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Test Info:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/MockDOM.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/Base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/Iter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/DOM.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../MochiKit/Style.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="SimpleTest/test.css">
<div style="display: none;">
<form id="form_test">
<select name="select">
<option value="foo" selected="selected">foo</option>
<option value="bar">bar</option>
<option value="baz">baz</option>
<select name="selmultiple" multiple="multiple">
<option value="bar" selected="selected">bar</option>
<option value="baz" selected="selected">baz</option>
<option value="foo">foo</option>
<input type="hidden" name="hidden" value="test" />
<input type="radio" name="radio_off" value="1" />
<input type="radio" name="radio_off" value="2" />
<input type="radio" name="radio_off" value="3" />
<input type="radio" name="radio_on" value="1" />
<input type="radio" name="radio_on" value="2" checked="checked" />
<input type="radio" name="radio_on" value="3" />
<form id="form_test2">
<select name="selempty">
<option value="" selected="selected">foo</option>
<select name="selempty2">
<option selected="selected">foo</option>
<div id="parentTwo" class="two">
<div id="parentOne" class="one">
<div id="parentZero" class="zero">
<span id="child">child</span>
<pre id="test">
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
lst = [];
o = {"blah": function () { lst.push("original"); }};
addToCallStack(o, "blah", function () { lst.push("new"); }, true);
addToCallStack(o, "blah", function () { lst.push("stuff"); }, true);
is( typeof(o.blah), 'function', 'addToCallStack has a function' );
is( o.blah.callStack.length, 3, 'callStack length 3' );
is( lst.join(" "), "original new stuff", "callStack in correct order" );
is( o.blah, null, "set to null" );
lst = [];
o = {"blah": function () { lst.push("original"); }};
addToCallStack(o, "blah",
function () { lst.push("new"); return false;}, false);
addToCallStack(o, "blah", function () { lst.push("stuff"); }, false);
is( lst.join(" "), "original new", "callStack in correct order (abort)" );
is( lst.join(" "), "original new original new", "callStack in correct order (again)" );
is( escapeHTML("<>\"&bar"), "&lt;&gt;&quot;&amp;bar", "escapeHTML" ); // for emacs highlighting: "
var isDOM = function (value, expected, message) {
is( escapeHTML(toHTML(value)), escapeHTML(expected), message );
var d = document.createElement('span');
updateNodeAttributes(d, {"foo": "bar", "baz": "wibble"});
isDOM( d, '<span baz="wibble" foo="bar"/>', "updateNodeAttributes" );
var d = document.createElement('input');
d.value = "foo";
updateNodeAttributes(d, { value: "bar" });
is( d.value, 'bar', "updateNodeAttributes updates value property" );
is( d.getAttribute("value"), 'bar', "updateNodeAttributes updates value attribute" );
var d = document.createElement('span');
var o = { elem: SPAN(null, "foo"), __dom__: function() { return this.elem; } };
appendChildNodes(d, 'word up', [document.createElement('span')], o);
isDOM( d, '<span>word up<span/><span>foo</span></span>', 'appendChildNodes' );
isDOM( d, '<span>word up<span/></span>', 'removeElement using DOM Coercion Rules' );
replaceChildNodes(d, 'Think Different');
isDOM( d, '<span>Think Different</span>', 'replaceChildNodes' );
insertSiblingNodesBefore(d.childNodes[0], 'word up', document.createElement('span'));
isDOM( d, '<span>word up<span/>Think Different</span>', 'insertSiblingNodesBefore' );
insertSiblingNodesAfter(d.childNodes[0], 'purple monkey', document.createElement('span'));
isDOM( d, '<span>word uppurple monkey<span/><span/>Think Different</span>', 'insertSiblingNodesAfter' );
d = createDOM("span");
isDOM( d, "<span/>", "createDOM empty" );
d = createDOM("span", {"foo": "bar", "baz": "wibble"});
isDOM( d, '<span baz="wibble" foo="bar"/>', "createDOM attributes" );
d = createDOM("span", {"foo": "bar", "baz": "wibble", "spam": "egg"}, "one", "two", "three");
is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'foo'), "bar", "createDOM attribute" );
is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'baz'), "wibble", "createDOM attribute" );
is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'lang'), null, "getNodeAttribute on IE added attribute" );
is( getNodeAttribute("donotexist", 'foo'), null, "getNodeAttribute invalid node id" );
removeNodeAttribute(d, "spam");
is( scrapeText(d), "onetwothree", "createDOM contents" );
isDOM( d, '<span baz="wibble" foo="bar">onetwothree</span>', "createDOM contents" );
d = createDOM("span", null, function (f) {
return this.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "hi" + f.nodeName.toLowerCase();});
isDOM( d, '<span>spanhispan</span>', 'createDOM function call' );
d = createDOM("span", null, {msg: "hi", dom: function (f) {
return f.nodeName.toLowerCase() + this.msg; }});
isDOM( d, '<span>spanhi</span>', 'createDOM this.dom() call' );
d = createDOM("span", null, {msg: "hi", __dom__: function (f) {
return f.nodeName.toLowerCase() + this.msg; }});
isDOM( d, '<span>spanhi</span>', 'createDOM this.__dom__() call' );
d = createDOM("span", null, range(4));
isDOM( d, '<span>0123</span>', 'createDOM iterable' );
var d = {"taco": "pork"};
function (o) { return !isUndefinedOrNull(o.taco); },
function (o) { return "Goddamn, I like " + o.taco + " tacos"; }
d = createDOM("span", null, d);
// not yet public API
isDOM( d, "<span>Goddamn, I like pork tacos</span>", "createDOM with custom converter" );
escapeHTML(toHTML(createDOM("span", null))),
"createDOMFunc vs createDOM"
is( scrapeText(d), "Goddamn, I like pork tacos", "scrape OK" );
is( scrapeText(d, true).join(""), "Goddamn, I like pork tacos", "scrape Array OK" );
var st = DIV(null, STRONG(null, "d"), "oor ", STRONG(null, "f", SPAN(null, "r"), "a"), "me");
is( scrapeText(st), "door frame", "scrape in-order" );
ok( !isUndefinedOrNull(getElement("test")), "getElement might work" );
ok( !isUndefinedOrNull($("test")), "$ alias might work" );
ok( getElement("donotexist") === null, "getElement invalid id" );
d = createDOM("span", null, "one", "two");
swapDOM(d.childNodes[0], document.createTextNode("uno"));
isDOM( d, "<span>unotwo</span>", "swapDOM" );
var o = { elem: SPAN(null, "foo"), __dom__: function() { return this.elem; } };
swapDOM(d.childNodes[0], o);
isDOM( d, "<span><span>foo</span>two</span>", "swapDOM using DOM Coercion Rules" );
is( scrapeText(d, true).join(" "), "foo two", "multi-node scrapeText" );
addLoadEvent (async test?)
d = createDOM("span", {"class": "foo"});
setElementClass(d, "bar baz");
ok( d.className == "bar baz", "setElementClass");
toggleElementClass("bar", d);
ok( d.className == "baz", "toggleElementClass: " + d.className);
toggleElementClass("bar", d);
ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz", "bar"),
"toggleElementClass 2: " + d.className);
addElementClass(d, "bar");
ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz", "bar"),
"toggleElementClass 3: " + d.className);
ok( addElementClass(d, "blah"), "addElementClass return");
ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz", "bar", "blah"), "addElementClass action");
ok( !hasElementClass(d, "not"), "hasElementClass single");
ok( !hasElementClass(d, "baz", "not"), "hasElementClass multiple");
ok( removeElementClass(d, "blah"), "removeElementClass" );
ok( !removeElementClass(d, "blah"), "removeElementClass again" );
ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "removeElementClass again (hasElement)" );
removeElementClass(d, "baz");
ok( !swapElementClass(d, "blah", "baz"), "false swapElementClass" );
ok( !hasElementClass(d, "baz"), "false swapElementClass from" );
ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "false swapElementClass to" );
addElementClass(d, "blah");
ok( swapElementClass(d, "blah", "baz"), "swapElementClass" );
ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz"), "swapElementClass has toClass" );
ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "swapElementClass !has fromClass" );
ok( !swapElementClass(d, "blah", "baz"), "swapElementClass twice" );
ok( hasElementClass(d, "baz"), "swapElementClass has toClass" );
ok( !hasElementClass(d, "blah"), "swapElementClass !has fromClass" );
ok( !hasElementClass("donotexist", "foo"), "hasElementClass invalid node id" );
var t = TABLE(null,
TBODY({"class": "foo bar", "id":"tbody0"},
TR({"class": "foo", "id":"tr0"}),
TR({"class": "bar", "id":"tr1"})
var matchElements = getElementsByTagAndClassName;
map(itemgetter("id"), matchElements(null, "foo", t)).join(" "),
"tbody0 tr0",
"getElementsByTagAndClassName found all tags with foo class"
map(itemgetter("id"), matchElements("tr", "foo", t)).join(" "),
"getElementsByTagAndClassName found all tr tags with foo class"
map(itemgetter("id"), matchElements("tr", null, t)).join(" "),
"tr0 tr1",
"getElementsByTagAndClassName found all tr tags"
is( getElementsByTagAndClassName("td", null, t).length, 0, "getElementsByTagAndClassName no match found");
is( getElementsByTagAndClassName("p", [], "donotexist").length, 0, "getElementsByTagAndClassName invalid parent id");
is( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName(null, "foo", t).id, "tbody0", "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName class name" );
is( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("tr", "foo", t).id, "tr0", "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName tag and class name" );
is( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("tr", null, t).id, "tr0", "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName tag name" );
ok( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("td", null, t) === null, "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName no matching tag" );
ok( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName("tr", "donotexist", t) === null, "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName no matching class" );
ok( getFirstElementByTagAndClassName('*', null, 'donotexist') === null, "getFirstElementByTagAndClassName invalid parent id" );
var oldDoc = document;
var doc = MochiKit.MockDOM.createDocument();
is( currentDocument(), document, "currentDocument() correct" );
withDocument(doc, function () {
ok( document != doc, "global doc unchanged" );
is( currentDocument(), doc, "currentDocument() correct" );
var h1 = H1();
var span = SPAN(null, "foo", h1);
appendChildNodes(currentDocument().body, span);
is( document, oldDoc, "doc restored" );
is( doc.childNodes.length, 1, "doc has one child" );
is( doc.body.childNodes.length, 1, "body has one child" );
var sp = doc.body.childNodes[0];
is( sp.nodeName, "SPAN", "only child is SPAN" );
is( sp.childNodes.length, 2, "SPAN has two childNodes" );
is( sp.childNodes[0].nodeValue, "foo", "first node is text" );
is( sp.childNodes[1].nodeName, "H1", "second child is H1" );
is( currentDocument(), document, "currentDocument() correct" );
try {
withDocument(doc, function () {
ok( document != doc, "global doc unchanged" );
is( currentDocument(), doc, "currentDocument() correct" );
throw new Error("foo");
ok( false, "didn't throw" );
} catch (e) {
ok( true, "threw" );
var mockWindow = {"foo": "bar"};
is (currentWindow(), window, "currentWindow ok");
withWindow(mockWindow, function () {
is(currentWindow(), mockWindow, "withWindow ok");
is (currentWindow(), window, "currentWindow ok");
doc = MochiKit.MockDOM.createDocument();
var frm;
withDocument(doc, function () {
frm = FORM({name: "ignore"},
INPUT({name:"foo", value:"bar"}),
INPUT({name:"foo", value:"bar"}),
INPUT({name:"baz", value:"bar"})
var kv = formContents(frm);
is( kv[0].join(","), "foo,foo,baz", "mock formContents names" );
is( kv[1].join(","), "bar,bar,bar", "mock formContents values" );
is( queryString(frm), "foo=bar&foo=bar&baz=bar", "mock queryString hook" );
var kv = formContents("form_test");
is( kv[0].join(","), "select,selmultiple,selmultiple,hidden,radio_on", "formContents names" );
is( kv[1].join(","), "foo,bar,baz,test,2", "formContents values" );
is( queryString("form_test"), "select=foo&selmultiple=bar&selmultiple=baz&hidden=test&radio_on=2", "queryString hook" );
kv = formContents("form_test2");
is( kv[0].join(","), "selempty,selempty2", "formContents names empty option values" );
is( kv[1].join(","), ",foo", "formContents empty option values" );
is( queryString("form_test2"), "selempty=&selempty2=foo", "queryString empty option values" );
var d = DIV(null, SPAN(), " \n\t", SPAN(), "foo", SPAN(), " ");
is( d.childNodes.length, 6, "removeEmptyNodes test conditions correct" );
is( d.childNodes.length, 4, "removeEmptyNodes" );
is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', 'div', 'two'), getElement("parentTwo"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent" );
is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', 'div'), getElement("parentZero"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent (any class)" );
is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', '*', 'two'), getElement("parentTwo"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent (any tag)" );
is( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', '*'), getElement("parentZero"), "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found parent (any tag + any class)" );
ok( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('child', 'form') === null, "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName found null parent (no match)" );
ok( getFirstParentByTagAndClassName('donotexist', '*') === null, "getFirstParentByTagAndClassName invalid elem id" );
ok( isChildNode('child', 'child'), "isChildNode of itself");
ok( isChildNode('child', 'parentZero'), "isChildNode direct child");
ok( isChildNode('child', 'parentTwo'), "isChildNode sub child");
ok( !isChildNode('child', 'form_test'), "isChildNode wrong child");
ok( !isChildNode('child', 'donotexist'), "isChildNode no parent");
ok( !isChildNode('donotexist', 'child'), "isChildNode no parent");
ok( isChildNode('child', document.body), "isChildNode of body");
ok( isChildNode($('child').firstChild, 'parentTwo'), "isChildNode text node");
ok( !isChildNode( SPAN(), document.body), "isChildNode child not in DOM");
ok( !isChildNode( SPAN(), 'child'), "isChildNode child not in DOM");
ok( !isChildNode( 'child', SPAN()), "isChildNode parent not in DOM");
// Test optional dependency on Iter
var Iter = MochiKit.Iter;
delete MochiKit["Iter"];
d = DIV({"foo": "bar"}, SPAN({}, "one"));
is( getNodeAttribute(d, 'foo'), "bar", "createDOM attribute without Iter" );
is( scrapeText(d), "one", "node contents without Iter" );
MochiKit.Iter = Iter;
ok( true, "test suite finished!");
} catch (err) {
var s = "test suite failure!\n";
var o = {};
var k = null;
for (k in err) {
// ensure unique keys?!
if (!o[k]) {
s += k + ": " + err[k] + "\n";
o[k] = err[k];
ok ( false, s );