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Test Info: Warnings
- This test has a WPT meta file that disables it given conditions:
- os == "mac" :
- This test has a WPT meta file that expects 4 subtest issues.
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /FileAPI/url/sandboxed-iframe.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>FileAPI Test: Verify behavior of Blob URL in unique origins</title>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<iframe id="sandboxed-iframe" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>
const iframe_scripts = [
let html = '<!doctype html>\n<meta charset="utf-8">\n<body>\n';
html = html + '<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></' + 'script>\n';
html = html + '<script>setup({"explicit_timeout": true});</' + 'script>\n';
for (const script of iframe_scripts)
html = html + '<script src="' + script + '"></' + 'script>\n';
const frame = document.querySelector('#sandboxed-iframe');
frame.setAttribute('srcdoc', html);
frame.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;');