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Test Info: Warnings
- This test gets skipped with pattern: verify && (os == 'win') OR fission && xorigin OR os == 'android' && android_version == '24' && processor == 'x86_64' && opt
- Manifest: testing/mochitest/tests/Harness_sanity/mochitest.toml
<title>Profiling test suite for EventUtils</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var start = new Date();
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var loadTime = new Date();
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<body onload="starttest()">
<input type="radio" id="radioTarget1" name="group">Radio Target 1</input>
<input id="textBoxA">
<input id="textBoxB">
<input id="testMouseEvent" type="button" value="click">
<input id="testKeyEvent" >
<input id="testStrEvent" >
<div id="scrollB" style="width: 190px;height: 250px;overflow:auto">
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<p>blah blah blah blah</p>
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
info("\nProfile::EventUtilsLoadTime: " + (loadTime - start) + "\n");
function starttest() {
async function () {
var startTime = new Date();
var check = false;
function doCheck() {
check = true;
const kIsHeadless = await SpecialPowers.spawnChrome([], () => {
return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIGfxInfo).isHeadless;
if (navigator.appVersion.includes("Android")) {
// This is the workaround for test failure on debug build.
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({set: [["formhelper.autozoom.force-disable.test-only", true]]});
/* test send* functions */
$("testMouseEvent").addEventListener("click", doCheck, {once: true});
sendMouseEvent({type:'click'}, "testMouseEvent");
is(check, true, 'sendMouseEvent should dispatch click event');
await (async function testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent() {
let events = [];
let listener = event => events.push(event);
let preventDefault = event => event.preventDefault();
// promiseNativeMouseEventAndWaitForEvent uses capturing listeners
// internally, so use capturing listeners also here.
$("testMouseEvent").addEventListener("mousedown", listener, true);
$("testMouseEvent").addEventListener("mouseup", listener, true);
// Clicking with modifiers may open context menu so that we should prevent to open it.
window.addEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault, { capture: true });
for (const test of [
description: "ShiftLeft",
modifiers: { shiftKey: true },
description: "ShiftRight",
modifiers: { shiftRightKey: true },
description: "CtrlLeft",
modifiers: { ctrlKey: true },
description: "CtrlRight",
modifiers: { ctrlRightKey: true },
description: "AltLeft",
modifiers: { altKey: true },
description: "AltRight",
modifiers: { altRightKey: true },
description: "MetaLeft",
modifiers: { metaKey: true },
skip: () => {
// We've not supported "Meta" as Windows logo key or Super/Hyper keys.
return navigator.platform.includes("Win") || navigator.platform.includes("Linux");
description: "MetaRight",
modifiers: { metaRightKey: true },
skip: () => {
// We've not supported "Meta" as Windows logo key or Super/Hyper keys.
return navigator.platform.includes("Win") || navigator.platform.includes("Linux");
description: "CapsLock",
modifiers: { capsLockKey: true },
description: "NumLock",
modifiers: { numLockKey: true },
skip: () => {
// macOS does not have `NumLock` key nor state.
return navigator.platform.includes("Mac");
description: "Ctrl+Shift",
modifiers: { ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true },
skip: () => {
// We forcibly open context menu on macOS so the following test
// will fail to receive mouse events.
return navigator.platform.includes("Mac");
description: "Alt+Shift",
modifiers: { altKey: true, shiftKey: true },
description: "Meta+Shift",
modifiers: { metaKey: true, shiftKey: true },
skip: () => {
// We've not supported "Meta" as Windows logo key or Super/Hyper keys.
return navigator.platform.includes("Win") || navigator.platform.includes("Linux");
]) {
if (test.skip && test.skip()) {
events = [];
info(`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: sending native mouse click (${test.description})`);
await promiseNativeMouseEventAndWaitForEvent({
type: "click",
target: $("testMouseEvent"),
atCenter: true,
modifiers: test.modifiers,
eventTypeToWait: "mouseup",
is(events.length, 2,
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: a pair of "mousedown" and "mouseup" events should be fired (${test.description})`);
is(events[0]?.type, "mousedown",
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: "mousedown" should be fired (${test.description})`);
is(events[1]?.type, "mouseup",
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: "mouseup" should be fired (${test.description})`);
if (events.length !== 2) {
for (const mod of [{ keyName: "Alt", propNames: [ "altKey", "altRightKey" ]},
{ keyName: "Control", propNames: [ "ctrlKey", "ctrlRightKey" ]},
{ keyName: "Shift", propNames: [ "shiftKey", "shiftRightKey" ]},
{ keyName: "Meta", propNames: [ "metaKey", "metaRightKey" ]},
{ keyName: "CapsLock", propNames: [ "capsLockKey" ]},
{ keyName: "NumLock", propNames: [ "numLockKey" ]},
]) {
const activeExpected =
(test.modifiers.hasOwnProperty(mod.propNames[0]) &&
test.modifiers[mod.propNames[0]]) ||
(mod.propNames.length !== 1 &&
test.modifiers.hasOwnProperty(mod.propNames[1]) &&
const checkFn = activeExpected && (
navigator.platform.includes("Win") ||
navigator.appVersion.includes("Android") ||
// In Headless mode, modifiers are not supported by this kind of APIs.
kIsHeadless) ? todo_is : is;
checkFn(events[0]?.getModifierState(mod.keyName), activeExpected,
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: "mousedown".getModifierState("${mod.keyName}") should return ${activeExpected} (${test.description}`);
checkFn(events[1]?.getModifierState(mod.keyName), activeExpected,
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: "mouseup".getModifierState("${mod.keyName}") should return ${activeExpected} (${test.description}`);
const supportsX1AndX2Buttons =
// On Windows, it triggers APP_COMMAND. Therefore, this test is unloaded.
!navigator.platform.includes("Win") &&
// On macOS, it seems that no API to specify X1 and X2 button at creating an NSEvent.
!navigator.platform.includes("Mac") &&
// On Linux, it seems that X1 button and X2 button events are not synthesized correctly.
for (let i = 0; i < (supportsX1AndX2Buttons ? 5 : 3); i++) {
events = [];
info(`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: sending native mouse click (button=${i})`);
await promiseNativeMouseEventAndWaitForEvent({
type: "click",
target: $("testMouseEvent"),
atCenter: true,
button: i,
eventTypeToWait: "mouseup",
is(events.length, 2,
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: a pair of "mousedown" and "mouseup" events should be fired (button=${i})`);
is(events[0]?.type, "mousedown",
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: "mousedown" should be fired (button=${i})`);
is(events[1]?.type, "mouseup",
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: "mouseup" should be fired (button=${i})`);
if (events.length !== 2) {
is(events[0].button, i,
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: button of "mousedown" event should be ${i}`);
is(events[1].button, i,
`testSynthesizeNativeMouseEvent: button of "mouseup" event should be ${i}`);
$("testMouseEvent").removeEventListener("mousedown", listener);
$("testMouseEvent").removeEventListener("mouseup", listener);
window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault, { capture: true });
check = false;
$("testKeyEvent").addEventListener("keypress", doCheck, {once: true});
is($("testKeyEvent").value, "x", "sendChar should work");
is(check, true, "sendChar should dispatch keyPress");
$("testKeyEvent").value = "";
is($("testStrEvent").value, "string", "sendString should work");
$("testStrEvent").value = "";
var keydown = false;
var keypress = false;
$("testKeyEvent").addEventListener("keydown", function() { keydown = true; }, {once: true});
$("testKeyEvent").addEventListener("keypress", function() { keypress = true; }, {once: true});
ok(keydown, "sendKey should dispatch keyDown");
ok(!keypress, "sendKey shouldn't dispatch keyPress for non-printable key");
/* test synthesizeMouse* */
//focus trick enables us to run this in iframes
$("radioTarget1").addEventListener('focus', function () {
synthesizeMouse($("radioTarget1"), 1, 1, {});
is($("radioTarget1").checked, true, "synthesizeMouse should work")
$("radioTarget1").checked = false;
synthesizeMouse($("radioTarget1"), 1, 1, {});
is($("radioTarget1").checked, true, "synthesizeMouse should still work with non-test mouse events disabled");
$("radioTarget1").checked = false;
}, {once: true});
//focus trick enables us to run this in iframes
$("textBoxA").addEventListener("focus", function () {
check = false;
$("textBoxA").addEventListener("click", function() { check = true; }, { once: true });
synthesizeMouseAtCenter($("textBoxA"), {});
is(check, true, 'synthesizeMouse should dispatch mouse event');
check = false;
$("scrollB").addEventListener("click", function() { check = true; }, { once: true });
synthesizeMouseExpectEvent($("scrollB"), 1, 1, {}, $("scrollB"), "click", "synthesizeMouseExpectEvent should fire click event");
is(check, true, 'synthesizeMouse should dispatch mouse event');
}, {once: true});
* TODO: testing synthesizeWheel requires a setTimeout
* since there is delay between the scroll event and a check, so for now just test
* that we can successfully call it to avoid having setTimeout vary the runtime metric.
* Testing of this method is currently done here:
* toolkit/content/tests/chrome/test_mousescroll.xul
synthesizeWheel($("scrollB"), 5, 5, {'deltaY': 10.0, deltaMode: WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE});
/* test synthesizeKey* */
check = false;
$("testKeyEvent").addEventListener("keypress", doCheck, {once:true});
is($("testKeyEvent").value, "a", "synthesizeKey should work");
is(check, true, "synthesizeKey should dispatch keyPress");
$("testKeyEvent").value = "";
// If |.code| value is not specified explicitly, it should be computed
// from the |.key| value or |.keyCode| value. If a printable key is
// specified, the |.code| value should be guessed with US-English
// keyboard layout.
for (let test of [{ arg: "KEY_Enter", code: "Enter", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN },
{ arg: "VK_RETURN", code: "Enter", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN },
{ arg: "KEY_Backspace", code: "Backspace", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE },
{ arg: "KEY_Delete", code: "Delete", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE },
{ arg: "KEY_Home", code: "Home", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_HOME },
{ arg: "KEY_End", code: "End", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_END },
{ arg: "KEY_ArrowDown", code: "ArrowDown", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN },
{ arg: "KEY_ArrowUp", code: "ArrowUp", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_UP },
{ arg: "KEY_ArrowLeft", code: "ArrowLeft", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT },
{ arg: "KEY_ArrowRight", code: "ArrowRight", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT },
{ arg: "KEY_Shift", code: "ShiftLeft", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_SHIFT },
{ arg: "KEY_Control", code: "ControlLeft", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL },
{ arg: "a", code: "KeyA", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_A },
{ arg: "B", code: "KeyB", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_B },
{ arg: " ", code: "Space", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_SPACE },
{ arg: "0", code: "Digit0", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_0 },
{ arg: "(", code: "Digit9", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_9 },
{ arg: "!", code: "Digit1", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_1 },
{ arg: "[", code: "BracketLeft", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_OPEN_BRACKET },
{ arg: ";", code: "Semicolon", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_SEMICOLON },
{ arg: "\"", code: "Quote", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_QUOTE },
{ arg: "~", code: "Backquote", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_QUOTE },
{ arg: "<", code: "Comma", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_COMMA },
{ arg: ".", code: "Period", keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PERIOD }]) {
let testKeydown, keyup;
$("testKeyEvent").addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { testKeydown = e; }, {once: true});
$("testKeyEvent").addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { keyup = e; }, {once: true});
is(testKeydown.code, test.code, `Synthesizing "${test.arg}" should set code value of "keydown" to "${test.code}"`);
is(testKeydown.keyCode, test.keyCode, `Synthesizing "${test.arg}" should set keyCode value of "keydown" to "${test.keyCode}"`);
is(keyup.code, test.code, `Synthesizing "${test.arg}" key should set code value of "keyup" to "${test.code}"`);
is(keyup.keyCode, test.keyCode, `Synthesizing "${test.arg}" key should set keyCode value of "keyup" to "${test.keyCode}"`);
$("testKeyEvent").value = "";
/* test synthesizeComposition */
var description = "";
var keydownEvent = null;
var keyupEvent = null;
function onKeyDown(aEvent) {
ok(!keydownEvent, description + "keydown should be fired only once" + (keydownEvent ? keydownEvent.key : "") + ", " + (keyupEvent ? keyupEvent.key : ""));
keydownEvent = aEvent;
function onKeyUp(aEvent) {
ok(!keyupEvent, description + "keyup should be fired only once");
keyupEvent = aEvent;
function resetKeyDownAndKeyUp(aDescription) {
description = aDescription + ": ";
keydownEvent = null;
keyupEvent = null;
check = false;
function checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(aKeyDown, aKeyUp) {
if (aKeyDown) {
is(keydownEvent.keyCode, aKeyDown.keyCode,
description + "keydown event should be dispatched (checking keyCode)");
is(keydownEvent.key, aKeyDown.key,
description + "keydown event should be dispatched (checking key)");
} else {
is(keydownEvent, null,
description + "keydown event shouldn't be fired");
if (aKeyUp) {
is(keyupEvent.keyCode, aKeyUp.keyCode,
description + "keyup event should be dispatched (checking keyCode)");
is(keyupEvent.key, aKeyUp.key,
description + "keyup event should be dispatched (checking key)");
} else {
is(keyupEvent, null,
description + "keyup event shouldn't be fired");
$("textBoxB").addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
$("textBoxB").addEventListener("keyup", onKeyUp);
// If key event is not specified, fake keydown and keyup events which are
// marked as "processed by IME" should be fired.
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart without specifying keyboard event");
window.addEventListener("compositionstart", doCheck, {once: true});
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart"});
ok(check, description + "synthesizeComposition() should dispatch compositionstart");
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("trying to synthesize eCompositionUpdate directly without specifying keyboard event");
window.addEventListener("compositionupdate", doCheck, {once: true});
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionupdate", data: "a"});
ok(!check, description + "synthesizeComposition() should not dispatch compositionupdate without error");
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange without specifying keyboard event");
window.addEventListener("text", doCheck, {once: true});
{ "composition":
{ "string": "a",
{ "length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE }
"caret": { "start": 1, "length": 0 }
ok(check, description + "synthesizeCompositionChange should cause dispatching a DOM text event");
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange for removing clauses without specifying keyboard event");
{ "composition":
{ "string": "a",
{ "length": 0, "attr": 0 }
"caret": { "start": 1, "length": 0 }
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("trying to synthesize eCompositionEnd directly without specifying keyboard event");
window.addEventListener("compositionend", doCheck, {once: true});
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionend", data: "a"});
ok(!check, description + "synthesizeComposition() should not dispatch compositionend");
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit without specifying keyboard event");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "a"});
ok(check, description + "synthesizeComposition() should dispatch compositionend");
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
var querySelectedText = synthesizeQuerySelectedText();
ok(querySelectedText, "query selected text event result is null");
ok(querySelectedText.succeeded, "query selected text event failed");
is(querySelectedText.offset, 1,
"query selected text event returns wrong offset");
is(querySelectedText.text, "",
"query selected text event returns wrong selected text");
$("textBoxB").value = "";
querySelectedText = synthesizeQuerySelectedText();
ok(querySelectedText, "query selected text event result is null");
ok(querySelectedText.succeeded, "query selected text event failed");
is(querySelectedText.offset, 0,
"query selected text event returns wrong offset");
is(querySelectedText.text, "",
"query selected text event returns wrong selected text");
var endTime = new Date();
info("\nProfile::EventUtilsRunTime: " + (endTime-startTime) + "\n");
// In most cases, automated tests shouldn't try to synthesize
// compositionstart manually. Let's check if synthesizeCompositionChange()
// dispatches compositionstart automatically.
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange without specifying keyboard event when there is no composition");
window.addEventListener("compositionstart", doCheck, {once: true});
{ "composition":
{ "string": "a",
{ "length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE }
"caret": { "start": 1, "length": 0 }
ok(check, description + "synthesizeCompositionChange should dispatch \"compositionstart\" automatically if there is no composition");
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommitAsIs without specifying keyboard event");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommitasis"});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
// If key event is specified, keydown event which is marked as "processed
// by IME" should be fired and keyup event which is NOT marked as so
// should be fired too.
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart with specifying keyboard event");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart", key: {key: "a"}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_A, key: "a"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange with specifying keyboard event");
{"string": "b", "clauses": [
{"length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE}
"caret": {"start": 1, "length": 0},
"key": {key: "b"},
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_B, key: "b"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit with specifying keyboard event");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "c", key: {key: "KEY_Enter"}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN, key: "Enter"});
// keyup shouldn't be dispatched automatically if type is specified as keydown
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart with specifying keyboard event whose type is keydown");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart", key: {key: "a", type: "keydown"}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange with specifying keyboard event whose type is keydown");
{"string": "b", "clauses": [
{"length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE}
"caret": {"start": 1, "length": 0},
"key": {key: "b", type: "keydown"},
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit with specifying keyboard event whose type is keydown");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "c", key: {key: "KEY_Enter", type: "keydown"}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
// keydown shouldn't be dispatched automatically if type is specified as keyup
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart with specifying keyboard event whose type is keyup");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart", key: {key: "a", type: "keyup"}});
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_A, key: "a"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange with specifying keyboard event whose type is keyup");
{"string": "b", "clauses": [
{"length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE}
"caret": {"start": 1, "length": 0},
"key": {key: "b", type: "keyup"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_B, key: "b"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit with specifying keyboard event whose type is keyup");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "c", key: {key: "KEY_Enter", type: "keyup"}});
{inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN, key: "Enter"});
// keydown event shouldn't be marked as "processed by IME" if doNotMarkKeydownAsProcessed is true
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart with specifying keyboard event whose doNotMarkKeydownAsProcessed is true");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart", key: {key: "a", doNotMarkKeydownAsProcessed: true}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_A, key: "a"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_A, key: "a"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange with specifying keyboard event whose doNotMarkKeydownAsProcessed is true");
{"string": "b", "clauses": [
{"length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE}
"caret": {"start": 1, "length": 0},
"key": {key: "b", doNotMarkKeydownAsProcessed: true},
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_B, key: "b"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_B, key: "b"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit with specifying keyboard event whose doNotMarkKeydownAsProcessed is true");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "c", key: {key: "KEY_Enter", doNotMarkKeydownAsProcessed: true}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN, key: "Enter"},
{inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN, key: "Enter"});
// keyup event should be marked as "processed by IME" if markKeyupAsProcessed is true
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart with specifying keyboard event whose markKeyupAsProcessed is true");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart", key: {key: "a", markKeyupAsProcessed: true}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange with specifying keyboard event whose markKeyupAsProcessed is true");
{"string": "b", "clauses": [
{"length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE}
"caret": {"start": 1, "length": 0},
"key": {key: "b", markKeyupAsProcessed: true},
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit with specifying keyboard event whose markKeyupAsProcessed is true");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "c", key: {key: "KEY_Enter", markKeyupAsProcessed: true}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp({inComposition: true, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"},
{inComposition: false, keyCode: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_PROCESSKEY, key: "Process"});
// If key event is explicitly declared with null, keyboard events shouldn't
// be fired for emulating text inputs without keyboard such as voice input or something.
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart with specifying keyboard event as null");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart", key: null});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange with specifying keyboard event as null");
{"string": "b", "clauses": [
{"length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE}
"caret": {"start": 1, "length": 0},
"key": null,
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit with specifying keyboard event as null");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "c", key: null});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
// If key event is explicitly declared with empty object, keyboard events
// shouldn't be fired for emulating text inputs without keyboard such as
// voice input or something.
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionStart with specifying keyboard event as empty");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositionstart", key: {}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionChange with specifying keyboard event as empty");
{"string": "b", "clauses": [
{"length": 1, "attr": COMPOSITION_ATTR_RAW_CLAUSE}
"caret": {"start": 1, "length": 0},
"key": {},
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
resetKeyDownAndKeyUp("synthesizing eCompositionCommit with specifying keyboard event as empty");
synthesizeComposition({type: "compositioncommit", data: "c", key: {}});
checkKeyDownAndKeyUp(null, null);
$("textBoxB").removeEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
$("textBoxB").removeEventListener("keyup", onKeyUp);
// Async event synthesizing.
// On Android this does not work.
if (navigator.userAgent.includes("Android")) {
await (async function () {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({set: [["", true]]});
try {
let mouseMoveCount = 0;
let waitForAllSynthesizedMouseMove =
new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", function onMouseMove(aEvent) {
is(, $("testMouseEvent"),
`The mousemove event target of ${
} should be the input#testMouseEvent, but ${
if (mouseMoveCount === 30) {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove, { capture: true });
}, { capture: true });
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
synthesizeMouse($("testMouseEvent"), 3 + i % 2, 3 + i % 2, { type: "mousemove" });
await waitForAllSynthesizedMouseMove;
} finally {