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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "ProfilerNativeStack.h"
#include "MicroGeckoProfiler.h"
#include "mozilla/ProfileChunkedBuffer.h"
#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/MPSCQueue.h"
# error Cannot include SandboxProfilerChild.h AND SandboxProfilerParent.h
// stolen from GeckoTraceEvent.h which is not public
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_UINT = 2;
static constexpr uint8_t TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_STRING = 6;
namespace mozilla {
#if defined(DEBUG)
extern thread_local Atomic<bool> sInSignalContext;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoForbidSignalContext {
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
enum class SandboxProfilerPayloadType : uint8_t { Init, Request, Log };
using SandboxProfilerPayload = struct {
NativeStack mStack;
uint64_t mId;
const char* mOp;
int mFlags;
char mPath[PATH_MAX];
char mPath2[PATH_MAX];
pid_t mPid;
SandboxProfilerPayloadType mType;
using SandboxProfilerQueue = MPSCQueue<SandboxProfilerPayload>;
extern struct UprofilerFuncPtrs uprofiler;
extern bool uprofiler_initted;
class SandboxProfiler final {
// Needs to be accessible in both child (within and parent
// (within it's easier and less of a mess if this is done from the
// header which can more easily be included by both sides.
static bool Active() {
if (!uprofiler_initted) {
return false;
if (!uprofiler.is_active || uprofiler.is_active == is_active_noop) {
return false;
return uprofiler.is_active();
static void Shutdown();
// Should NOT BE CALLED UNDER SIGSYS, this is here to make sure we do the
// dlopen()/dlsym() on the main thread so it is available for later use on
// others threads. We expect that only stack trace would be collected under
// SIGSYS context, and the rest of the profiler marker would happen on another
// safer thread.
static inline bool Init();
static void Create();
static void inline ReportAudit(const char* aKind, const char* aOp, int aFlags,
uint64_t aId, int aPerms, const char* aPath,
pid_t aPid);
static void ReportRequest(const void* top, uint64_t aId, const char* aOp,
int aFlags, const char* aPath, const char* aPath2,
pid_t aPid);
static void ReportInit(const void* top);
static void ReportLog(const char* buf);
std::thread mThreadLogs;
std::thread mThreadSyscalls;
// For child and parent, same reason as Active() above
template <typename N, typename T, typename V, size_t len>
static constexpr void Report(const char* aKind, std::array<N, len> aArgNames,
std::array<T, len> aArgTypes,
std::array<V, len> aArgValues, void* aStack) {
if (!Active()) {
if (!uprofiler_initted) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%d] no uprofiler, skip\n", getpid());
"SandboxProfiler::Report called in SIGSYS handler");
if (aStack) {
aKind, 'S', 'I', aArgNames.size(),,,, aStack);
} else {
uprofiler.simple_event_marker(aKind, 'S', 'I', aArgNames.size(),,,;
// Verify that:
// - Not in shutdown
// - SandboxProfiler exists
// - Profiler is active
// - aQueue exists
static bool ActiveWithQueue(SandboxProfilerQueue* aQueue);
// Rely on semaphore to handle consuming the queue:
// - One semaphore
// - Gets SIGNAL'd when a payload has been pushed to the SandboxProfilerQueue
// - SandboxProfiler dedicated thread WAIT's on the semaphore, gets unblocked
// on signal
// - Timed wait allows to have a timeout to ensure the thread has a chance to
// release its resources on shutdown
// - Semaphore's sem_post() is safe to use in a signal context
// - Using semaphores allows to wake the SandboxProfiler dedicated thread
// only when needed and avoid using sleep()
static void Signal(sem_t* aSem);
static int TimedWait(sem_t* aSem, int aSec, int aNSec);
void ThreadMain(const char* aThreadName, SandboxProfilerQueue* aQueue);
void ReportInitImpl(SandboxProfilerPayload& payload,
ProfileChunkedBuffer& buffer);
void ReportLogImpl(SandboxProfilerPayload& payload);
void ReportRequestImpl(SandboxProfilerPayload& payload,
ProfileChunkedBuffer& buffer);
} // namespace mozilla