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[Invalid <mfrac> should lay out as an mrow (count == 0)]
expected: FAIL
[Invalid <mfrac> should lay out as an mrow (count == 1)]
expected: FAIL
[Invalid <mfrac> should lay out as an mrow (count == 3)]
expected: FAIL
[Invalid <mfrac> should lay out as an mrow (count == 4)]
expected: FAIL
[Invalid <mfrac> should lay out as an mrow (count == 5)]
expected: FAIL
[Invalid <mroot> should lay out as an mrow (count == 4)]
if os == "android": FAIL
[Invalid <mroot> should lay out as an mrow (count == 5)]
if os == "android": PASS
[Invalid <munder> should lay out as an mrow (count == 5)]
if os == "android": FAIL
[Invalid <mmultiscripts> should lay out as an mrow (count == 9)]
if os == "android": FAIL
[Invalid <mmultiscripts> should lay out as an mrow (one of the even number of children after the first <mprescripts> is an <mprescripts>)]
expected: FAIL