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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! Helper module to build up a selector safely and efficiently.
//! Our selector representation is designed to optimize matching, and has
//! several requirements:
//! * All simple selectors and combinators are stored inline in the same buffer as Component
//! instances.
//! * We store the top-level compound selectors from right to left, i.e. in matching order.
//! * We store the simple selectors for each combinator from left to right, so that we match the
//! cheaper simple selectors first.
//! For example, the selector:
//! .bar:hover > .baz:nth-child(2) + .qux
//! Gets stored as:
//! [.qux, + , .baz, :nth-child(2), > , .bar, :hover]
//! Meeting all these constraints without extra memmove traffic during parsing is non-trivial. This
//! module encapsulates those details and presents an easy-to-use API for the parser.
use crate::parser::{Combinator, Component, RelativeSelector, Selector, SelectorImpl, ParseRelative};
use crate::sink::Push;
use servo_arc::{Arc, ThinArc};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::cmp;
use std::slice;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use derive_more::{Add, AddAssign};
#[cfg(feature = "to_shmem")]
use to_shmem_derive::ToShmem;
/// Top-level SelectorBuilder struct. This should be stack-allocated by the consumer and never
/// moved (because it contains a lot of inline data that would be slow to memmove).
/// After instantiation, callers may call the push_simple_selector() and push_combinator() methods
/// to append selector data as it is encountered (from left to right). Once the process is
/// complete, callers should invoke build(), which transforms the contents of the SelectorBuilder
/// into a heap- allocated Selector and leaves the builder in a drained state.
pub struct SelectorBuilder<Impl: SelectorImpl> {
/// The entire sequence of components. We make this large because the result of parsing a
/// selector is fed into a new Arc-ed allocation, so any spilled vec would be a wasted
/// allocation. Also, Components are large enough that we don't have much cache locality
/// benefit from reserving stack space for fewer of them.
components: SmallVec<[Component<Impl>; 32]>,
last_compound_start: Option<usize>,
impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Push<Component<Impl>> for SelectorBuilder<Impl> {
fn push(&mut self, value: Component<Impl>) {
impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> SelectorBuilder<Impl> {
/// Pushes a simple selector onto the current compound selector.
pub fn push_simple_selector(&mut self, ss: Component<Impl>) {
/// Completes the current compound selector and starts a new one, delimited by the given
/// combinator.
pub fn push_combinator(&mut self, c: Combinator) {
self.last_compound_start = Some(self.components.len());
fn reverse_last_compound(&mut self) {
let start = self.last_compound_start.unwrap_or(0);
/// Returns true if combinators have ever been pushed to this builder.
pub fn has_combinators(&self) -> bool {
/// Consumes the builder, producing a Selector.
pub fn build(&mut self, parse_relative: ParseRelative) -> ThinArc<SpecificityAndFlags, Component<Impl>> {
// Compute the specificity and flags.
let sf = specificity_and_flags(self.components.iter(), /* for_nesting_parent = */ false);
self.build_with_specificity_and_flags(sf, parse_relative)
/// Builds with an explicit SpecificityAndFlags. This is separated from build() so that unit
/// tests can pass an explicit specificity.
pub(crate) fn build_with_specificity_and_flags(
&mut self,
mut spec: SpecificityAndFlags,
parse_relative: ParseRelative,
) -> ThinArc<SpecificityAndFlags, Component<Impl>> {
let implicit_addition = match parse_relative {
ParseRelative::ForNesting if !spec.flags.intersects(SelectorFlags::HAS_PARENT) => Some((Component::ParentSelector, SelectorFlags::HAS_PARENT)),
ParseRelative::ForScope if !spec.flags.intersects(SelectorFlags::HAS_SCOPE | SelectorFlags::HAS_PARENT) => Some((Component::ImplicitScope, SelectorFlags::HAS_SCOPE)),
_ => None,
let implicit_selector_and_combinator;
let implicit_selector = if let Some((component, flag)) = implicit_addition {
implicit_selector_and_combinator = [
} else {
// As an optimization, for a selector without combinators, we can just keep the order
// as-is.
if self.last_compound_start.is_none() {
return Arc::from_header_and_iter(spec, ExactChain(self.components.drain(..), implicit_selector.iter().cloned()));
Arc::from_header_and_iter(spec, ExactChain(self.components.drain(..).rev(), implicit_selector.iter().cloned()))
impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Default for SelectorBuilder<Impl> {
fn default() -> Self {
SelectorBuilder {
components: SmallVec::new(),
last_compound_start: None,
// This is effectively a Chain<>, but Chain isn't an ExactSizeIterator, see
struct ExactChain<A, B>(A, B);
impl<A, B, Item> ExactSizeIterator for ExactChain<A, B>
A: ExactSizeIterator<Item = Item>,
B: ExactSizeIterator<Item = Item>,
fn len(&self) -> usize {
self.0.len() + self.1.len()
impl<A, B, Item> Iterator for ExactChain<A, B>
A: ExactSizeIterator<Item = Item>,
B: ExactSizeIterator<Item = Item>,
type Item = Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {||
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let len = self.len();
(len, Some(len))
/// Flags that indicate at which point of parsing a selector are we.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "to_shmem", derive(ToShmem))]
pub(crate) struct SelectorFlags(u8);
bitflags! {
impl SelectorFlags: u8 {
const HAS_PSEUDO = 1 << 0;
const HAS_SLOTTED = 1 << 1;
const HAS_PART = 1 << 2;
const HAS_PARENT = 1 << 3;
const HAS_HOST = 1 << 5;
const HAS_SCOPE = 1 << 6;
impl core::fmt::Debug for SelectorFlags {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
if self.is_empty() {
write!(f, "{:#x}", Self::empty().bits())
} else {
bitflags::parser::to_writer(self, f)
impl SelectorFlags {
/// When you nest a pseudo-element with something like:
/// ::before { & { .. } }
/// It is not supposed to work, because :is(::before) is invalid. We can't propagate the
/// pseudo-flags from inner to outer selectors, to avoid breaking our invariants.
pub(crate) fn forbidden_for_nesting() -> Self {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "to_shmem", derive(ToShmem))]
pub struct SpecificityAndFlags {
/// There are two free bits here, since we use ten bits for each specificity
/// kind (id, class, element).
pub(crate) specificity: u32,
/// There's padding after this field due to the size of the flags.
pub(crate) flags: SelectorFlags,
const MAX_10BIT: u32 = (1u32 << 10) - 1;
#[derive(Add, AddAssign, Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub(crate) struct Specificity {
id_selectors: u32,
class_like_selectors: u32,
element_selectors: u32,
impl Specificity {
// Return the specficity of a single class-like selector.
pub fn single_class_like() -> Self {
Specificity {
id_selectors: 0,
class_like_selectors: 1,
element_selectors: 0,
impl From<u32> for Specificity {
fn from(value: u32) -> Specificity {
assert!(value <= MAX_10BIT << 20 | MAX_10BIT << 10 | MAX_10BIT);
Specificity {
id_selectors: value >> 20,
class_like_selectors: (value >> 10) & MAX_10BIT,
element_selectors: value & MAX_10BIT,
impl From<Specificity> for u32 {
fn from(specificity: Specificity) -> u32 {
cmp::min(specificity.id_selectors, MAX_10BIT) << 20 |
cmp::min(specificity.class_like_selectors, MAX_10BIT) << 10 |
cmp::min(specificity.element_selectors, MAX_10BIT)
fn specificity_and_flags<Impl>(
iter: slice::Iter<Component<Impl>>,
for_nesting_parent: bool,
) -> SpecificityAndFlags
Impl: SelectorImpl,
complex_selector_specificity_and_flags(iter, for_nesting_parent).into()
fn complex_selector_specificity_and_flags<Impl>(
iter: slice::Iter<Component<Impl>>,
for_nesting_parent: bool,
) -> SpecificityAndFlags
Impl: SelectorImpl,
fn component_specificity<Impl>(
simple_selector: &Component<Impl>,
specificity: &mut Specificity,
flags: &mut SelectorFlags,
for_nesting_parent: bool,
) where
Impl: SelectorImpl,
match *simple_selector {
Component::Combinator(..) => {},
Component::ParentSelector => flags.insert(SelectorFlags::HAS_PARENT),
Component::Part(..) => {
if !for_nesting_parent {
specificity.element_selectors += 1
Component::PseudoElement(ref pseudo) => {
use crate::parser::PseudoElement;
if !for_nesting_parent {
specificity.element_selectors += pseudo.specificity_count();
Component::LocalName(..) => {
specificity.element_selectors += 1
Component::Slotted(ref selector) => {
if !for_nesting_parent {
specificity.element_selectors += 1;
// Note that due to the way ::slotted works we only compete with
// other ::slotted rules, so the above rule doesn't really
// matter, but we do it still for consistency with other
// pseudo-elements.
*specificity += Specificity::from(selector.specificity());
Component::Host(ref selector) => {
specificity.class_like_selectors += 1;
if let Some(ref selector) = *selector {
*specificity += Specificity::from(selector.specificity());
flags.insert(selector.flags() - SelectorFlags::HAS_NON_FEATURELESS_COMPONENT);
Component::ID(..) => {
specificity.id_selectors += 1;
Component::Class(..) |
Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { .. } |
Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { .. } |
Component::AttributeOther(..) |
Component::Root |
Component::Empty |
Component::Nth(..) |
Component::NonTSPseudoClass(..) => {
specificity.class_like_selectors += 1;
Component::Scope | Component::ImplicitScope => {
if matches!(*simple_selector, Component::Scope) {
specificity.class_like_selectors += 1;
Component::NthOf(ref nth_of_data) => {
// The specificity of the :nth-last-child() pseudo-class,
// like the :nth-child() pseudo-class, combines the
// specificity of a regular pseudo-class with that of its
// selector argument S.
specificity.class_like_selectors += 1;
let sf = selector_list_specificity_and_flags(nth_of_data.selectors().iter(), for_nesting_parent);
*specificity += Specificity::from(sf.specificity);
flags.insert(sf.flags | SelectorFlags::HAS_NON_FEATURELESS_COMPONENT);
// The specificity of an :is(), :not(), or :has() pseudo-class
// is replaced by the specificity of the most specific complex
// selector in its selector list argument.
Component::Where(ref list) |
Component::Negation(ref list) |
Component::Is(ref list) => {
let sf = selector_list_specificity_and_flags(list.slice().iter(), /* nested = */ true);
if !matches!(*simple_selector, Component::Where(..)) {
*specificity += Specificity::from(sf.specificity);
Component::Has(ref relative_selectors) => {
let sf = relative_selector_list_specificity_and_flags(relative_selectors, for_nesting_parent);
*specificity += Specificity::from(sf.specificity);
flags.insert(sf.flags | SelectorFlags::HAS_NON_FEATURELESS_COMPONENT);
Component::ExplicitUniversalType |
Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace |
Component::ExplicitNoNamespace |
Component::DefaultNamespace(..) |
Component::Namespace(..) |
Component::RelativeSelectorAnchor |
Component::Invalid(..) => {
// Does not affect specificity
let mut specificity = Default::default();
let mut flags = Default::default();
for simple_selector in iter {
&mut specificity,
&mut flags,
SpecificityAndFlags {
specificity: specificity.into(),
/// Finds the maximum specificity of elements in the list and returns it.
pub(crate) fn selector_list_specificity_and_flags<'a, Impl: SelectorImpl>(
itr: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Selector<Impl>>,
for_nesting_parent: bool,
) -> SpecificityAndFlags {
let mut specificity = 0;
let mut flags = SelectorFlags::empty();
for selector in itr {
let selector_flags = selector.flags();
let selector_specificity = if for_nesting_parent && selector_flags.intersects(SelectorFlags::forbidden_for_nesting()) {
// In this case we need to re-compute the specificity.
specificity_and_flags(selector.iter_raw_match_order(), for_nesting_parent).specificity
} else {
specificity = std::cmp::max(specificity, selector_specificity);
SpecificityAndFlags { specificity, flags }
pub(crate) fn relative_selector_list_specificity_and_flags<Impl: SelectorImpl>(
list: &[RelativeSelector<Impl>],
for_nesting_parent: bool,
) -> SpecificityAndFlags {
selector_list_specificity_and_flags(list.iter().map(|rel| &rel.selector), for_nesting_parent)