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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from mach.util import to_optional_path, win_to_msys_path
from mozbuild.bootstrap import bootstrap_all_toolchains_for, bootstrap_toolchain
from mozfile import which
from packaging.version import Version
from mozboot import rust
from mozboot.util import (
Could not find Mercurial (hg) in the current shell's path. Try starting a new
shell and running the bootstrapper again.
You are currently running Mercurial %s. Running %s or newer is
recommended for performance and stability reasons.
Unfortunately, this bootstrapper currently does not know how to automatically
upgrade Mercurial on your machine.
You can usually install Mercurial through your package manager or by
downloading a package from
We attempted to upgrade Mercurial to a modern version (%s or newer).
However, you appear to have version %s still.
It's possible your package manager doesn't support a modern version of
Mercurial. It's also possible Mercurial is not being installed in the search
path for this shell. Try creating a new shell and run this bootstrapper again.
If it continues to fail, consider installing Mercurial by following the
Mercurial releases a new version every 3 months and your distro's package
may become out of date. This may cause incompatibility with some
Mercurial extensions that rely on new Mercurial features. As a result,
you may not have an optimal version control experience.
To have the best Mercurial experience possible, we recommend installing
Mercurial via the "pip" Python packaging utility. This will likely result
in files being placed in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib.
How would you like to continue?
1. Install a modern Mercurial via pip [default]
2. Install a legacy Mercurial via the distro package manager
3. Do not install Mercurial
Your choice: """
You are currently running Python %s. Running %s or newer (but
not 3.x) is required.
Unfortunately, this bootstrapper does not currently know how to automatically
upgrade Python on your machine.
Please search the Internet for how to upgrade your Python and try running this
bootstrapper again to ensure your machine is up to date.
Rust installation complete. You should now have rustc and cargo
in %(cargo_bin)s
The installer tries to add these to your default shell PATH, so
restarting your shell and running this script again may work.
If it doesn't, you'll need to add the new command location
If restarting doesn't work, edit your shell initialization
script, which may be called ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or
~/.profile, and add the following line:
Then restart your shell and run the bootstrap script again.
You have some rust files in %(cargo_bin)s
but they're not part of this shell's PATH.
To add these to the PATH, edit your shell initialization
script, which may be called ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or
~/.profile, and add the following line:
Then restart your shell and run the bootstrap script again.
We found an executable called `rustup` which we normally use to install
and upgrade Rust programming language support, but we didn't understand
its output. It may be an old version, or not be the installer from
Please move it out of the way and run the bootstrap script again.
Or if you prefer and know how, use the current rustup to install
a compatible version of the Rust programming language yourself.
We attempted to upgrade Rust to a modern version (%s or newer).
However, you appear to still have version %s.
It's possible rustup failed. It's also possible the new Rust is not being
installed in the search path for this shell. Try creating a new shell and
run this bootstrapper again.
If this continues to fail and you are sure you have a modern Rust on your
system, ensure it is on the $PATH and try again. If that fails, you'll need to
install Rust manually.
We recommend the installer from for installing Rust,
but you may be able to get a recent enough version from a software install
tool or package manager on your system, or directly from
# Automatically download and use compiled C++ components:
ac_add_options --enable-artifact-builds
# Build only the SpiderMonkey JS test shell
ac_add_options --enable-project=js
# Upgrade Mercurial older than this.
# This should match the OLDEST_NON_LEGACY_VERSION in
# version-control-tools/hgext/configwizard/
# Upgrade rust older than this.
class BaseBootstrapper(object):
"""Base class for system bootstrappers."""
def __init__(self, no_interactive=False, no_system_changes=False):
self.package_manager_updated = False
self.no_interactive = no_interactive
self.no_system_changes = no_system_changes
self.state_dir = None
self.srcdir = None
def validate_environment(self):
Called once the current firefox checkout has been detected.
Platform-specific implementations should check the environment and offer advice/warnings
to the user, if necessary.
def suggest_install_pip3(self):
"""Called if pip3 can't be found."""
"Try installing pip3 with your system's package manager.", file=sys.stderr
def install_system_packages(self):
Install packages shared by all applications. These are usually
packages required by the development (like mercurial) or the
build system (like autoconf).
raise NotImplementedError(
"%s must implement install_system_packages()" % __name__
def install_browser_packages(self, mozconfig_builder):
Install packages required to build Firefox for Desktop (application
raise NotImplementedError(
"Cannot bootstrap Firefox for Desktop: "
"%s does not yet implement install_browser_packages()" % __name__
def ensure_browser_packages(self):
Install pre-built packages needed to build Firefox for Desktop (application 'browser')
Currently this is not needed and kept for compatibility with Firefox for Android.
def ensure_js_packages(self):
Install pre-built packages needed to build SpiderMonkey JavaScript Engine
Currently this is not needed and kept for compatibility with Firefox for Android.
def ensure_browser_artifact_mode_packages(self):
Install pre-built packages needed to build Firefox for Desktop (application 'browser')
Currently this is not needed and kept for compatibility with Firefox for Android.
def generate_browser_mozconfig(self):
Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig
should contain.
Firefox for Desktop can in simple cases determine its build environment
entirely from configure.
def install_js_packages(self, mozconfig_builder):
Install packages required to build SpiderMonkey JavaScript Engine
(application 'js').
return self.install_browser_packages(mozconfig_builder)
def generate_js_mozconfig(self):
Create a reasonable starting point for a JS shell build.
def install_browser_artifact_mode_packages(self, mozconfig_builder):
Install packages required to build Firefox for Desktop (application
'browser') in Artifact Mode.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Cannot bootstrap Firefox for Desktop Artifact Mode: "
"%s does not yet implement install_browser_artifact_mode_packages()"
% __name__
def generate_browser_artifact_mode_mozconfig(self):
Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig
should contain.
Firefox for Desktop Artifact Mode needs to enable artifact builds and
a path where the build artifacts will be written to.
def install_mobile_android_packages(self, mozconfig_builder):
Install packages required to build GeckoView (application
raise NotImplementedError(
"Cannot bootstrap GeckoView/Firefox for Android: "
"%s does not yet implement install_mobile_android_packages()" % __name__
def ensure_mobile_android_packages(self):
Install pre-built packages required to run GeckoView (application 'mobile/android')
raise NotImplementedError(
"Cannot bootstrap GeckoView/Firefox for Android: "
"%s does not yet implement ensure_mobile_android_packages()" % __name__
def ensure_mobile_android_artifact_mode_packages(self):
Install pre-built packages required to run GeckoView Artifact Build
(application 'mobile/android')
def generate_mobile_android_mozconfig(self):
Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig
should contain.
GeckoView/Firefox for Android needs an application and an ABI set, and it needs
paths to the Android SDK and NDK.
raise NotImplementedError(
"%s does not yet implement generate_mobile_android_mozconfig()" % __name__
def install_mobile_android_artifact_mode_packages(self, mozconfig_builder):
Install packages required to build GeckoView/Firefox for Android (application
'mobile/android', also known as Fennec) in Artifact Mode.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Cannot bootstrap GeckoView/Firefox for Android Artifact Mode: "
"%s does not yet implement install_mobile_android_artifact_mode_packages()"
% __name__
def generate_mobile_android_artifact_mode_mozconfig(self):
Print a message to the console detailing what the user's mozconfig
should contain.
GeckoView/Firefox for Android Artifact Mode needs an application and an ABI set,
and it needs paths to the Android SDK.
raise NotImplementedError(
"%s does not yet implement generate_mobile_android_artifact_mode_mozconfig()"
% __name__
def ensure_sccache_packages(self):
Install sccache.
def install_toolchain_artifact(self, toolchain_job, no_unpack=False):
if no_unpack:
return self.install_toolchain_artifact_impl(
self.state_dir, toolchain_job, no_unpack
def install_toolchain_artifact_impl(
self, install_dir: Path, toolchain_job, no_unpack=False
if type(self.srcdir) is str:
mach_binary = Path(self.srcdir) / "mach"
mach_binary = (self.srcdir / "mach").resolve()
if not mach_binary.exists():
raise ValueError(f"mach not found at {mach_binary}")
if not self.state_dir:
raise ValueError(
"Need a state directory (e.g. ~/.mozbuild) to download " "artifacts"
python_location = get_mach_virtualenv_binary()
if not python_location.exists():
raise ValueError(f"python not found at {python_location}")
cmd = [
if no_unpack:
cmd += ["--no-unpack"]
subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=str(install_dir))
def auto_bootstrap(self, application, exclude=[]):
args = ["--with-ccache=sccache"]
if application.endswith("_artifact_mode"):
application = application[: -len("_artifact_mode")]
args.append("--enable-project={}".format(application.replace("_", "/")))
if exclude:
"--enable-bootstrap={}".format(",".join(f"-{x}" for x in exclude))
def run_as_root(self, command, may_use_sudo=True):
if os.geteuid() != 0:
if may_use_sudo and which("sudo"):
command.insert(0, "sudo")
command = ["su", "root", "-c", " ".join(command)]
print("Executing as root:", subprocess.list2cmdline(command))
subprocess.check_call(command, stdin=sys.stdin)
def prompt_int(self, prompt, low, high, default=None):
"""Prompts the user with prompt and requires an integer between low and high.
If the user doesn't select an option and a default isn't provided, then
the lowest option is used. This is because some option must be implicitly
selected if mach is invoked with "--no-interactive"
if default is not None:
assert isinstance(default, int)
assert low <= default <= high
default = low
if self.no_interactive:
print('Selecting "{}" because context is not interactive.'.format(default))
return default
while True:
choice = input(prompt)
if choice == "" and default is not None:
return default
choice = int(choice)
if low <= choice <= high:
return choice
except ValueError:
print("ERROR! Please enter a valid option!")
def prompt_yesno(self, prompt):
"""Prompts the user with prompt and requires a yes/no answer."""
if self.no_interactive:
print('Selecting "Y" because context is not interactive.')
return True
while True:
choice = input(prompt + " (Yn): ").strip().lower()[:1]
if choice == "":
return True
elif choice in ("y", "n"):
return choice == "y"
print("ERROR! Please enter y or n!")
def _ensure_package_manager_updated(self):
if self.package_manager_updated:
self.package_manager_updated = True
def _update_package_manager(self):
"""Updates the package manager's manifests/package list.
This should be defined in child classes.
def _parse_version_impl(self, path: Path, name, env, version_param):
"""Execute the given path, returning the version.
Invokes the path argument with the --version switch
and returns a Version representing the output
if successful. If not, returns None.
An optional name argument gives the expected program
name returned as part of the version string, if it's
different from the basename of the executable.
An optional env argument allows modifying environment
variable during the invocation to set options, PATH,
if not name:
name =
if name.lower().endswith(".exe"):
name = name[:-4]
process =
[str(path), version_param],
if process.returncode != 0:
# This can happen e.g. if the user has an inactive pyenv shim in
# their path. Just silently treat this as a failure to parse the
# path and move on.
return None
match = + r" ([a-z0-9\.]+)", process.stdout)
if not match:
print("ERROR! Unable to identify %s version." % name)
return None
return Version(
def _parse_version(self, path: Path, name=None, env=None):
return self._parse_version_impl(path, name, env, "--version")
def _hg_cleanenv(self, load_hgrc=False):
"""Returns a copy of the current environment updated with the HGPLAIN
and HGRCPATH environment variables.
HGPLAIN prevents Mercurial from applying locale variations to the output
making it suitable for use in scripts.
HGRCPATH controls the loading of hgrc files. Setting it to the empty
string forces that no user or system hgrc file is used.
env = os.environ.copy()
env["HGPLAIN"] = "1"
if not load_hgrc:
env["HGRCPATH"] = ""
return env
def is_mercurial_modern(self):
hg = to_optional_path(which("hg"))
if not hg:
return False, False, None
our = self._parse_version(hg, "version", self._hg_cleanenv())
if not our:
return True, False, None
return True, our >= MODERN_MERCURIAL_VERSION, our
def ensure_mercurial_modern(self):
installed, modern, version = self.is_mercurial_modern()
if modern:
print("Your version of Mercurial (%s) is sufficiently modern." % version)
return installed, modern
if installed:
print("Your version of Mercurial (%s) is not modern enough." % version)
"(Older versions of Mercurial have known security vulnerabilities. "
"Unless you are running a patched Mercurial version, you may be "
print("You do not have Mercurial installed")
if self.upgrade_mercurial(version) is False:
return installed, modern
installed, modern, after = self.is_mercurial_modern()
if installed and not modern:
return installed, modern
def upgrade_mercurial(self, current):
"""Upgrade Mercurial.
Child classes should reimplement this.
Return False to not perform a version check after the upgrade is
def warn_if_pythonpath_is_set(self):
if "PYTHONPATH" in os.environ:
"WARNING: Your PYTHONPATH environment variable is set. This can "
"cause flaky installations of the requirements, and other unexpected "
"issues with mach. It is recommended to unset this variable."
def is_rust_modern(self, cargo_bin: Path):
rustc = to_optional_path(which("rustc", extra_search_dirs=[str(cargo_bin)]))
if not rustc:
print("Could not find a Rust compiler.")
return False, None
our = self._parse_version(rustc)
if not our:
return False, None
return our >= MODERN_RUST_VERSION, our
def cargo_home(self):
cargo_home = Path(os.environ.get("CARGO_HOME", Path("~/.cargo").expanduser()))
cargo_bin = cargo_home / "bin"
return cargo_home, cargo_bin
def print_rust_path_advice(self, template, cargo_home: Path, cargo_bin: Path):
# Suggest ~/.cargo/env if it exists.
if (cargo_home / "env").exists():
cmd = f"source {cargo_home}/env"
# On Windows rustup doesn't write out ~/.cargo/env
# so fall back to a manual PATH update. Bootstrap
# only runs under msys, so a unix-style shell command
# is appropriate there.
cargo_bin = win_to_msys_path(cargo_bin)
cmd = f"export PATH={cargo_bin}:$PATH"
print(template % {"cargo_bin": cargo_bin, "cmd": cmd})
def ensure_rust_modern(self):
cargo_home, cargo_bin = self.cargo_home()
modern, version = self.is_rust_modern(cargo_bin)
rustup = to_optional_path(which("rustup", extra_search_dirs=[str(cargo_bin)]))
if modern:
print("Your version of Rust (%s) is new enough." % version)
elif version:
print("Your version of Rust (%s) is too old." % version)
if rustup and not modern:
rustup_version = self._parse_version(rustup)
if not rustup_version:
print("Found rustup. Will try to upgrade.")
modern, after = self.is_rust_modern(cargo_bin)
if not modern:
elif not rustup:
# No rustup. Download and run the installer.
print("Will try to install Rust.")
modern, version = self.is_rust_modern(cargo_bin)
rustup = to_optional_path(
which("rustup", extra_search_dirs=[str(cargo_bin)])
self.ensure_rust_targets(rustup, version)
def ensure_rust_targets(self, rustup: Path, rust_version):
"""Make sure appropriate cross target libraries are installed."""
target_list = subprocess.check_output(
[str(rustup), "target", "list"], universal_newlines=True
targets = [
for line in target_list.splitlines()
if "installed" in line or "default" in line
print("Rust supports %s targets." % ", ".join(targets))
# Support 32-bit Windows on 64-bit Windows.
win32 = "i686-pc-windows-msvc"
win64 = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
if rust.platform() == win64 and win32 not in targets:
subprocess.check_call([str(rustup), "target", "add", win32])
if "mobile_android" in self.application:
# Let's add the most common targets.
if rust_version < Version("1.33"):
arm_target = "armv7-linux-androideabi"
arm_target = "thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi"
android_targets = (
for target in android_targets:
if target not in targets:
subprocess.check_call([str(rustup), "target", "add", target])
def upgrade_rust(self, rustup: Path):
"""Upgrade Rust.
Invoke rustup from the given path to update the rust install."""
subprocess.check_call([str(rustup), "update"])
# This installs rustfmt when not already installed, or nothing
# otherwise, while the update above would have taken care of upgrading
# it.
subprocess.check_call([str(rustup), "component", "add", "rustfmt"])
def install_rust(self):
"""Download and run the rustup installer."""
import errno
import stat
import tempfile
platform = rust.platform()
url = rust.rustup_url(platform)
checksum = rust.rustup_hash(platform)
if not url or not checksum:
print("ERROR: Could not download installer.")
print("Downloading rustup-init... ", end="")
fd, rustup_init = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=Path(url).name)
rustup_init = Path(rustup_init)
http_download_and_save(url, rustup_init, checksum)
mode = rustup_init.stat().st_mode
rustup_init.chmod(mode | stat.S_IRWXU)
print("Running rustup-init...")
cargo_home, cargo_bin = self.cargo_home()
self.print_rust_path_advice(RUST_INSTALL_COMPLETE, cargo_home, cargo_bin)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: