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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import unittest
import six
from mozunit import main
from mozbuild.frontend.context import (
from mozbuild.util import (
class Fuga(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
class Piyo(ContextDerivedValue):
def __init__(self, context, value):
if not isinstance(value, six.text_type):
raise ValueError
self.context = context
self.value = value
def lower(self):
return self.value.lower()
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == six.text_type(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.value < six.text_type(other)
def __le__(self, other):
return self.value <= six.text_type(other)
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.value > six.text_type(other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.value >= six.text_type(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.value)
"HOGE": (six.text_type, six.text_type, None),
"FUGA": (Fuga, six.text_type, None),
"PIYO": (Piyo, six.text_type, None),
"HOGERA": (ContextDerivedTypedList(Piyo, StrictOrderingOnAppendList), list, None),
"foo": bool,
class TestContext(unittest.TestCase):
def test_key_rejection(self):
# Lowercase keys should be rejected during normal operation.
ns = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as ke:
ns["foo"] = True
e = ke.exception.args
self.assertEqual(e[0], "global_ns")
self.assertEqual(e[1], "set_unknown")
self.assertEqual(e[2], "foo")
# Unknown uppercase keys should be rejected.
with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as ke:
ns["FOO"] = True
e = ke.exception.args
self.assertEqual(e[0], "global_ns")
self.assertEqual(e[1], "set_unknown")
self.assertEqual(e[2], "FOO")
def test_allowed_set(self):
self.assertIn("HOGE", VARIABLES)
ns = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
ns["HOGE"] = "foo"
self.assertEqual(ns["HOGE"], "foo")
def test_value_checking(self):
ns = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
# Setting to a non-allowed type should not work.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ve:
ns["HOGE"] = True
e = ve.exception.args
self.assertEqual(e[0], "global_ns")
self.assertEqual(e[1], "set_type")
self.assertEqual(e[2], "HOGE")
self.assertEqual(e[3], True)
self.assertEqual(e[4], six.text_type)
def test_key_checking(self):
# Checking for existence of a key should not populate the key if it
# doesn't exist.
g = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
self.assertFalse("HOGE" in g)
self.assertFalse("HOGE" in g)
def test_coercion(self):
ns = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
# Setting to a type different from the allowed input type should not
# work.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ve:
ns["FUGA"] = False
e = ve.exception.args
self.assertEqual(e[0], "global_ns")
self.assertEqual(e[1], "set_type")
self.assertEqual(e[2], "FUGA")
self.assertEqual(e[3], False)
self.assertEqual(e[4], six.text_type)
ns["FUGA"] = "fuga"
self.assertIsInstance(ns["FUGA"], Fuga)
self.assertEqual(ns["FUGA"].value, "fuga")
ns["FUGA"] = Fuga("hoge")
self.assertIsInstance(ns["FUGA"], Fuga)
self.assertEqual(ns["FUGA"].value, "hoge")
def test_context_derived_coercion(self):
ns = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
# Setting to a type different from the allowed input type should not
# work.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ve:
ns["PIYO"] = False
e = ve.exception.args
self.assertEqual(e[0], "global_ns")
self.assertEqual(e[1], "set_type")
self.assertEqual(e[2], "PIYO")
self.assertEqual(e[3], False)
self.assertEqual(e[4], six.text_type)
ns["PIYO"] = "piyo"
self.assertIsInstance(ns["PIYO"], Piyo)
self.assertEqual(ns["PIYO"].value, "piyo")
self.assertEqual(ns["PIYO"].context, ns)
ns["PIYO"] = Piyo(ns, "fuga")
self.assertIsInstance(ns["PIYO"], Piyo)
self.assertEqual(ns["PIYO"].value, "fuga")
self.assertEqual(ns["PIYO"].context, ns)
def test_context_derived_typed_list(self):
ns = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
# Setting to a type that's rejected by coercion should not work.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
ns["HOGERA"] = [False]
ns["HOGERA"] += ["a", "b", "c"]
self.assertIsInstance(ns["HOGERA"], VARIABLES["HOGERA"][0])
for n in range(0, 3):
self.assertIsInstance(ns["HOGERA"][n], Piyo)
self.assertEqual(ns["HOGERA"][n].value, ["a", "b", "c"][n])
self.assertEqual(ns["HOGERA"][n].context, ns)
with self.assertRaises(UnsortedError):
ns["HOGERA"] += ["f", "e", "d"]
def test_context_derived_typed_list_with_items(self):
ns = Context(allowed_variables=VARIABLES)
# Setting to a type that's rejected by coercion should not work.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
ns["HOGEHOGE"] = [False]
values = ["a", "b", "c"]
ns["HOGEHOGE"] += values
self.assertIsInstance(ns["HOGEHOGE"], VARIABLES["HOGEHOGE"][0])
for v in values:
ns["HOGEHOGE"][v].foo = True
for v, item in zip(values, ns["HOGEHOGE"]):
self.assertIsInstance(item, Piyo)
self.assertEqual(v, item)
self.assertEqual(ns["HOGEHOGE"][v].foo, True)
self.assertEqual(ns["HOGEHOGE"][item].foo, True)
with self.assertRaises(UnsortedError):
ns["HOGEHOGE"] += ["f", "e", "d"]
if __name__ == "__main__":