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Transform the beetmover task into an actual task description.
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.util.dependencies import get_primary_dependency
from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema
from taskgraph.util.taskcluster import get_artifact_prefix
from voluptuous import Optional, Required
from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.beetmover import craft_release_properties
from gecko_taskgraph.transforms.task import task_description_schema
from gecko_taskgraph.util.attributes import (
from import (
from gecko_taskgraph.util.scriptworker import (
beetmover_description_schema = Schema(
# from the loader:
Optional("job-from"): str,
Optional("name"): str,
# from the from_deps transforms:
Optional("attributes"): task_description_schema["attributes"],
Optional("dependencies"): task_description_schema["dependencies"],
# depname is used in taskref's to identify the taskID of the unsigned things
Required("depname", default="build"): str,
# unique label to describe this beetmover task, defaults to {dep.label}-beetmover
Optional("label"): str,
Required("partner-path"): str,
Optional("extra"): object,
Required("shipping-phase"): task_description_schema["shipping-phase"],
Optional("shipping-product"): task_description_schema["shipping-product"],
Optional("priority"): task_description_schema["priority"],
transforms = TransformSequence()
def populate_scopes_and_upstream_artifacts(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep_job = get_primary_dependency(config, job)
assert dep_job
upstream_artifacts = dep_job.attributes["release_artifacts"]
attribution_task_ref = "<{}>".format(dep_job.label)
prefix = get_artifact_prefix(dep_job)
artifacts = []
for artifact in upstream_artifacts:
partner, sub_partner, platform, locale, _ = artifact.replace(
prefix + "/", ""
).split("/", 4)
artifacts.append((artifact, partner, sub_partner, platform, locale))
action_scope = add_scope_prefix(config, "beetmover:action:push-to-partner")
bucket_scope = get_beetmover_bucket_scope(config)
repl_dict = {
"build_number": config.params["build_number"],
"release_partner_build_number": config.params[
"version": config.params["version"],
"partner": "{partner}", # we'll replace these later, per artifact
"subpartner": "{subpartner}",
"platform": "{platform}",
"locale": "{locale}",
job["scopes"] = [bucket_scope, action_scope]
partner_path = job["partner-path"].format(**repl_dict)
job.setdefault("worker", {})[
] = generate_upstream_artifacts(attribution_task_ref, artifacts, partner_path)
yield job
def make_task_description(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
dep_job = get_primary_dependency(config, job)
assert dep_job
attributes = dep_job.attributes
build_platform = attributes.get("build_platform")
if not build_platform:
raise Exception("Cannot find build platform!")
label = config.kind
description = "Beetmover for partner attribution"
attributes = copy_attributes_from_dependent_job(dep_job)
task = {
"label": label,
"description": description,
"dependencies": {dep_job.kind: dep_job.label},
"attributes": attributes,
"run-on-projects": dep_job.attributes.get("run_on_projects"),
"shipping-phase": job["shipping-phase"],
"shipping-product": job.get("shipping-product"),
"worker": job["worker"],
"scopes": job["scopes"],
# we may have reduced the priority for partner jobs, otherwise will set it
if job.get("priority"):
task["priority"] = job["priority"]
yield task
def generate_upstream_artifacts(attribution_task, artifacts, partner_path):
upstream_artifacts = []
for artifact, partner, subpartner, platform, locale in artifacts:
"taskId": {"task-reference": attribution_task},
"taskType": "repackage",
"paths": [artifact],
"locale": partner_path.format(
if not upstream_artifacts:
raise Exception("Couldn't find any upstream artifacts.")
return upstream_artifacts
def make_task_worker(config, jobs):
for job in jobs:
job["worker-type"] = "beetmover"
worker = {
"implementation": "beetmover",
"release-properties": craft_release_properties(config, job),
yield job