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"use strict";
/* globals ExtensionAPI, Services, XPCOMUtils */
this.damp = class extends ExtensionAPI {
getAPI(context) {
return {
damp: {
startTest() {
// Some notes about using a DevTools loader for DAMP.
// The DAMP loader needs to be same loader as the one used by the
// toolbox later on. Otherwise, we will not retrieve the proper
// instance of some modules.
// The main devtools loader is the exported `loader` from Loader.sys.mjs,
// we have to use that.
dump("[damp-api] Retrieve the main DevTools loader\n");
const { loader, require } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { rootURI } = context.extension;
const dampRootDir = rootURI.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
const protocolHandler =
// Serve testing/talos/talos/tests/devtools/addon/ via "resource://damp-test"
// Loader.sys.mjs will map `require("damp-test/...")` to `resource://damp-test/content/...`
// Thus allowing to load damp files from the content folder via the DevTools loader.
protocolHandler.setSubstitution("damp-test", dampRootDir);
// Expose the window to modules loaded for DAMP.
loader.loader.globals.dampWindow = context.appWindow;
loader.loader.globals.fetch = context.appWindow.fetch;
dump("[damp-api] Retrieve the DAMP runner and start the test\n");
const { damp } = require("damp-test/damp");
return damp.startTest();