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[Literal result]
expected: FAIL
[Literal result, typed return]
expected: FAIL
[Literal result, typed return, calc]
expected: FAIL
[Literal result, typed return, mismatch]
expected: FAIL
[Missing result descriptor]
expected: FAIL
[Literal result, empty]
expected: FAIL
[result cascading behavior]
expected: FAIL
[Another dashed-function in result]
expected: FAIL
[Unused argument]
expected: FAIL
[Single parameter]
expected: FAIL
[Multiple parameters]
expected: FAIL
[Single parameter, typed]
expected: FAIL
[Typed parameter with calc()]
expected: FAIL
[Untyped parameter with calc()]
expected: FAIL
[Various typed parameters]
expected: FAIL
[Parameter with complex type (auto)]
expected: FAIL
[Parameter with complex type (px)]
expected: FAIL
[Passing argument to inner function]
expected: FAIL
[var() in argument resolved before call]
expected: FAIL
[var() in argument resolved before call, typed]
expected: FAIL
[Single parameter with default value]
expected: FAIL
[Multiple parameters with defaults]
expected: FAIL
[Multiple parameters with defaults, typed]
expected: FAIL
[Unused local]
expected: FAIL
[Local does not affect outer scope]
expected: FAIL
[Substituting local in result]
expected: FAIL
[Substituting multiple locals in result]
expected: FAIL
[Local referring to another local]
expected: FAIL
[Locals appearing after result]
expected: FAIL
[Locals cascading behavior]
expected: FAIL
[Custom properties are visible inside function]
expected: FAIL
[Parameter shadows custom property]
expected: FAIL
[Local shadows parameter]
expected: FAIL
[Missing only argument]
expected: FAIL
[Missing one argument of several]
expected: FAIL