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#name: newssite-applink-startup
#owner: perftest
#description: Runs the newssite applink startup(cvne) test for chrome/fenix
# Path to the Python script
# Start up a local http server.
$PYTHON_PATH_SHELL_SCRIPT -m http.server --directory testing/performance/mobile-startup/newssite-nuxt \
> $TESTING_DIR/server.log 2>&1 &
echo "HTTP server started with PID $SERVER_PID, logs are in server.log"
# Reroute localhost:8000 on the device to the host.
adb reverse tcp:8000 tcp:8000
# Run the Python script
$PYTHON_PATH_SHELL_SCRIPT $SCRIPT_PATH $APP cold_view_nav_end http://localhost:8000
# Remove all reverse rules
adb reverse --remove-all
# Kill python server