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[script.src accepts only TrustedScriptURL]
expected: FAIL
[iframe.srcdoc accepts only TrustedHTML]
expected: FAIL
[div.onclick accepts only TrustedScript]
expected: FAIL
[`Script.prototype.setAttribute.SrC = string` throws.]
expected: FAIL
[script.src accepts string and null after default policy was created.]
expected: FAIL
[script.src's mutationobservers receive the default policy's value.]
expected: FAIL
[iframe.srcdoc's mutationobservers receive the default policy's value.]
expected: FAIL
[div.onclick's mutationobservers receive the default policy's value.]
expected: FAIL
[iframe.srcdoc accepts string and null after default policy was created.]
expected: FAIL
[div.onclick accepts string and null after default policy was created.]
expected: FAIL
[`script.src = setAttributeNode(embed.src)` with string works.]
expected: FAIL