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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import argparse
import optparse
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import six
from . import formatters, handlers
from .structuredlog import StructuredLogger, set_default_logger
log_formatters = {
"raw": (
"Raw structured log messages " "(provided by mozlog)",
"unittest": (
"Unittest style output " "(provided by mozlog)",
"xunit": (
"xUnit compatible XML " "(provided by mozlog)",
"html": (formatters.HTMLFormatter, "HTML report " "(provided by mozlog)"),
"mach": (formatters.MachFormatter, "Human-readable output " "(provided by mozlog)"),
"tbpl": (formatters.TbplFormatter, "TBPL style log format " "(provided by mozlog)"),
"grouped": (
"Grouped summary of test results " "(provided by mozlog)",
"errorsummary": (formatters.ErrorSummaryFormatter, argparse.SUPPRESS),
TEXT_FORMATTERS = ("raw", "mach")
"""a subset of formatters for non test harnesses related applications"""
def level_filter_wrapper(formatter, level):
return handlers.LogLevelFilter(formatter, level)
def verbose_wrapper(formatter, verbose):
formatter.verbose = verbose
return formatter
def compact_wrapper(formatter, compact):
formatter.compact = compact
return formatter
def buffer_handler_wrapper(handler, buffer_limit):
if buffer_limit == "UNLIMITED":
buffer_limit = None
buffer_limit = int(buffer_limit)
return handlers.BufferHandler(handler, buffer_limit)
def screenshot_wrapper(formatter, enable_screenshot):
formatter.enable_screenshot = enable_screenshot
return formatter
def valgrind_handler_wrapper(handler):
return handlers.ValgrindHandler(handler)
def default_formatter_options(log_type, overrides):
formatter_option_defaults = {"raw": {"level": "debug"}}
rv = {"verbose": False, "level": "info"}
rv.update(formatter_option_defaults.get(log_type, {}))
if overrides is not None:
return rv
fmt_options = {
# <option name>: (<wrapper function>, description, <applicable formatters>, action)
# "action" is used by the commandline parser in use.
"verbose": (
"Enables verbose mode for the given formatter.",
"compact": (
"Enables compact mode for the given formatter.",
"level": (
"A least log level to subscribe to for the given formatter "
"(debug, info, error, etc.)",
{"mach", "raw", "tbpl"},
"buffer": (
"If specified, enables message buffering at the given buffer size limit.",
["mach", "tbpl"],
"screenshot": (
"Enable logging reftest-analyzer compatible screenshot data.",
"no-screenshot": (
"Disable logging reftest-analyzer compatible screenshot data.",
def log_file(name):
if name == "-":
return sys.stdout
# ensure we have a correct dirpath by using realpath
dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(name))
if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
return open(name, "w")
def add_logging_group(parser, include_formatters=None):
Add logging options to an argparse ArgumentParser or
optparse OptionParser.
Each formatter has a corresponding option of the form --log-{name}
where {name} is the name of the formatter. The option takes a value
which is either a filename or "-" to indicate stdout.
:param parser: The ArgumentParser or OptionParser object that should have
logging options added.
:param include_formatters: List of formatter names that should be included
in the option group. Default to None, meaning
all the formatters are included. A common use
of this option is to specify
:data:`TEXT_FORMATTERS` to include only the
most useful formatters for a command line tool
that is not related to test harnesses.
group_name = "Output Logging"
group_description = (
"Each option represents a possible logging format "
"and takes a filename to write that format to, "
"or '-' to write to stdout. Some options are "
"provided by the mozlog utility; see %s "
"for extended documentation." % DOCS_URL
if include_formatters is None:
include_formatters = list(log_formatters.keys())
if isinstance(parser, optparse.OptionParser):
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, group_name, group_description)
opt_log_type = "str"
group_add = group.add_option
group = parser.add_argument_group(group_name, group_description)
opt_log_type = log_file
group_add = group.add_argument
for name, (cls, help_str) in six.iteritems(log_formatters):
if name in include_formatters:
"--log-" + name, action="append", type=opt_log_type, help=help_str
for fmt in include_formatters:
for optname, (cls, help_str, formatters_, action) in six.iteritems(fmt_options):
if fmt not in formatters_:
if optname.startswith("no-") and action == "store_false":
dest = optname.split("-", 1)[1]
dest = optname
dest = dest.replace("-", "_")
"--log-%s-%s" % (fmt, optname),
dest="log_%s_%s" % (fmt, dest),
def setup_handlers(logger, formatters, formatter_options, allow_unused_options=False):
Add handlers to the given logger according to the formatters and
options provided.
:param logger: The logger configured by this function.
:param formatters: A dict of {formatter, [streams]} to use in handlers.
:param formatter_options: a dict of {formatter: {option: value}} to
to use when configuring formatters.
unused_options = set(formatter_options.keys()) - set(formatters.keys())
if unused_options and not allow_unused_options:
msg = "Options specified for unused formatter(s) (%s) have no effect" % list(
raise ValueError(msg)
for fmt, streams in six.iteritems(formatters):
formatter_cls = log_formatters[fmt][0]
formatter = formatter_cls()
handler_wrappers_and_options = []
for option, value in six.iteritems(formatter_options[fmt]):
wrapper, wrapper_args = None, ()
if option == "valgrind":
wrapper = valgrind_handler_wrapper
elif option == "buffer":
wrapper, wrapper_args = fmt_options[option][0], (value,)
formatter = fmt_options[option][0](formatter, value)
if wrapper is not None:
handler_wrappers_and_options.append((wrapper, wrapper_args))
for value in streams:
handler = handlers.StreamHandler(stream=value, formatter=formatter)
for wrapper, wrapper_args in handler_wrappers_and_options:
handler = wrapper(handler, *wrapper_args)
def setup_logging(
logger, args, defaults=None, formatter_defaults=None, allow_unused_options=False
Configure a structuredlogger based on command line arguments.
The created structuredlogger will also be set as the default logger, and
can be retrieved with :py:func:`~mozlog.get_default_logger`.
:param logger: A StructuredLogger instance or string name. If a string, a
new StructuredLogger instance will be created using
`logger` as the name.
:param args: A dictionary of {argument_name:value} produced from
parsing the command line arguments for the application
:param defaults: A dictionary of {formatter name: output stream} to apply
when there is no logging supplied on the command line. If
this isn't supplied, reasonable defaults are chosen
(coloured mach formatting if stdout is a terminal, or raw
logs otherwise).
:param formatter_defaults: A dictionary of {option_name: default_value} to provide
to the formatters in the absence of command line overrides.
:rtype: StructuredLogger
if not isinstance(logger, StructuredLogger):
logger = StructuredLogger(logger)
# The likely intent when using this function is to get a brand new
# logger, so reset state in case it was previously initialized.
# Keep track of any options passed for formatters.
formatter_options = {}
# Keep track of formatters and list of streams specified.
formatters = defaultdict(list)
found = False
found_stdout_logger = False
if args is None:
args = {}
if not isinstance(args, dict):
args = vars(args)
if defaults is None:
if sys.__stdout__.isatty():
defaults = {"mach": sys.stdout}
defaults = {"raw": sys.stdout}
for name, values in six.iteritems(args):
parts = name.split("_")
if len(parts) > 3:
# Our args will be ['log', <formatter>]
# or ['log', <formatter>, <option>]
# or ['valgrind']
if parts[0] == "log" and values is not None:
if len(parts) == 1 or parts[1] not in log_formatters:
if len(parts) == 2:
_, formatter = parts
for value in values:
found = True
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = log_file(value)
if value == sys.stdout:
found_stdout_logger = True
if len(parts) == 3:
_, formatter, opt = parts
if formatter not in formatter_options:
formatter_options[formatter] = default_formatter_options(
formatter, formatter_defaults
formatter_options[formatter][opt] = values
# If there is no user-specified logging, go with the default options
if not found:
for name, value in six.iteritems(defaults):
elif not found_stdout_logger and sys.stdout in list(defaults.values()):
for name, value in six.iteritems(defaults):
if value == sys.stdout:
for name in formatters:
if name not in formatter_options:
formatter_options[name] = default_formatter_options(
name, formatter_defaults
# If the user specified --valgrind, add it as an option for all formatters
if args.get("valgrind", None) is not None:
for name in formatters:
formatter_options[name]["valgrind"] = True
setup_handlers(logger, formatters, formatter_options, allow_unused_options)
return logger