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Test Info:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="reftest-wait">
<link rel="match" href="dtls-2-ref.html"/>
<style type="text/css" media="screen, print">
@font-face {
font-family: "dtls-1";
src: url(dtls-1.otf);
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true" id="mover0">
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true">
<mo id="mo0"></mo>
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true">
<mo id="mo1">a</mo>
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';" id="mstyle0">
<mstyle id="mstyle1">
<mover accent="true">
<mover accent="true">
<mover accent="true">
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true">
<mrow id="mrow0">
<mstyle id="mstyle4" style ="font-family: 'dtls-1'; font-feature-settings: 'dtls' 0">
<mover accent="true">
<mover accent="true">
<mover accent="true">
<mstyle id="mstyle5" style ="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true">
<mover accent="true">
<mover accent="true">
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover id="mover1">
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true" id="mover2">
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true" id="mover3">
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true">
<mo id="mo2">a</mo>
<mstyle style="font-family: 'dtls-1';">
<mover accent="true">
<mo id="mo3" movablelimits="true">a</mo>
function doTest()
var mo = document.createElementNS("", "mo");
mo.innerHTML = "a";
// An added child gets dtls font feature
// A child with changed text gets dtls font feature
document.getElementById("mo0").innerHTML = "a";
// A relocated child loses dtls font feature setting
// A change in style
document.getElementById("mstyle1").setAttribute("style", "font-family: 'dtls-1';");
// dtls gets added to descendants as well
var mo1 = document.createElementNS("", "mo");
mo1.innerHTML = "a";
// removing explicit dtls setting works
"style", "font-family: 'dtls-1';")
// setting an explicit dtls font feature
"style" , "font-family: 'dtls-1'; font-feature-settings: 'dtls' 0");
// Adding accent="true" applies dtls font feature
document.getElementById("mover1").setAttribute("accent", "true");
// Changing accent="true" to false removes dtls font feature
document.getElementById("mover2").setAttribute("accent", "false");
// Removing accent="true" removes dtls font feature
// Movablelimits disables dtls font feature
document.getElementById("mo2").setAttribute("movablelimits", "true");
// Removing movablelimits restores dtls font feature
document.documentElement.addEventListener("TestRendered", doTest);