Name Description Size
ChannelEventQueue.cpp 6446
ChannelEventQueue.h 13234
DocumentChannel.cpp 14764
DocumentChannel.h DocumentChannel is a protocol agnostic placeholder nsIChannel implementation that we use so that nsDocShell knows about a connecting load. It transfers all data into a DocumentLoadListener (running in the parent process), which will create the real channel for the connection, and decide which process to load the resulting document in. If the document is to be loaded in the current process, then we'll synthesize a redirect replacing this placeholder channel with the real one, otherwise the originating docshell will be removed during the process switch. 4337
DocumentChannelChild.cpp 16631
DocumentChannelChild.h DocumentChannelChild is an implementation of DocumentChannel for nsDocShells in the content process, that uses PDocumentChannel to serialize everything across IPDL to the parent process. 2606
DocumentChannelParent.cpp ObjectUpgradeHandler 6273
DocumentChannelParent.h An actor that forwards all changes across to DocumentChannelChild, the nsIChannel implementation owned by a content process docshell. 2037
DocumentLoadListener.cpp ANDROID 125815
DocumentLoadListener.h DocumentLoadListener represents a connecting document load for a CanonicalBrowsingContext (in the parent process). It creates a network channel for the document load and then waits for it to receive a response (after all redirects are resolved). It then decides where to handle that load (could be in a different process from the initiator), and then sets up a real network nsIChannel to deliver the data to the final destination docshell, maybe through an nsIParentChannel/nsIChildChannel IPDL layer. In the case where this was initiated from an nsDocShell, we also create an nsIChannel to act as a placeholder within the docshell while this process completes, and then notify the docshell of a 'redirect' when we replace this channel with the real one. 26978
InputChannelThrottleQueueChild.cpp 980
InputChannelThrottleQueueChild.h 1013
InputChannelThrottleQueueParent.cpp stabilize 3818
InputChannelThrottleQueueParent.h 1728 3336
NeckoChannelParams.ipdlh 22749
NeckoChild.cpp 10757
NeckoChild.h Predictor Messsages 3565
NeckoCommon.cpp 2288
NeckoCommon.h 5680
NeckoMessageUtils.h We've been tricked by some socket family we don't know about! 6572
NeckoParent.cpp 29651
NeckoParent.h Creates LoadContext for parent-side of an e10s channel. PContentParent corresponds to the process that is requesting the load. 9002
NeckoTargetHolder.cpp 1143
NeckoTargetHolder.h 1378
ParentChannelWrapper.cpp 3269
ParentChannelWrapper.h 1142
ParentProcessDocumentChannel.cpp 11663
ParentProcessDocumentChannel.h 2204
PDataChannel.ipdl 776
PDocumentChannel.ipdl 2368
PFileChannel.ipdl Used to facilitate http redirects to file:// - see 896
PInputChannelThrottleQueue.ipdl 591
PNecko.ipdl Predictor Methods 6203
PProxyAutoConfig.ipdl 711
PProxyConfigLookup.ipdl 493
ProxyAutoConfigChild.cpp 6617
ProxyAutoConfigChild.h 2675
ProxyAutoConfigParent.cpp 678
ProxyAutoConfigParent.h 808
ProxyConfigLookup.cpp 3440
ProxyConfigLookup.h 1323
ProxyConfigLookupChild.cpp 1471
ProxyConfigLookupChild.h 1267
ProxyConfigLookupParent.cpp 1520
ProxyConfigLookupParent.h 977
PSimpleChannel.ipdl 652
PSocketProcess.ipdl tabId is only required for web-proxy support, which isn't always needed 8558
PSocketProcessBackground.ipdl PSocketProcessBackground is the top level IPC protocol between a background task queue in the socket process and the parent process. We use this to create several IPC protocols between the socket process and the parent process. 1885
PSocketProcessBridge.ipdl PSocketProcessBridge is the IPC protocol between the main thread in the content process and the main thread in the socket process. We use this to create PBackgroundDataBridge and PMediaTransport protocols between content process and socket process. Once created, PSocketProcessBridgeChild is the actor that lives in content process and PSocketProcessBridgeParent lives in socket process. 1525
SocketProcessBackgroundChild.cpp 3516
SocketProcessBackgroundChild.h 1584
SocketProcessBackgroundParent.cpp 6642
SocketProcessBackgroundParent.h 2050
SocketProcessBridgeChild.cpp 6385
SocketProcessBridgeChild.h 1820
SocketProcessBridgeParent.cpp 3361
SocketProcessBridgeParent.h 1492
SocketProcessChild.cpp static 26722
SocketProcessChild.h 7545
SocketProcessHost.cpp remoteType 8438
SocketProcessHost.h 4723
SocketProcessImpl.cpp 2034
SocketProcessImpl.h 1060
SocketProcessLogging.h 696
SocketProcessParent.cpp static 12355
SocketProcessParent.h 4619