__init__.py |
mozgeckoprofiler has utilities to symbolicate and load gecko profiles.
569 |
dump_syms_mac |
424940 |
profiling.py |
Symbolicate a single JSON profile.
2818 |
symbolication.py |
Returns the filename at which the .sym file was created, or None if no
symbols were dumped.
12758 |
symbolicationRequest.py |
12518 |
symFileManager.py |
This class fetches symbols from files and caches the results.
options (obj)
symbolPaths : dictionary
Paths to .SYM files, expressed internally as a mapping of app or platform
names to directories. App & OS names from requests are converted to
all-uppercase internally
e.g. { "FIREFOX": "/tmp/path" }
maxCacheEntries : number
Maximum number of symbol files to keep in memory
prefetchInterval : number
Frequency of checking for recent symbols to cache (in hours)
prefetchThreshold : number
Oldest file age to prefetch (in hours)
prefetchMaxSymbolsPerLib : (number)
Maximum number of library versions to pre-fetch per library
13439 |
viewgeckoprofile.py |
Extends the basic SimpleHTTPRequestHandler (which serves a directory
of files) to include request headers required by profiler.firefox.com |
4212 |