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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import os
import time
import unittest
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import mozunit
from mozbuild import artifact_cache
from mozbuild.artifact_cache import ArtifactCache
class FakeResponse(object):
def __init__(self, content):
self._content = content
def headers(self):
return {"Content-length": str(len(self._content))}
def iter_content(self, chunk_size):
content = memoryview(self._content)
while content:
yield content[:chunk_size]
content = content[chunk_size:]
def raise_for_status(self):
def close(self):
class FakeSession(object):
def get(self, url, stream=True):
assert stream is True
return FakeResponse(CONTENTS[url])
class TestArtifactCache(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.min_cached_artifacts = artifact_cache.MIN_CACHED_ARTIFACTS
self.max_cached_artifacts_size = artifact_cache.MAX_CACHED_ARTIFACTS_SIZE
artifact_cache.MIN_CACHED_ARTIFACTS = 2
artifact_cache.MAX_CACHED_ARTIFACTS_SIZE = 4096
self._real_utime = os.utime
os.utime = self.utime
self.timestamp = time.time() - 86400
self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
def tearDown(self):
artifact_cache.MIN_CACHED_ARTIFACTS = self.min_cached_artifacts
artifact_cache.MAX_CACHED_ARTIFACTS_SIZE = self.max_cached_artifacts_size
os.utime = self._real_utime
def utime(self, path, times):
if times is None:
# Ensure all downloaded files have a different timestamp
times = (self.timestamp, self.timestamp)
self.timestamp += 2
self._real_utime(path, times)
def listtmpdir(self):
return [p for p in os.listdir(self.tmpdir) if p != ".metadata_never_index"]
def test_artifact_cache_persistence(self):
cache = ArtifactCache(self.tmpdir)
cache._download_manager.session = FakeSession()
expected = [os.path.basename(path)]
self.assertEqual(self.listtmpdir(), expected)
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.listtmpdir()), sorted(expected))
# We're downloading more than the cache allows us, but since it's all
# in the same session, no purge happens.
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.listtmpdir()), sorted(expected))
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.listtmpdir()), sorted(expected))
cache = ArtifactCache(self.tmpdir)
cache._download_manager.session = FakeSession()
# Downloading a new file in a new session purges the oldest files in
# the cache.
expected = expected[2:]
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.listtmpdir()), sorted(expected))
# Downloading a file already in the cache leaves the cache untouched
cache = ArtifactCache(self.tmpdir)
cache._download_manager.session = FakeSession()
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.listtmpdir()), sorted(expected))
# bar was purged earlier, re-downloading it should purge the oldest
# downloaded file, which at this point would be qux, but we also
# re-downloaded it in the mean time, so the next one (fuga) should be
# the purged one.
cache = ArtifactCache(self.tmpdir)
cache._download_manager.session = FakeSession()
expected = [p for p in expected if "fuga" not in p]
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.listtmpdir()), sorted(expected))
# Downloading one file larger than the cache size should still leave
cache = ArtifactCache(self.tmpdir)
cache._download_manager.session = FakeSession()
expected = expected[-2:]
self.assertEqual(sorted(self.listtmpdir()), sorted(expected))
if __name__ == "__main__":