should not fail');
request.onsuccess = t.step_func(() => {
const cursor = request.result;
if (calledContinue) {
if (testCase.result) {
assert_equals(cursor.key, testCase.result.key,
`${} - result key`);
assert_equals(cursor.primaryKey, testCase.result.primaryKey,
`${} - result primary key`);
} else {
assert_equals(cursor, null);
} else {
calledContinue = true;
if('exception' in testCase) {
testCase.exception, () => {; },;
} else {;