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[Converting a CSSNumericValue to a sum with invalid units throws SyntaxError]
expected: FAIL
[Converting a CSSNumericValue with an invalid sum value to a sum throws TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Converting a CSSNumericValue with compound units to a sum throws TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Converting a CSSNumericValue with leftover units to a sum throws TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Converting CSSNumericValue to a sum with its own unit returns itself]
expected: FAIL
[Converting CSSNumericValue to a sum with no arguments returns all the units in sorted order]
expected: FAIL
[Converting CSSNumericValue to a sum with a relative unit converts correctly]
expected: FAIL
[Converting CSSNumericValue to a sum containing extra units returns zero for those units]
expected: FAIL
[CSSNumericValue.toSum converts greedily]
expected: FAIL