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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
EQEQ = "=="
FUZZY_IF_REGEX = r"^fuzzy-if\((.*?),(\d+)-(\d+),(\d+)-(\d+)\)$"
"fission": True,
"is64Bit": True,
"useDrawSnapshot": False,
"swgl": False,
MARGIN = 0.05 # Increase difference/pixels percentage
NOT_EQ = "!="
OSES = ["Android", "cocoaWidget", "appleSilicon", "gtkWidget", "winWidget"]
class ListManifestParser(object):
Meta Manifest Parser is the main class for the lmp program.
errfile = sys.stderr
outfile = sys.stdout
verbose = False
def __init__(
self, implicit_vars=False, verbose=False, error=None, warning=None, info=None
self.implicit_vars = implicit_vars
self.verbose = verbose
self._error = error
self._warning = warning
self._info = info
self.parser = None
self.fuzzy_if_rx = None
def error(self, e):
if self._error is not None:
print(f"ERROR: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
def warning(self, e):
if self._warning is not None:
print(f"WARNING: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
def info(self, e):
if self._info is not None:
print(f"INFO: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
def vinfo(self, e):
if self.verbose:
def should_merge(self, condition, fuzzy_if_condition):
Return True if existing condition and proposed fuzzy_if
differ by one dimension (or less)
c_os = None
os = None
conditions = condition.split("&&")
n = len(conditions)
fuzzy_ifs = fuzzy_if_condition.split("&&")
m = len(fuzzy_ifs)
dimensions = {}
delta = 0 # dimensions of difference
for i in range(n):
if conditions[i].find("||") > 0:
disjunctions = conditions[i][1:-1].split("||")
if disjunctions[0] in OSES:
c_os = disjunctions[0]
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in OSES:
os = fuzzy_ifs[j]
if c_os != os:
return False # do not merge different OSES
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
elif self.implicit_vars and disjunctions[0] in IMPLICIT:
dimensions[disjunctions[0]] = True
conditions[i] = ""
delta += 1 # OTHER adds a dimension
elif conditions[i] in OSES:
c_os = conditions[i]
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in OSES:
os = fuzzy_ifs[j]
if c_os != os:
return False # do not merge different OSES
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
break # expect only one os variable
conditions[i] = ""
elif conditions[i] in BUILD_TYPES:
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in BUILD_TYPES:
if conditions[i] != fuzzy_ifs[j]:
delta += 1 # BUILD_TYPE different
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
break # expect at most one build_type
conditions[i] = "" # handles also if BUILD_TYPE is omitted
negated = False
if conditions[i][0] == "!":
negated = True
cond = conditions[i][1:]
cond = conditions[i]
dimensions[cond] = True
if negated:
opposite = cond
opposite = "!" + cond
for j in range(m):
if conditions[i] == fuzzy_ifs[j]: # same
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
elif opposite == fuzzy_ifs[j]: # opposite explicit
delta += 1 # different
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
elif fuzzy_ifs[j] == "(" + cond + "||!" + cond + ")":
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
if (
and self.implicit_vars
and not (IMPLICIT[cond] and not negated)
and not (not IMPLICIT[cond] and negated)
): # opposite implicit different
delta += 1
conditions[i] = ""
for i in range(n):
if conditions[i]: # unhandled
delta += 1 # OTHER adds a dimension
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j]: # unhandled
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in OSES:
return False # condition doesn't specify OS
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in BUILD_TYPES:
continue # does not add a dimension b/c condition doesn't specify
if fuzzy_ifs[j][0] == "!":
cond = fuzzy_ifs[j][1:]
cond = fuzzy_ifs[j]
if not cond in dimensions:
delta += 1 # OTHER adds a dimension
return delta <= 1
def merge(self, condition, fuzzy_if_condition):
A. if 2 of the 5 build-types are present -- eliminate ALL build types
(i.e. the condition will apply to all build types)
B. If both the implicit and explicit (non) default value are present, add
an OR like this (swgl || !swgl) -- that way the condition will match
any value of swgl. For implicit variables see:
fission: true,
is64Bit: true,
useDrawSnapshot: false,
swgl: false,
C. for other vars if we have A and !A then remove A from the condition
os = ""
build_type = ""
conditions = condition.split("&&")
n = len(conditions)
fuzzy_ifs = fuzzy_if_condition.split("&&")
m = len(fuzzy_ifs)
conds = {}
for i in range(n):
if conditions[i].find("||") > 0:
disjunctions = conditions[i][1:-1].split("||")
cond = disjunctions[0]
if cond in OSES:
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in OSES:
if fuzzy_ifs[j] not in disjunctions:
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
disjunctions = sorted(disjunctions)
os = "(" + "||".join(disjunctions) + ")"
conditions[i] = ""
elif self.implicit_vars and cond in IMPLICIT:
for j in range(m):
if not fuzzy_ifs[j]:
if (
fuzzy_ifs[j] == cond
or fuzzy_ifs[j] == "!" + cond
or fuzzy_ifs[j] == "(" + cond + "||!" + cond + ")"
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conds[cond] = conditions[i]
conditions[i] = ""
elif conditions[i] in OSES:
os = conditions[i]
conditions[i] = ""
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in OSES:
if os < fuzzy_ifs[j]: # add in alpha order
os = "(" + os + "||" + fuzzy_ifs[j] + ")"
elif os > fuzzy_ifs[j]:
os = "(" + fuzzy_ifs[j] + "||" + os + ")"
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
break # expect only one os variable
elif conditions[i] in BUILD_TYPES:
build_type = conditions[i]
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in BUILD_TYPES:
if fuzzy_ifs[j] != build_type: # different
build_type = ""
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
break # expect at most one build_type
if conditions[i]: # fuzzy_if had build_type _removed_
build_type = ""
conditions[i] = ""
negated = False
if conditions[i][0] == "!":
negated = True
cond = conditions[i][1:]
cond = conditions[i]
if negated:
opposite = cond
opposite = "!" + cond
disjunction = ""
for j in range(m):
if not fuzzy_ifs[j]:
if conditions[i] == fuzzy_ifs[j]: # same
conds[cond] = conditions[i]
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
if (
and cond in IMPLICIT
and (
opposite == fuzzy_ifs[j]
or fuzzy_ifs[j] == "(" + cond + "||!" + cond + ")"
if negated:
disjunction = "(" + opposite + "||" + conditions[i] + ")"
disjunction = "(" + conditions[i] + "||" + opposite + ")"
conds[cond] = disjunction
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
if opposite == fuzzy_ifs[j]: # remove
fuzzy_ifs[j] = ""
conditions[i] = ""
if (
and conditions[i]
and not (IMPLICIT[cond] and not negated)
and not (not IMPLICIT[cond] and negated)
): # opposite implicit
if negated:
disjunction = "(" + opposite + "||" + conditions[i] + ")"
disjunction = "(" + conditions[i] + "||" + opposite + ")"
conds[cond] = disjunction
conditions[i] = ""
if not self.implicit_vars and conditions[i]:
conditions[i] = "" # remove, unspecified in fuzzy_if
for i in range(n):
if conditions[i]: # unhandled
negated = False
if conditions[i][0] == "!":
negated = True
cond = conditions[i][1:]
cond = conditions[i]
if (not (self.implicit_vars and cond in IMPLICIT)) or ( # not implicit
(IMPLICIT[cond] and negated)
or (not IMPLICIT[cond] and not negated) # or explicit
conds[cond] = conditions[i]
for j in range(m):
if fuzzy_ifs[j]: # unhandled
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in OSES:
os = fuzzy_ifs[j]
if fuzzy_ifs[j] in BUILD_TYPES and fuzzy_ifs[j] != build_type:
build_type = ""
negated = False
if fuzzy_ifs[j][0] == "!":
negated = True
cond = fuzzy_ifs[j][1:]
cond = fuzzy_ifs[j]
if not (self.implicit_vars and cond in IMPLICIT): # not implicit
pass # not present in condition
elif (IMPLICIT[cond] and negated) or (
not IMPLICIT[cond] and not negated
): # or opposite of implicit
disjunction = ""
if negated:
opposite = cond
opposite = "!" + cond
if negated:
disjunction = "(" + opposite + "||" + fuzzy_ifs[j] + ")"
disjunction = "(" + fuzzy_ifs[j] + "||" + opposite + ")"
conds[cond] = disjunction
if os:
merged = os
merged = ""
if build_type:
if merged:
merged += "&&"
merged += build_type
conds_keys = sorted(list(conds.keys()))
for cond in conds_keys:
if os != "winWidget" and conds[cond] == "is64Bit":
continue # special case: elide is64Bit except on Windows
if os != "gtkWidget" and cond == "useDrawSnapshot":
continue # special case: elide useDrawSnapshot except on Linux
if merged:
merged += "&&"
merged += conds[cond]
return merged
def get_os_in_condition(self, condition):
"""Return reftest os variable for condition (or the empty string)"""
os = ""
conditions = condition.split("&&")
n = len(conditions)
for i in range(n):
if conditions[i].find("||") > 0:
disjunctions = conditions[i][1:-1].split("||")
if disjunctions[0] in OSES:
os = disjunctions[0] # returns ONLY first OS if disjunction
if conditions[i] in OSES:
os = conditions[i]
return os
def get_dimensions(self, condition):
"""Return number of dimensions in condition"""
dimensions = []
conditions = condition.split("&&")
n = len(conditions)
for i in range(n):
if conditions[i].find("||") > 0:
disjunctions = conditions[i][1:-1].split("||")
if disjunctions[0] in OSES:
if "os" not in dimensions:
elif disjunctions[0] not in dimensions:
if conditions[i] in OSES:
if "os" not in dimensions:
elif conditions[i] in BUILD_TYPES:
if "build_type" not in dimensions:
if conditions[i][0] == "!":
cond = conditions[i][1:]
cond = conditions[i]
if cond not in dimensions:
if self.implicit_vars:
for cond in IMPLICIT:
if cond not in dimensions:
return len(dimensions)
def calc_fuzzy_if(
self, modifiers, j, fuzzy_if_condition, d_min, d_max, p_min, p_max
Will analzye modifiers in range(j) and
- move non fuzzy-if's to the left
- sort fuzzy-ifs by OS and by dimension
- merge with an exising fuzzy-if ONLY if differs by one dimension (or less)
- else add fuzzy-if in dimension order
Returns additional_comment (if added second or subsequent for this OS)
def fuzzy_if_keyfn(fuzzy_if):
os = ""
dimensions = 0
m = self.fuzzy_if_rx.findall(fuzzy_if)
if len(m) == 1: # NOT fuzzy-if
condition = m[0][0]
os = self.get_os_in_condition(condition)
dimensions = self.get_dimensions(condition)
os_i = OSES.index(os)
except ValueError:
os_i = -1
return [os_i, dimensions]
success = True
additional_comment = ""
merged = None # index in modifiers of the last merged fuzzy_if
os = self.get_os_in_condition(fuzzy_if_condition)
fuzzy_if = f"fuzzy-if({fuzzy_if_condition},{d_min}-{d_max},{p_min}-{p_max})"
first = j # position of first fuzzy-if
if self.fuzzy_if_rx is None:
self.fuzzy_if_rx = re.compile(FUZZY_IF_REGEX)
i = 0
while i < j:
m = self.fuzzy_if_rx.findall(modifiers[i])
if len(m) != 1: # NOT fuzzy-if
if i > first: # move before fuzzy-if's
modifier = modifiers[i]
del modifiers[i]
modifiers.insert(first, modifier)
first += 1
else: # fuzzy-if
if i < first:
first = i
condition = m[0][0]
dmin = int(m[0][1])
dmax = int(m[0][2])
pmin = int(m[0][3])
pmax = int(m[0][4])
this_os = self.get_os_in_condition(condition)
if this_os == os and (
condition == fuzzy_if_condition
or self.should_merge(condition, fuzzy_if_condition)
self.vinfo(f"CONDITION {i:2d} NOW {modifiers[i]}")
self.vinfo(f"PROPOSED {fuzzy_if_condition}")
fuzzy_if_condition = self.merge(condition, fuzzy_if_condition)
d_min = min(dmin, d_min) # dmin, if zero, is kept
d_max = max(dmax, d_max)
p_min = min(pmin, p_min) # pmin, if zero, is kept
p_max = max(pmax, p_max)
fuzzy_if = f"fuzzy-if({fuzzy_if_condition},{d_min}-{d_max},{p_min}-{p_max})"
if (d_min == 0 and d_max == 0) or (p_min == 0 and p_max == 0):
additional_comment = f"fuzzy-if removed as calculated range is {d_min}-{d_max},{p_min}-{p_max}"
self.vinfo(f"ABANDONED MERGE {fuzzy_if}")
del modifiers[i]
i -= 1
j -= 1
if merged is not None: # delete previous
self.vinfo(f" Deleting previous: {merged}")
del modifiers[merged]
i -= 1
j -= 1
modifiers[i] = fuzzy_if
merged = i
self.vinfo(f"UPDATED MERGED {fuzzy_if}")
i += 1
if (
and merged is None
and ((d_min == 0 and d_max == 0) or (p_min == 0 and p_max == 0))
if not additional_comment: # this is NOT the result of merging to 0-0
self.vinfo(f"ABANDONED ADD {fuzzy_if}")
additional_comment = f"fuzzy-if not added as calculated range is {d_min}-{d_max},{p_min}-{p_max}"
success = False
merged = i # avoid adding below
if success:
if merged is None:
self.vinfo(f"UPDATED ADDED {fuzzy_if}")
modifiers.insert(j, fuzzy_if)
j += 1
fuzzy_ifs = modifiers[first:j]
if len(fuzzy_ifs) > 0:
fuzzy_ifs = sorted(fuzzy_ifs, key=fuzzy_if_keyfn)
a = j # first fuzzy_if for os
b = j # last fuzzy_if for os
for i in range(len(fuzzy_ifs)):
modifiers[first + i] = fuzzy_ifs[i]
if fuzzy_ifs[i].startswith("fuzzy-if(" + os):
if a == j:
a = first + i
b = first + i
if b > a:
additional_comment = f"NOTE: more than one fuzzy-if for the OS = {os} ==> may require manual review"
return success, additional_comment
def reftest_add_fuzzy_if(
Edits a reftest manifest string to add disabled condition
Returns additional_comment (if any)
result = ("", "")
additional_comment = ""
words = filename.split()
if len(words) < 3:
f"Expected filename in the form '[optional conditions] == url url_ref': {filename}"
return result
test_type = words[-3]
url = os.path.basename(words[-2])
url_ref = os.path.basename(words[-1])
lines = manifest_str.splitlines()
if lineno == 0 or lineno > len(lines):
self.error("cannot determine line to edit in manifest")
return result
line = lines[lineno - 1]
comment = ""
comment_start = line.find(" #") # MUST NOT match anchors!
if comment_start > 0:
comment = line[comment_start + 1 :]
line = line[0:comment_start].strip()
words = line.split()
n = len(words)
if n < 3:
self.error(f"line {lineno} does not match: {line}")
return result
if os.path.basename(words[n - 1]) != url_ref:
self.error(f"words[n-1] not url_ref: {words[n-1]} != {url_ref}")
return result
if os.path.basename(words[n - 2]) != url:
self.error(f"words[n-2] not url: {words[n-2]} != {url}")
return result
if words[n - 3] != test_type:
self.error(f"words[n-3] not '{test_type}': {words[n-3]}")
return result
d_min = 0
d_max = 0
if len(differences) > 0:
d_min = min(differences)
d_max = max(differences)
if d_min == 0 and d_max > 0: # recalc minimum
i = 0
n = len(differences)
while i < n:
if differences[i] == 0:
del differences[i]
n -= 1
i += 1
if n > 0:
d_min = min(differences)
p_min = 0
p_max = 0
if len(pixels) > 0:
p_min = min(pixels)
p_max = max(pixels)
if p_min == 0 and p_max > 0: # recalc minimum
i = 0
n = len(pixels)
while i < n:
if pixels[i] == 0:
del pixels[i]
n -= 1
i += 1
if n > 0:
p_min = min(pixels)
if zero:
d_min = 0
p_min = 0
d_max2 = int((1.0 + MARGIN) * d_max)
if d_max2 > d_max:
f"Increased max difference from {d_max} by {int(MARGIN*100)}% to {d_max2}"
d_max = d_max2
p_max2 = int((1.0 + MARGIN) * p_max)
if p_max2 > p_max:
f"Increased differing pixels from {p_max} by {int(MARGIN*100)}% to {p_max2}"
p_max = p_max2
if comment:
bug = bug_reference.split()
if comment.find(bug[1]) < 0: # look for bug number only
comment += ", " + bug_reference
comment = "# " + bug_reference
j = 0
for i in range(n):
if words[i].startswith("HTTP") or words[i] == test_type:
j = i
success, additional_comment = self.calc_fuzzy_if(
words, j, fuzzy_if, d_min, d_max, p_min, p_max
if success:
lines[lineno - 1] = " ".join(words)
manifest_str = "\n".join(lines)
if manifest_str[-1] != "\n":
manifest_str += "\n"
manifest_str = ""
result = (manifest_str, additional_comment)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":