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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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# This module provides mixins to perform process execution.
import logging
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from mozbuild import shellutil
from mozprocess.processhandler import ProcessHandlerMixin
from .logging import LoggingMixin
# Perform detection of operating system environment. This is used by command
# execution. We only do this once to save redundancy. Yes, this can fail module
# loading. That is arguably OK.
if "SHELL" in os.environ:
_current_shell = os.environ["SHELL"]
elif "MOZILLABUILD" in os.environ:
mozillabuild = os.environ["MOZILLABUILD"]
if (Path(mozillabuild) / "msys2").exists():
_current_shell = mozillabuild + "/msys2/usr/bin/sh.exe"
_current_shell = mozillabuild + "/msys/bin/sh.exe"
elif "COMSPEC" in os.environ:
_current_shell = os.environ["COMSPEC"]
elif sys.platform != "win32":
# Fall back to a standard shell.
_current_shell = "/bin/sh"
raise Exception("Could not detect environment shell!")
_in_msys = False
if (
os.environ.get("MSYSTEM", None) in ("MINGW32", "MINGW64")
or "MOZILLABUILD" in os.environ
_in_msys = True
if not _current_shell.lower().endswith(".exe"):
_current_shell += ".exe"
class LineHandlingEarlyReturn(Exception):
class ProcessExecutionMixin(LoggingMixin):
"""Mix-in that provides process execution functionality."""
def run_process(
cwd: Optional[str] = None,
"""Runs a single process to completion.
Takes a list of arguments to run where the first item is the
executable. Runs the command in the specified directory and
with optional environment variables.
append_env -- Dict of environment variables to append to the current
set of environment variables.
explicit_env -- Dict of environment variables to set for the new
process. Any existing environment variables will be ignored.
require_unix_environment if True will ensure the command is executed
within a UNIX environment. Basically, if we are on Windows, it will
execute the command via an appropriate UNIX-like shell.
ignore_children is proxied to mozprocess's ignore_children.
ensure_exit_code is used to ensure the exit code of a process matches
what is expected. If it is an integer, we raise an Exception if the
exit code does not match this value. If it is True, we ensure the exit
code is 0. If it is False, we don't perform any exit code validation.
pass_thru is a special execution mode where the child process inherits
this process's standard file handles (stdin, stdout, stderr) as well as
additional file descriptors. It should be used for interactive processes
where buffering from mozprocess could be an issue. pass_thru does not
use mozprocess. Therefore, arguments like log_name, line_handler,
and ignore_children have no effect.
When python_unbuffered is set, the PYTHONUNBUFFERED environment variable
will be set in the child process. This is normally advantageous (see bug
1627873) but is detrimental in certain circumstances (specifically, we
have seen issues when using pass_thru mode to open a Python subshell, as
in bug 1628838). This variable should be set to False to avoid bustage
in those circumstances.
args = self._normalize_command(args, require_unix_environment)
{"args": " ".join(shellutil.quote(arg) for arg in args)},
def handleLine(line):
# Converts str to unicode on Python 2 and bytes to str on Python 3.
if isinstance(line, bytes):
line = line.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or "utf-8", "replace")
if line_handler:
except LineHandlingEarlyReturn:
if not log_name:
self.log(log_level, log_name, {"line": line.rstrip()}, "{line}")
use_env = {}
if explicit_env:
use_env = explicit_env
if append_env:
if python_unbuffered:
use_env["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1"
self.log(logging.DEBUG, "process", {"env": str(use_env)}, "Environment: {env}")
if pass_thru:
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, env=use_env, close_fds=False)
status = None
# Leave it to the subprocess to handle Ctrl+C. If it terminates as
# a result of Ctrl+C, proc.wait() will return a status code, and,
# we get out of the loop. If it doesn't, like e.g. gdb, we continue
# waiting.
while status is None:
status = proc.wait()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
p = ProcessHandlerMixin(
status = None
sig = None
# XXX: p.wait() sometimes fails to detect the process exit and never returns a status code.
# Time out and check if the pid still exists.
# See bug 1845125 for example.
while status is None and p.pid_exists(
if sig is None:
status = p.wait(5)
status = p.kill(sig=sig)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if sig is None:
sig = signal.SIGINT
elif sig == signal.SIGINT:
# If we've already tried SIGINT, escalate.
sig = signal.SIGKILL
if ensure_exit_code is False:
return status
if ensure_exit_code is True:
ensure_exit_code = 0
if status != ensure_exit_code:
raise Exception(f"Process executed with non-0 exit code {status}: {args}")
return status
def _normalize_command(self, args, require_unix_environment):
"""Adjust command arguments to run in the necessary environment.
This exists mainly to facilitate execution of programs requiring a *NIX
shell when running on Windows. The caller specifies whether a shell
environment is required. If it is and we are running on Windows but
aren't running in the UNIX-like msys environment, then we rewrite the
command to execute via a shell.
assert isinstance(args, list) and len(args)
if not require_unix_environment or not _in_msys:
return args
# Always munge Windows-style into Unix style for the command.
prog = args[0].replace("\\", "/")
# PyMake removes the C: prefix. But, things seem to work here
# without it. Not sure what that's about.
# We run everything through the msys shell. We need to use
# '-c' and pass all the arguments as one argument because that is
# how sh works.
cline = subprocess.list2cmdline([prog] + args[1:])
return [_current_shell, "-c", cline]