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prefs: [,,, dom.webcomponents.shadowdom.declarative.enabled:true, network.fetchpriority.enabled:true, dom.element.customstateset.enabled:true, dom.navigation.webidl.enabled:true, dom.forms.autocorrect:true]
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute language]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "imageSmoothingQuality" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onstorage]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute kind]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onbeforeprint]
expected: FAIL
[Location interface: window.location must have own property "ancestorOrigins"]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on location.ancestorOrigins with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onoffline]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: calling unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[External must be primary interface of window.external]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[BarProp interface: attribute visible]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpageshow]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute label]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute selectedIndex]
expected: FAIL
[External interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute imageSmoothingQuality]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onunload]
expected: FAIL
[CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute imageSmoothingQuality]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: calling contains(DOMString) on location.ancestorOrigins with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onbeforeunload]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onmessageerror]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute language]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "contains(DOMString)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onmessage]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute onchange]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of location.ancestorOrigins]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "item(unsigned long)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onlanguagechange]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onunhandledrejection]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onrejectionhandled]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: operation unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString)]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: operation AddSearchProvider()]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onhashchange]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList must be primary interface of location.ancestorOrigins]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute onchange]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute kind]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: operation IsSearchProviderInstalled()]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute length]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpopstate]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "length" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpagehide]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onafterprint]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute label]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute ononline]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack]
expected: FAIL
[External interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute selected]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute length]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute enabled]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[Location interface: stringifier]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[FormDataEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[ImageData interface: attribute colorSpace]
expected: FAIL
[ImageData interface: new ImageData(10, 10) must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[SVGElement interface: attribute onbeforematch]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute duration]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute entryType]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute name]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute startTime]
expected: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation entries()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute currentEntry]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation updateCurrentEntry(NavigationUpdateCurrentEntryOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute transition]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute canGoBack]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute canGoForward]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation navigate(USVString, optional NavigationNavigateOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation reload(optional NavigationReloadOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation traverseTo(DOMString, optional NavigationOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation back(optional NavigationOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation forward(optional NavigationOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute onnavigate]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute onnavigatesuccess]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute onnavigateerror]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute oncurrententrychange]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute url]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute key]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute id]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute index]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute sameDocument]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: operation getState()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute ondispose]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: attribute from]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: attribute finished]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute destination]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute canIntercept]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute userInitiated]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute hashChange]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute signal]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute formData]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute downloadRequest]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute info]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute hasUAVisualTransition]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: operation intercept(optional NavigationInterceptOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: operation scroll()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute url]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute key]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute id]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute index]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute sameDocument]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: operation getState()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: attribute from]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[PopStateEvent interface: attribute hasUAVisualTransition]
expected: FAIL
[PopStateEvent interface: new PopStateEvent("popstate", { data: {} }) must inherit property "hasUAVisualTransition" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: operation requestClose()]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: operation close()]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: operation destroy()]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: attribute oncancel]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: attribute onclose]
expected: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute activation]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: attribute from]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: attribute entry]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: attribute viewTransition]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpagereveal]
expected: FAIL
[MessagePort interface: attribute onclose]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: attribute reason]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: operation toJSON()]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute src]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute name]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute url]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute reasons]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute children]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: operation toJSON()]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: attribute activation]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: attribute viewTransition]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpageswap]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "innerHTML" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "outerHTML" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: window must inherit property "originAgentCluster" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: attribute originAgentCluster]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: attribute onbeforematch]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: window must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: attribute onbeforematch]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: documentWithHandlers must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: attribute navigation]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Window interface: window must inherit property "navigation" with the proper type]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Window interface: attribute onpagereveal]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: window must inherit property "onpagereveal" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: attribute onpageswap]
expected: FAIL
[Window interface: window must inherit property "onpageswap" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling parseHTMLUnsafe((TrustedHTML or DOMString)) on iframe.contentDocument with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Document interface: calling parseHTMLUnsafe((TrustedHTML or DOMString)) on iframe.contentDocument with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute playsInline]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLVideoElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "playsInline" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute videoTracks]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute audioTracks]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: operation getStartDate()]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLLinkElement interface: attribute blocking]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLLinkElement interface: document.createElement("link") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLStyleElement interface: attribute blocking]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLStyleElement interface: document.createElement("style") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLScriptElement interface: attribute blocking]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLScriptElement interface: document.createElement("script") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: attribute onbeforematch]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: attribute onpagereveal]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: document.createElement("body") must inherit property "onpagereveal" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLFrameSetElement interface: attribute onpagereveal]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLFrameSetElement interface: document.createElement("frameset") must inherit property "onpagereveal" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: attribute writingSuggestions]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "writingSuggestions" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: attribute onpageswap]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: document.createElement("body") must inherit property "onpageswap" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLFrameSetElement interface: attribute onpageswap]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLFrameSetElement interface: document.createElement("frameset") must inherit property "onpageswap" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLIFrameElement interface: document.createElement("iframe") must inherit property "srcdoc" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: attribute autocorrect]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
[HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "autocorrect" with the proper type]
if (os == "mac") and not debug: [PASS, FAIL]
[HTMLInputElement interface: attribute alpha]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: attribute colorSpace]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList must be primary interface of location.ancestorOrigins]
expected: FAIL
[Stringification of location.ancestorOrigins]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "length" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "item(unsigned long)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on location.ancestorOrigins with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "contains(DOMString)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[DOMStringList interface: calling contains(DOMString) on location.ancestorOrigins with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "innerHTML" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "outerHTML" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute length]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute onchange]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute kind]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute label]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute language]
expected: FAIL
[AudioTrack interface: attribute enabled]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute length]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute selectedIndex]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute onchange]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute kind]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute label]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute language]
expected: FAIL
[VideoTrack interface: attribute selected]
expected: FAIL
[FormDataEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute imageSmoothingQuality]
expected: FAIL
[CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "imageSmoothingQuality" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[ImageData interface: attribute colorSpace]
expected: FAIL
[ImageData interface: new ImageData(10, 10) must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute imageSmoothingQuality]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute name]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute entryType]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute startTime]
expected: FAIL
[VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute duration]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: operation requestClose()]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: operation close()]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: operation destroy()]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: attribute oncancel]
expected: FAIL
[CloseWatcher interface: attribute onclose]
expected: FAIL
[BarProp interface: attribute visible]
expected: FAIL
[Location interface: stringifier]
expected: FAIL
[Location interface: window.location must have own property "ancestorOrigins"]
expected: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation entries()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute currentEntry]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation updateCurrentEntry(NavigationUpdateCurrentEntryOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute transition]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute activation]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute canGoBack]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute canGoForward]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation navigate(USVString, optional NavigationNavigateOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation reload(optional NavigationReloadOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation traverseTo(DOMString, optional NavigationOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation back(optional NavigationOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: operation forward(optional NavigationOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute onnavigate]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute onnavigatesuccess]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute onnavigateerror]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[Navigation interface: attribute oncurrententrychange]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute url]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute key]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute id]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute index]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute sameDocument]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: operation getState()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute ondispose]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: attribute from]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationTransition interface: attribute finished]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: attribute from]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: attribute entry]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationActivation interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute destination]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute canIntercept]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute userInitiated]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute hashChange]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute signal]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute formData]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute downloadRequest]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute info]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: attribute hasUAVisualTransition]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: operation intercept(optional NavigationInterceptOptions)]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigateEvent interface: operation scroll()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute url]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute key]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute id]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute index]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: attribute sameDocument]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationDestination interface: operation getState()]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface object length]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface object name]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: attribute navigationType]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: attribute from]
if os == "android" and not sessionHistoryInParent: FAIL
[PopStateEvent interface: attribute hasUAVisualTransition]
expected: FAIL
[PopStateEvent interface: new PopStateEvent("popstate", { data: {} }) must inherit property "hasUAVisualTransition" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: attribute activation]
expected: FAIL
[PageSwapEvent interface: attribute viewTransition]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[PageRevealEvent interface: attribute viewTransition]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: attribute reason]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasonDetails interface: operation toJSON()]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute src]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute id]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute name]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute url]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute reasons]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: attribute children]
expected: FAIL
[NotRestoredReasons interface: operation toJSON()]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: operation unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString)]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: calling unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[MessagePort interface: attribute onclose]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface object]
expected: FAIL
[External interface object length]
expected: FAIL
[External interface object name]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: operation AddSearchProvider()]
expected: FAIL
[External interface: operation IsSearchProviderInstalled()]
expected: FAIL
[External must be primary interface of window.external]
expected: FAIL
[SVGElement interface: attribute onbeforematch]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onafterprint]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onbeforeprint]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onbeforeunload]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onhashchange]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onlanguagechange]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onmessage]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onmessageerror]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onoffline]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute ononline]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpagehide]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpagereveal]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpageshow]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpageswap]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpopstate]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onrejectionhandled]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onstorage]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onunhandledrejection]
expected: FAIL
[SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onunload]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: attribute writingSuggestions]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: attribute onbeforematch]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "writingSuggestions" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLLinkElement interface: attribute blocking]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLLinkElement interface: document.createElement("link") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLStyleElement interface: attribute blocking]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLStyleElement interface: document.createElement("style") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: attribute onpagereveal]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: attribute onpageswap]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: document.createElement("body") must inherit property "onpagereveal" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLBodyElement interface: document.createElement("body") must inherit property "onpageswap" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLIFrameElement interface: document.createElement("iframe") must inherit property "srcdoc" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute playsInline]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLVideoElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "playsInline" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: operation getStartDate()]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute audioTracks]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute videoTracks]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: attribute alpha]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: attribute colorSpace]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: document.createElement("input") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("text") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("hidden") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("search") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("tel") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("url") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("email") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("password") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("date") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("month") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("week") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("time") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("datetime-local") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("number") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("range") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("color") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("checkbox") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("radio") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("file") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("submit") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("image") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("reset") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "alpha" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLInputElement interface: createInput("button") must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLScriptElement interface: attribute blocking]
expected: FAIL
[HTMLScriptElement interface: document.createElement("script") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL