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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import json
import os
import sys
from functools import partial
from mach.decorators import Command, CommandArgument, SubCommand
from mozbuild.base import MachCommandConditions as conditions
"linux-xpcshell": "perftest-linux-try-xpcshell",
"mac-xpcshell": "perftest-macosx-try-xpcshell",
"linux-browsertime": "perftest-linux-try-browsertime",
"mac-browsertime": "perftest-macosx-try-browsertime",
"win-browsertimee": "perftest-windows-try-browsertime",
HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def get_perftest_parser():
from mozperftest import PerftestArgumentParser
return PerftestArgumentParser
def get_perftest_tools_parser(tool):
def tools_parser_func():
from mozperftest import PerftestToolsArgumentParser
PerftestToolsArgumentParser.tool = tool
return PerftestToolsArgumentParser
return tools_parser_func
def get_parser():
return run_perftest._mach_command._parser
conditions=[partial(conditions.is_buildapp_in, apps=["firefox", "android"])],
description="Run any flavor of perftest",
def run_perftest(command_context, **kwargs):
# original parser that brought us there
original_parser = get_parser()
from pathlib import Path
from mozperftest.script import ParseError, ScriptInfo, ScriptType
# user selection with fuzzy UI
from mozperftest.utils import ON_TRY
if not ON_TRY and kwargs.get("tests", []) == []:
from moztest.resolve import TestResolver
from mozperftest.fzf.fzf import select
resolver = command_context._spawn(TestResolver)
test_objects = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=None, flavor="perftest"))
selected = select(test_objects)
def full_path(selection):
__, script_name, __, location = selection.split(" ")
return str(
kwargs["tests"] = [full_path(s) for s in selected]
if kwargs["tests"] == []:
print("\nNo selection. Bye!")
if len(kwargs["tests"]) > 1:
print("\nSorry no support yet for multiple local perftest")
sel = "\n".join(kwargs["tests"])
print("\nGood job! Best selection.\n%s" % sel)
# if the script is xpcshell, we can force the flavor here
# XXX on multi-selection, what happens if we have seeveral flavors?
script_info = ScriptInfo(kwargs["tests"][0])
except ParseError as e:
if e.exception is IsADirectoryError:
script_info = None
if script_info.script_type == ScriptType.xpcshell:
kwargs["flavor"] =
elif script_info.script_type == ScriptType.alert:
kwargs["flavor"] =
elif "flavor" not in kwargs:
# we set the value only if not provided (so "mobile-browser"
# can be picked)
kwargs["flavor"] = "desktop-browser"
push_to_try = kwargs.pop("push_to_try", False)
if push_to_try:
sys.path.append(str(Path(command_context.topsrcdir, "tools", "tryselect")))
from tryselect.push import push_to_try
perftest_parameters = {}
args = script_info.update_args(**original_parser.get_user_args(kwargs))
platform = args.pop("try_platform", "linux")
if isinstance(platform, str):
platform = [platform]
platform = ["%s-%s" % (plat, for plat in platform]
for plat in platform:
if plat not in _TRY_PLATFORMS:
# we can extend platform support here: linux, win, macOs
# by adding more jobs in taskcluster/kinds/perftest/kind.yml
# then picking up the right one here
raise NotImplementedError(
"%r doesn't exist or is not yet supported" % plat
def relative(path):
if path.startswith(command_context.topsrcdir):
return path[len(command_context.topsrcdir) :].lstrip(os.sep)
return path
for name, value in args.items():
# ignore values that are set to default
new_val = value
if original_parser.get_default(name) == value:
if name == "tests":
new_val = [relative(path) for path in value]
perftest_parameters[name] = new_val
parameters = {
"try_task_config": {
"tasks": [_TRY_PLATFORMS[plat] for plat in platform],
"perftest-options": perftest_parameters,
"try_mode": "try_task_config",
task_config = {"parameters": parameters, "version": 2}
if args.get("verbose"):
print("Pushing run to try...")
print(json.dumps(task_config, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
push_to_try("perftest", "perftest", try_task_config=task_config)
from mozperftest.runner import run_tests
run_tests(command_context, kwargs, original_parser.get_user_args(kwargs))
print("\nFirefox. Fast For Good.\n")
description="Run perftest tests",
"tests", default=None, nargs="*", help="Tests to run. By default will run all"
help="Skip flake8 and black",
"-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Verbose mode"
help="Run raptor tests",
def run_tests(command_context, **kwargs):
from pathlib import Path
from mozperftest.utils import temporary_env
COVERAGE_RCFILE = str(Path(HERE, ".mpt-coveragerc"))
if kwargs.get("raptor", False):
print("Running raptor unit tests through mozperftest")
COVERAGE_RCFILE = str(Path(HERE, ".raptor-coveragerc"))
_run_tests(command_context, **kwargs)
def _run_tests(command_context, **kwargs):
from pathlib import Path
from mozperftest.utils import ON_TRY, checkout_python_script, checkout_script
venv = command_context.virtualenv_manager
skip_linters = kwargs.get("skip_linters", False)
verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False)
if not ON_TRY and not skip_linters and not kwargs.get("raptor"):
cmd = "./mach lint "
if verbose:
cmd += " -v"
cmd += " " + str(HERE)
if not checkout_script(cmd, label="linters", display=verbose, verbose=verbose):
raise AssertionError("Please fix your code.")
# running pytest with coverage
# coverage is done in three steps:
# 1/ coverage erase => erase any previous coverage data
# 2/ coverage run pytest ... => run the tests and collect info
# 3/ coverage report => generate the report
tests_dir = Path(HERE, "tests").resolve()
tests = kwargs.get("tests", [])
if tests == []:
tests = str(tests_dir)
run_coverage_check = not skip_linters
run_coverage_check = False
def _get_test(test):
if Path(test).exists():
return str(test)
return str(tests_dir / test)
tests = " ".join([_get_test(test) for test in tests])
# on macOS + try we skip the coverage
# because macOS workers prevent us from installing
# packages from PyPI
if sys.platform == "darwin" and ON_TRY:
run_coverage_check = False
options = "-xs"
if kwargs.get("verbose"):
options += "v"
# If we run mozperftest with the --raptor argument,
# then only run the raptor unit tests
if kwargs.get("raptor"):
run_coverage_check = True
tests = str(Path(command_context.topsrcdir, "testing", "raptor", "test"))
if run_coverage_check:
assert checkout_python_script(
venv, "coverage", ["erase"], label="remove old coverage data"
args = ["run", "-m", "pytest", options, "--durations", "10", tests]
assert checkout_python_script(
venv, "coverage", args, label="running tests", verbose=verbose
if run_coverage_check and not checkout_python_script(
venv, "coverage", ["report"], display=True
raise ValueError("Coverage is too low!")
description="Run perftest tools",
def run_tools(command_context, **kwargs):
Runs various perftest tools such as the side-by-side generator.
print("Runs various perftest tools such as the side-by-side generator.")
description="This tool can be used to generate a side-by-side visualization of two videos. "
"When using this tool, make sure that the `--test-name` is an exact match, i.e. if you are "
"comparing the task `test-linux64-shippable-qr/opt-browsertime-tp6-firefox-linkedin-e10s` "
"between two revisions, then use `browsertime-tp6-firefox-linkedin-e10s` as the suite name "
"and `test-linux64-shippable-qr/opt` as the platform.",
def run_side_by_side(command_context, **kwargs):
from mozperftest.runner import run_tools
kwargs["tool"] = "side-by-side"
run_tools(command_context, kwargs)
description="This tool can be used to determine if there are differences between two "
"revisions. It can do either direct comparisons, or searching for regressions in between "
"two revisions (with a maximum or autocomputed depth).",
def run_change_detector(command_context, **kwargs):
from mozperftest.runner import run_tools
kwargs["tool"] = "change-detector"
run_tools(command_context, kwargs)