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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import { RootBiDiModule } from "chrome://remote/content/webdriver-bidi/modules/RootBiDiModule.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
Addon: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Addon.sys.mjs",
assert: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Assert.sys.mjs",
pprint: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Format.sys.mjs",
* A WebExtension id.
* @typedef {string} Extension
* Return value of the install command.
* @typedef InstallResult
* @property {Extension} extension
* Enum of types supported by the webExtension.install command.
* @readonly
* @enum {ExtensionDataType}
export const ExtensionDataType = {
Path: "path",
ArchivePath: "archivePath",
Base64: "base64",
* Used as an argument for webExtension.install command
* to represent a WebExtension archive.
* @typedef ExtensionArchivePath
* @property {ExtensionDataType} [type=ExtensionDataType.ArchivePath]
* @property {string} path
* Used as an argument for webExtension.install command
* to represent an unpacked WebExtension.
* @typedef ExtensionPath
* @property {ExtensionDataType} [type=ExtensionDataType.Path]
* @property {string} path
* Used as an argument for webExtension.install command
* to represent a WebExtension archive encoded as base64 string.
* @typedef ExtensionBase64
* @property {ExtensionDataType} [type=ExtensionDataType.Base64]
* @property {string} value
class WebExtensionModule extends RootBiDiModule {
constructor(messageHandler) {
destroy() {}
* Installs a WebExtension.
* @param {object=} options
* @param {ExtensionArchivePath|ExtensionPath|ExtensionBase64} options.extensionData
* The WebExtension to be installed.
* @returns {InstallResult}
* The id of the installed WebExtension.
* @throws {InvalidArgumentError}
* Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value.
* @throws {InvalidWebExtensionError}
* Tried to install an invalid WebExtension.
async install(options = {}) {
const { extensionData } = options;
`Expected "extensionData" to be an object, ` +
lazy.pprint`got ${extensionData}`
const { path, type, value } = extensionData;
const extensionDataTypes = Object.values(ExtensionDataType);
extensionDataType => extensionDataTypes.includes(extensionDataType),
`Expected "extensionData.type" to be one of ${extensionDataTypes}, ` +
lazy.pprint`got ${type}`
let extensionId;
switch (type) {
case ExtensionDataType.Base64:
lazy.pprint`Expected "extensionData.value" to be a string, got ${value}`
extensionId = await lazy.Addon.installWithBase64(value, false, false);
case ExtensionDataType.ArchivePath:
case ExtensionDataType.Path:
lazy.pprint`Expected "extensionData.path" to be a string, got ${path}`
extensionId = await lazy.Addon.installWithPath(path, false, false);
return {
extension: extensionId,
* Uninstalls a WebExtension.
* @param {object=} options
* @param {Extension} options.extension
* The id of the WebExtension to be uninstalled.
* @throws {InvalidArgumentError}
* Raised if an argument is of an invalid type or value.
* @throws {NoSuchWebExtensionError}
* Raised if the WebExtension with provided id could not be found.
* @throws {UnknownError}
* Raised if the WebExtension cannot be uninstalled.
async uninstall(options = {}) {
const { extension: addonId } = options;
lazy.pprint`Expected "extension" to be a string, got ${addonId}`
await lazy.Addon.uninstall(addonId);
export const webExtension = WebExtensionModule;