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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {
} = require("damp-test/tests/inspector/inspector-helpers");
const {
} = require("damp-test/tests/head");
const { gDevTools } = require("devtools/client/framework/devtools");
const TEST_URL = PAGES_BASE_URL + "custom/inspector/index.html";
module.exports = async function () {
const tab = await testSetup(TEST_URL, { disableCache: true });
const domReference = await getContentDOMReference("#initial-node", tab);
let toolbox = await openToolboxWithInspectNode(domReference, tab);
await reloadInspectorAndLog("custom", toolbox);
await selectNodeWithManyRulesAndLog(toolbox);
await selectNodeWithManyVariablesAndLog(toolbox);
await selectNodeWithDeeplyNestedRuleAndLog(toolbox, tab);
await collapseExpandAllAndLog(toolbox);
await closeToolboxAndLog("custom.inspector", toolbox);
// Bug 1590308: Wait one second and force an additional GC to reduce the
// side effects of the inspector custom test on the rest of the suite.
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
await garbageCollect();
await testTeardown();
// Retrieve the contentDOMReference for a provided selector that should be
// available in the content page of the provided tab.
async function getContentDOMReference(selector, tab) {
dump("Retrieve the ContentDOMReference for a given selector");
return new Promise(resolve => {
const messageManager = tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager;
messageManager.addMessageListener("get-dom-reference-done", e => {
const domReference =;
const contentMethod = function (_selector) {
const { ContentDOMReference } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const iframe = content.document.querySelector("iframe");
const win = iframe.contentWindow;
const element = win.document.querySelector(_selector);
const domReference = ContentDOMReference.get(element);
sendAsyncMessage("get-dom-reference-done", domReference);
const wrappedMethod = encodeURIComponent(`function () {
messageManager.loadFrameScript(`data:,(${wrappedMethod})()`, false);
async function openToolboxWithInspectNode(domReference, tab) {
dump("Open the toolbox using InspectNode\n");
const test = runTest(``);
// Wait for "toolbox-ready" to easily get access to the created toolbox.
const onToolboxReady = gDevTools.once("toolbox-ready");
await gDevTools.inspectNode(tab, domReference);
const toolbox = await onToolboxReady;
// Wait for all pending paints to settle.
await recordPendingPaints("", toolbox);
// Toolbox creates many objects. See comment in head.js openToolboxAndLog.
await garbageCollect();
return toolbox;
async function getRootNodeFront(inspector) {
const root = await inspector.walker.getRootNode();
const iframeNodeFront = await inspector.walker.querySelector(root, "iframe");
// Using iframes, retrieve the document in the iframe front children.
const { nodes } = await inspector.walker.children(iframeNodeFront);
return nodes[0];
* Measure the time necessary to select a node and display the rule view when many rules
* match the element.
async function selectNodeWithManyRulesAndLog(toolbox) {
let inspector = toolbox.getPanel("inspector");
let initialNodeFront = inspector.selection.nodeFront;
// Retrieve the node front for the test node.
let root = await getRootNodeFront(inspector);
let referenceNodeFront = await root.walkerFront.querySelector(
let testNodeFront = await root.walkerFront.querySelector(
// Select test node and measure the time to display the rule view with many rules.
dump("Selecting .many-css-rules test node front\n");
let test = runTest("custom.inspector.manyrules.selectnode");
await selectNodeFront(inspector, testNodeFront);
// Select reference node and measure the time to empty the rule view.
dump("Move the selection to a node with no rules\n");
test = runTest("custom.inspector.manyrules.deselectnode");
await selectNodeFront(inspector, referenceNodeFront);
await selectNodeFront(inspector, initialNodeFront);
* Measure the time necessary to select a node and display the rule view when many
* CSS variables apply to the element.
async function selectNodeWithManyVariablesAndLog(toolbox) {
let inspector = toolbox.getPanel("inspector");
let initialNodeFront = inspector.selection.nodeFront;
// Retrieve the node front for the test node.
let root = await getRootNodeFront(inspector);
let testNodeFront = await root.walkerFront.querySelector(
// Select test node and measure the time to display the rule view with many variables.
dump("Selecting .many-css-variables test node front\n");
let test = runTest("custom.inspector.manycssvariables.selectnode");
await selectNodeFront(inspector, testNodeFront);
await selectNodeFront(inspector, initialNodeFront);
* Measure the time necessary to select a node and display the rule view when a rule is
* deeply nested
async function selectNodeWithDeeplyNestedRuleAndLog(toolbox, tab) {
let inspector = toolbox.getPanel("inspector");
let initialNodeFront = inspector.selection.nodeFront;
// Retrieve the node front for the test node.
let root = await getRootNodeFront(inspector);
let testNodeFront = await root.walkerFront.querySelector(
const nestedRuleDepth = 19;
const deeplyNestedRule = `section {
${`&.nesting , &.non-matching-selector {`.repeat(nestedRuleDepth)}
.deeply-nested {
color: tomato;
// Load a frame script using a data URI so we can run a script inside of the content process
const messageManager = tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager;
await messageManager.loadFrameScript(
"data:,(" +
function () {
const iframe = content.document.querySelector("iframe");
const win = iframe.contentWindow;
const doc = win.document;
const style = doc.createElement("style");
}`) +
// Select test node and measure the time to display the rule view with deeply nested rule.
dump("Selecting .deeply-nested test node front\n");
const selectNodeTest = runTest(
await selectNodeFront(inspector, testNodeFront);
// Resize window and measure the time it takes for the rule view to refresh.
const onRuleViewRefreshed = inspector.once("rule-view-refreshed");
const refreshTest = runTest("custom.inspector.deeplynestedrule.refresh");
toolbox.topWindow.resizeBy(null, 10);
await onRuleViewRefreshed;
await selectNodeFront(inspector, initialNodeFront);
async function collapseExpandAllAndLog(toolbox) {
let inspector = toolbox.getPanel("inspector");
let initialNodeFront = inspector.selection.nodeFront;
let root = await getRootNodeFront(inspector);
dump("Select expand-many-children node\n");
let many = await root.walkerFront.querySelector(
await selectNodeFront(inspector, many);
dump("Expand all children of expand-many-children\n");
let test = runTest("custom.inspector.expandall.manychildren");
await inspector.markup.expandAll(many);
dump("Collapse all children of expand-many-children\n");
test = runTest("custom.inspector.collapseall.manychildren");
await inspector.markup.collapseAll(many);
dump("Select expand-balanced node\n");
let balanced = await root.walkerFront.querySelector(root, ".expand-balanced");
await selectNodeFront(inspector, balanced);
dump("Expand all children of expand-balanced\n");
test = runTest("custom.inspector.expandall.balanced");
await inspector.markup.expandAll(balanced);
dump("Collapse all children of expand-balanced\n");
test = runTest("custom.inspector.collapseall.balanced");
await inspector.markup.collapseAll(balanced);
await selectNodeFront(inspector, initialNodeFront);