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[Basic keyboard behavior, <button>]
expected: FAIL
[Showing interest in a second element loses interest in the first, <button>]
expected: FAIL
[Cancelling loseinterest caused by keyboard-gained interest cancels interest, <button>]
expected: FAIL
[Basic keyboard behavior, <a>]
expected: FAIL
[Showing interest in a second element loses interest in the first, <a>]
expected: FAIL
[Cancelling loseinterest caused by keyboard-gained interest cancels interest, <a>]
expected: FAIL
[Basic keyboard behavior, <area>]
expected: FAIL
[Showing interest in a second element loses interest in the first, <area>]
expected: FAIL
[Cancelling loseinterest caused by keyboard-gained interest cancels interest, <area>]
expected: FAIL
[Basic keyboard behavior, SVG <a>]
expected: FAIL
[Showing interest in a second element loses interest in the first, SVG <a>]
expected: FAIL
[Cancelling loseinterest caused by keyboard-gained interest cancels interest, SVG <a>]
expected: FAIL