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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import os
import sys
import time
from import Iterable
import gyp
import gyp.msvs_emulation
import mozpack.path as mozpath
import six
from mozpack.files import FileFinder
from mozbuild import shellutil
from mozbuild.util import expand_variables
from .context import VARIABLES, ObjDirPath, SourcePath, TemplateContext
from .sandbox import alphabetical_sorted
# Define this module as gyp.generator.mozbuild so that gyp can use it
# as a generator under the name "mozbuild".
sys.modules["gyp.generator.mozbuild"] = sys.modules[__name__]
# build/gyp_chromium does this:
# script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# chrome_src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, os.pardir))
# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(chrome_src, 'tools', 'gyp', 'pylib'))
# We're not importing gyp_chromium, but we want both script_dir and
# chrome_src for the default includes, so go backwards from the pylib
# directory, which is the parent directory of gyp module.
chrome_src = mozpath.abspath(
mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(gyp.__file__), "../../../../..")
script_dir = mozpath.join(chrome_src, "build")
# Default variables gyp uses when evaluating gyp files.
generator_default_variables = {}
for dirname in [
# Some gyp steps fail if these are empty(!).
generator_default_variables[dirname] = "$" + dirname
for unused in [
generator_default_variables[unused] = ""
class GypContext(TemplateContext):
"""Specialized Context for use with data extracted from Gyp.
config is the ConfigEnvironment for this context.
relobjdir is the object directory that will be used for this context,
relative to the topobjdir defined in the ConfigEnvironment.
def __init__(self, config, relobjdir):
self._relobjdir = relobjdir
self, template="Gyp", allowed_variables=VARIABLES, config=config
def handle_actions(actions, context, action_overrides):
for action in actions:
name = action["action_name"]
if name not in action_overrides:
raise RuntimeError("GYP action %s not listed in action_overrides" % name)
outputs = action["outputs"]
if len(outputs) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
"GYP actions with more than one output not supported: %s" % name
output = outputs[0]
if not output.startswith(idir):
raise NotImplementedError(
"GYP actions outputting to somewhere other than "
"<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR) not supported: %s" % output
output = output[len(idir) :]
context["GENERATED_FILES"] += [output]
g = context["GENERATED_FILES"][output]
g.script = action_overrides[name]
g.inputs = action["inputs"]
def handle_copies(copies, context):
dist = "$PRODUCT_DIR/dist/"
for copy in copies:
dest = copy["destination"]
if not dest.startswith(dist):
raise NotImplementedError(
"GYP copies to somewhere other than <(PRODUCT_DIR)/dist not supported: %s"
% dest
dest_paths = dest[len(dist) :].split("/")
exports = context["EXPORTS"]
while dest_paths:
exports = getattr(exports, dest_paths.pop(0))
exports += sorted(copy["files"], key=lambda x: x.lower())
def process_gyp_result(
flat_list, targets, data = gyp_result
no_chromium = gyp_dir_attrs.no_chromium
no_unified = gyp_dir_attrs.no_unified
# Process all targets from the given gyp files and its dependencies.
# The path given to AllTargets needs to use os.sep, while the frontend code
# gives us paths normalized with forward slash separator.
for target in sorted(
gyp.common.AllTargets(flat_list, targets, path.replace("/", os.sep))
build_file, target_name, toolset = gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget(target)
# Each target is given its own objdir. The base of that objdir
# is derived from the relative path from the root gyp file path
# to the current build_file, placed under the given output
# directory. Since several targets can be in a given build_file,
# separate them in subdirectories using the build_file basename
# and the target_name.
reldir = mozpath.relpath(mozpath.dirname(build_file), mozpath.dirname(path))
subdir = "%s_%s" % (
# Emit a context for each target.
context = GypContext(
mozpath.relpath(mozpath.join(output, reldir, subdir), config.topobjdir),
# The list of included files returned by gyp are relative to build_file
for f in data[build_file]["included_files"]:
mozpath.abspath(mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(build_file), f))
spec = targets[target]
# Derive which gyp configuration to use based on MOZ_DEBUG.
c = "Debug" if config.substs.get("MOZ_DEBUG") else "Release"
if c not in spec["configurations"]:
raise RuntimeError(
"Missing %s gyp configuration for target %s "
"in %s" % (c, target_name, build_file)
target_conf = spec["configurations"][c]
if "actions" in spec:
handle_actions(spec["actions"], context, action_overrides)
if "copies" in spec:
handle_copies(spec["copies"], context)
use_libs = []
libs = []
def add_deps(s):
for t in s.get("dependencies", []) + s.get("dependencies_original", []):
ty = targets[t]["type"]
if ty in ("static_library", "shared_library"):
l = targets[t]["target_name"]
if l not in use_libs:
# Manually expand out transitive dependencies--
# gyp won't do this for static libs or none targets.
if ty in ("static_library", "none"):
libs.extend(spec.get("libraries", []))
# XXX: this sucks, but webrtc breaks with this right now because
# it builds a library called 'gtest' and we just get lucky
# that it isn't in USE_LIBS by that name anywhere.
if no_chromium:
os_libs = []
for l in libs:
if l.startswith("-"):
if l.startswith("-l"):
# Remove "-l" for consumption in OS_LIBS. Other flags
# are passed through unchanged.
l = l[2:]
if l not in os_libs:
elif l.endswith(".lib"):
l = l[:-4]
if l not in os_libs:
elif l:
# For library names passed in from
l = os.path.basename(l)
if l not in use_libs:
if spec["type"] == "none":
if not ("actions" in spec or "copies" in spec):
elif spec["type"] in ("static_library", "shared_library", "executable"):
# Remove leading 'lib' from the target_name if any, and use as
# library name.
name = six.ensure_text(spec["target_name"])
if spec["type"] in ("static_library", "shared_library"):
if name.startswith("lib"):
name = name[3:]
context["LIBRARY_NAME"] = name
context["PROGRAM"] = name
if spec["type"] == "shared_library":
context["FORCE_SHARED_LIB"] = True
elif (
spec["type"] == "static_library"
and spec.get("variables", {}).get("no_expand_libs", "0") == "1"
# PSM links a NSS static library, but our folded libnss
# doesn't actually export everything that all of the
# objects within would need, so that one library
# should be built as a real static library.
context["NO_EXPAND_LIBS"] = True
if use_libs:
context["USE_LIBS"] = sorted(use_libs, key=lambda s: s.lower())
if os_libs:
context["OS_LIBS"] = os_libs
# gyp files contain headers and asm sources in sources lists.
sources = []
unified_sources = []
extensions = set()
use_defines_in_asflags = False
for f in spec.get("sources", []):
ext = mozpath.splitext(f)[-1]
if f.startswith("$INTERMEDIATE_DIR/"):
s = ObjDirPath(context, f.replace("$INTERMEDIATE_DIR/", "!"))
s = SourcePath(context, f)
if ext == ".h":
if ext == ".def":
context["SYMBOLS_FILE"] = s
elif ext != ".S" and not no_unified and s not in non_unified_sources:
# The Mozilla build system doesn't use DEFINES for building
if ext == ".s":
use_defines_in_asflags = True
# The context expects alphabetical order when adding sources
context["SOURCES"] = alphabetical_sorted(sources)
context["UNIFIED_SOURCES"] = alphabetical_sorted(unified_sources)
defines = target_conf.get("defines", [])
if config.substs["CC_TYPE"] == "clang-cl" and no_chromium:
msvs_settings = gyp.msvs_emulation.MsvsSettings(spec, {})
# Hack: MsvsSettings._TargetConfig tries to compare a str to an int,
# so convert manually.
msvs_settings.vs_version.short_name = int(
for define in defines:
if "=" in define:
name, value = define.split("=", 1)
context["DEFINES"][name] = value
context["DEFINES"][define] = True
product_dir_dist = "$PRODUCT_DIR/dist/"
for include in target_conf.get("include_dirs", []):
if include.startswith(product_dir_dist):
# special-case includes of <(PRODUCT_DIR)/dist/ to match
# handle_copies above. This is used for NSS' exports.
include = "!/dist/include/" + include[len(product_dir_dist) :]
elif include.startswith(config.topobjdir):
# NSPR_INCLUDE_DIR gets passed into the NSS build this way.
include = "!/" + mozpath.relpath(include, config.topobjdir)
# expects all LOCAL_INCLUDES to exist, so ensure they do.
# NB: gyp files sometimes have actual absolute paths (e.g.
# /usr/include32) and sometimes paths that considers
# absolute, i.e. starting from topsrcdir. There's no good way
# to tell them apart here, and the actual absolute paths are
# likely bogus. In any event, actual absolute paths will be
# filtered out by trying to find them in topsrcdir.
# We do allow !- and %-prefixed paths, assuming they come
# from and will be handled the same way as if they
# were given to LOCAL_INCLUDES in
if include.startswith("/"):
resolved = mozpath.abspath(
mozpath.join(config.topsrcdir, include[1:])
elif not include.startswith(("!", "%")):
resolved = mozpath.abspath(
mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(build_file), include)
if not include.startswith(("!", "%")) and not os.path.exists(
context["LOCAL_INCLUDES"] += [include]
context["ASFLAGS"] = target_conf.get("asflags_mozilla", [])
if use_defines_in_asflags and defines:
context["ASFLAGS"] += ["-D" + d for d in defines]
if config.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "SunOS":
context["LDFLAGS"] = target_conf.get("ldflags", [])
flags = target_conf.get("cflags_mozilla", [])
if flags:
suffix_map = {
".c": "CFLAGS",
".cpp": "CXXFLAGS",
".cc": "CXXFLAGS",
".m": "CMFLAGS",
".mm": "CMMFLAGS",
variables = (suffix_map[e] for e in extensions if e in suffix_map)
for var in variables:
for f in flags:
# We may be getting make variable references out of the
# gyp data, and we don't want those in emitted data, so
# substitute them with their actual value.
f = expand_variables(f, config.substs).split()
if not f:
# the result may be a string or a list.
if isinstance(f, six.string_types):
# Ignore other types because we don't have
# anything using them, and we're not testing them. They can be
# added when that becomes necessary.
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported gyp target type: %s" % spec["type"])
if not no_chromium:
# Add some features to all contexts. Put here in case LOCAL_INCLUDES
# order matters.
context["LOCAL_INCLUDES"] += [
# These get set via VC project file settings for normal GYP builds.
if config.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "WINNT":
context["DEFINES"]["UNICODE"] = True
context["DEFINES"]["_UNICODE"] = True
context["COMPILE_FLAGS"]["OS_INCLUDES"] = []
for key, value in gyp_dir_attrs.sandbox_vars.items():
if context.get(key) and isinstance(context[key], list):
# If we have a key from sanbox_vars that's also been
# populated here we use the value from sandbox_vars as our
# basis rather than overriding outright.
context[key] = value + context[key]
elif context.get(key) and isinstance(context[key], dict):
context[key] = value
yield context
# A version of gyp.Load that doesn't return the generator (because module objects
# aren't Pickle-able, and we don't use it anyway).
def load_gyp(*args):
_, flat_list, targets, data = gyp.Load(*args)
return flat_list, targets, data
class GypProcessor(object):
"""Reads a gyp configuration in the background using the given executor and
emits GypContexts for the backend to process.
config is a ConfigEnvironment, path is the path to a root gyp configuration
file, and output is the base path under which the objdir for the various
gyp dependencies will be. gyp_dir_attrs are attributes set for the dir
def __init__(
self._path = path
self._config = config
self._output = output
self._non_unified_sources = non_unified_sources
self._gyp_dir_attrs = gyp_dir_attrs
self._action_overrides = action_overrides
self.execution_time = 0.0
self._results = []
# gyp expects plain str instead of unicode. The frontend code gives us
# unicode strings, so convert them.
if config.substs["CC_TYPE"] == "clang-cl":
# This isn't actually used anywhere in this generator, but it's needed
# to override the registry detection of VC++ in gyp.
"GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH": "fake_path",
"GYP_MSVS_VERSION": config.substs["MSVS_VERSION"],
params = {
"parallel": False,
"generator_flags": {},
"build_files": [path],
"root_targets": None,
# The NSS gyp configuration uses CC and CFLAGS to determine the
# floating-point ABI on arm.
if gyp_dir_attrs.no_chromium:
includes = []
depth = mozpath.dirname(path)
depth = chrome_src
# Files that gyp_chromium always includes
includes = [mozpath.join(script_dir, "gyp_includes", "common.gypi")]
finder = FileFinder(chrome_src)
mozpath.join(chrome_src, name)
for name, _ in finder.find("*/supplement.gypi")
# We need to normalize EnumStrings to strings because the gyp code is
# not guaranteed to like them.
def normalize(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {k: normalize(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
if isinstance(obj, str): # includes EnumStrings
return str(obj)
if isinstance(obj, Iterable):
return [normalize(o) for o in obj]
return obj
str_vars = normalize(gyp_dir_attrs.variables)
str_vars["python"] = sys.executable
self._gyp_loader_future = executor.submit(
load_gyp, [path], "mozbuild", str_vars, includes, depth, params
def results(self):
if self._results:
for res in self._results:
yield res
# We report our execution time as the time spent blocked in a call
# to `result`, which is the only case a gyp processor will
# contribute significantly to total wall time.
t0 = time.monotonic()
flat_list, targets, data = self._gyp_loader_future.result()
self.execution_time += time.monotonic() - t0
results = []
for res in process_gyp_result(
(flat_list, targets, data),
yield res
self._results = results