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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "CookieCommons.h"
#include "CookieLogging.h"
#include "CookieServiceParent.h"
#include "mozilla/net/CookieService.h"
#include "mozilla/net/CookieServiceParent.h"
#include "mozilla/net/NeckoParent.h"
#include "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/StoragePrincipalHelper.h"
#include "mozIThirdPartyUtil.h"
#include "nsArrayUtils.h"
#include "nsIChannel.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_network.h"
#include "nsIEffectiveTLDService.h"
#include "nsNetCID.h"
#include "nsMixedContentBlocker.h"
using namespace mozilla::ipc;
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
CookieServiceParent::CookieServiceParent() {
// Instantiate the cookieservice via the service manager, so it sticks around
// until shutdown.
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieService> cs = do_GetService(NS_COOKIESERVICE_CONTRACTID);
// Get the CookieService instance directly, so we can call internal methods.
mCookieService = CookieService::GetSingleton();
NS_ASSERTION(mCookieService, "couldn't get nsICookieService");
mProcessingCookie = false;
void CookieServiceParent::RemoveBatchDeletedCookies(nsIArray* aCookieList) {
uint32_t len = 0;
OriginAttributes attrs;
CookieStruct cookieStruct;
nsTArray<CookieStruct> cookieStructList;
nsTArray<OriginAttributes> attrsList;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
nsCOMPtr<nsICookie> xpcCookie = do_QueryElementAt(aCookieList, i);
const auto& cookie = xpcCookie->AsCookie();
attrs = cookie.OriginAttributesRef();
cookieStruct = cookie.ToIPC();
// Child only needs to know HttpOnly cookies exists, not its value
// Same for Secure cookies going to a process for an insecure site.
if (cookie.IsHttpOnly() || !InsecureCookieOrSecureOrigin(cookie)) {
cookieStruct.value() = "";
Unused << SendRemoveBatchDeletedCookies(cookieStructList, attrsList);
void CookieServiceParent::RemoveAll() { Unused << SendRemoveAll(); }
void CookieServiceParent::RemoveCookie(const Cookie& cookie) {
const OriginAttributes& attrs = cookie.OriginAttributesRef();
CookieStruct cookieStruct = cookie.ToIPC();
// Child only needs to know HttpOnly cookies exists, not its value
// Same for Secure cookies going to a process for an insecure site.
if (cookie.IsHttpOnly() || !InsecureCookieOrSecureOrigin(cookie)) {
cookieStruct.value() = "";
Unused << SendRemoveCookie(cookieStruct, attrs);
void CookieServiceParent::AddCookie(const Cookie& cookie) {
const OriginAttributes& attrs = cookie.OriginAttributesRef();
CookieStruct cookieStruct = cookie.ToIPC();
// Child only needs to know HttpOnly cookies exists, not its value
// Same for Secure cookies going to a process for an insecure site.
if (cookie.IsHttpOnly() || !InsecureCookieOrSecureOrigin(cookie)) {
cookieStruct.value() = "";
Unused << SendAddCookie(cookieStruct, attrs);
bool CookieServiceParent::ContentProcessHasCookie(const Cookie& cookie) {
nsCString baseDomain;
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(CookieCommons::GetBaseDomainFromHost(
mTLDService, cookie.Host(), baseDomain)))) {
return false;
CookieKey cookieKey(baseDomain, cookie.OriginAttributesRef());
return mCookieKeysInContent.MaybeGet(cookieKey).isSome();
bool CookieServiceParent::InsecureCookieOrSecureOrigin(const Cookie& cookie) {
nsCString baseDomain;
// CookieStorage notifications triggering this won't fail to get base domain
mTLDService, cookie.Host(), baseDomain));
// cookie is insecure or cookie is associated with a secure-origin process
CookieKey cookieKey(baseDomain, cookie.OriginAttributesRef());
if (Maybe<bool> allowSecure = mCookieKeysInContent.MaybeGet(cookieKey)) {
return (!cookie.IsSecure() || *allowSecure);
return false;
void CookieServiceParent::TrackCookieLoad(nsIChannel* aChannel) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = aChannel->LoadInfo();
bool isSafeTopLevelNav = CookieCommons::IsSafeTopLevelNav(aChannel);
bool hadCrossSiteRedirects = false;
bool isSameSiteForeign =
CookieCommons::IsSameSiteForeign(aChannel, uri, &hadCrossSiteRedirects);
nsCOMPtr<mozIThirdPartyUtil> thirdPartyUtil;
thirdPartyUtil = do_GetService(THIRDPARTYUTIL_CONTRACTID);
uint32_t rejectedReason = 0;
ThirdPartyAnalysisResult result = thirdPartyUtil->AnalyzeChannel(
aChannel, false, nullptr, nullptr, &rejectedReason);
OriginAttributes storageOriginAttributes = loadInfo->GetOriginAttributes();
aChannel, storageOriginAttributes);
nsTArray<OriginAttributes> originAttributesList;
// CHIPS - If CHIPS is enabled the partitioned cookie jar is always available
// (and therefore the partitioned OriginAttributes), the unpartitioned cookie
// jar is only available in first-party or third-party with storageAccess
// contexts.
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cookieJarSettings =
bool isCHIPS = StaticPrefs::network_cookie_CHIPS_enabled() &&
bool isUnpartitioned =
!result.contains(ThirdPartyAnalysis::IsForeign) ||
if (isCHIPS && isUnpartitioned) {
// Assert that the storage originAttributes is empty. In other words,
// it's unpartitioned.
// Add the partitioned principal to principals
OriginAttributes partitionedOriginAttributes;
aChannel, partitionedOriginAttributes,
// Only append the partitioned originAttributes if the partitionKey is set.
// The partitionKey could be empty for partitionKey in partitioned
// originAttributes if the channel is for privilege request, such as
// extension's requests.
if (!partitionedOriginAttributes.mPartitionKey.IsEmpty()) {
for (auto& originAttributes : originAttributesList) {
UpdateCookieInContentList(uri, originAttributes);
// Send matching cookies to Child.
nsTArray<RefPtr<Cookie>> foundCookieList;
uri, aChannel, result.contains(ThirdPartyAnalysis::IsForeign),
rejectedReason, isSafeTopLevelNav, isSameSiteForeign,
hadCrossSiteRedirects, false, true, originAttributesList,
nsTArray<CookieStructTable> matchingCookiesListTable;
SerializeCookieListTable(foundCookieList, matchingCookiesListTable, uri);
Unused << SendTrackCookiesLoad(matchingCookiesListTable);
// we append outgoing cookie info into a list here so the ContentParent can
// filter cookies passing to unnecessary ContentProcesses
void CookieServiceParent::UpdateCookieInContentList(
nsIURI* uri, const OriginAttributes& originAttrs) {
nsCString baseDomain;
bool requireAHostMatch = false;
// prevent malformed urls from being added to the cookie list
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(CookieCommons::GetBaseDomain(
mTLDService, uri, baseDomain, requireAHostMatch)))) {
CookieKey cookieKey(baseDomain, originAttrs);
bool& allowSecure = mCookieKeysInContent.LookupOrInsert(cookieKey, false);
allowSecure =
allowSecure || nsMixedContentBlocker::IsPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin(uri);
// static
void CookieServiceParent::SerializeCookieListTable(
const nsTArray<RefPtr<Cookie>>& aFoundCookieList,
nsTArray<CookieStructTable>& aCookiesListTable, nsIURI* aHostURI) {
// Stores the index in aCookiesListTable by origin attributes suffix.
nsTHashMap<nsCStringHashKey, size_t> cookieListTable;
for (Cookie* cookie : aFoundCookieList) {
nsAutoCString attrsSuffix;
size_t tableIndex = cookieListTable.LookupOrInsertWith(attrsSuffix, [&] {
size_t index = aCookiesListTable.Length();
CookieStructTable* newTable = aCookiesListTable.AppendElement();
newTable->attrs() = cookie->OriginAttributesRef();
return index;
CookieStruct* cookieStruct =
*cookieStruct = cookie->ToIPC();
// clear http-only cookie values
if (cookie->IsHttpOnly()) {
// Value only needs to exist if an HttpOnly cookie exists.
cookieStruct->value() = "";
// clear secure cookie values in insecure context
bool potentiallyTurstworthy =
if (cookie->IsSecure() && !potentiallyTurstworthy) {
cookieStruct->value() = "";
IPCResult CookieServiceParent::RecvGetCookieList(
nsIURI* aHost, const bool& aIsForeign,
const bool& aIsThirdPartyTrackingResource,
const bool& aIsThirdPartySocialTrackingResource,
const bool& aStorageAccessPermissionGranted,
const uint32_t& aRejectedReason, const bool& aIsSafeTopLevelNav,
const bool& aIsSameSiteForeign, const bool& aHadCrossSiteRedirects,
nsTArray<OriginAttributes>&& aAttrsList, GetCookieListResolver&& aResolve) {
// Send matching cookies to Child.
if (!aHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "aHost must not be null");
// we append outgoing cookie info into a list here so the ContentParent can
// filter cookies that do not need to go to certain ContentProcesses
for (const auto& attrs : aAttrsList) {
UpdateCookieInContentList(aHost, attrs);
nsTArray<RefPtr<Cookie>> foundCookieList;
// Note: passing nullptr as aChannel to GetCookiesForURI() here is fine since
// this argument is only used for proper reporting of cookie loads, but the
// child process already does the necessary reporting in this case for us.
aHost, nullptr, aIsForeign, aIsThirdPartyTrackingResource,
aIsThirdPartySocialTrackingResource, aStorageAccessPermissionGranted,
aRejectedReason, aIsSafeTopLevelNav, aIsSameSiteForeign,
aHadCrossSiteRedirects, false, true, aAttrsList, foundCookieList);
nsTArray<CookieStructTable> matchingCookiesListTable;
SerializeCookieListTable(foundCookieList, matchingCookiesListTable, aHost);
return IPC_OK();
void CookieServiceParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) {
// Nothing needed here. Called right before destructor since this is a
// non-refcounted class.
IPCResult CookieServiceParent::RecvSetCookies(
const nsCString& aBaseDomain, const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
nsIURI* aHost, bool aFromHttp, bool aIsThirdParty,
const nsTArray<CookieStruct>& aCookies) {
return SetCookies(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes, aHost, aFromHttp,
aIsThirdParty, aCookies);
IPCResult CookieServiceParent::SetCookies(
const nsCString& aBaseDomain, const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
nsIURI* aHost, bool aFromHttp, bool aIsThirdParty,
const nsTArray<CookieStruct>& aCookies,
dom::BrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext) {
if (!mCookieService) {
return IPC_OK();
// Deserialize URI. Having a host URI is mandatory and should always be
// provided by the child; thus we consider failure fatal.
if (!aHost) {
return IPC_FAIL(this, "aHost must not be null");
// We set this to true while processing this cookie update, to make sure
// we don't send it back to the same content process.
mProcessingCookie = true;
bool ok = mCookieService->SetCookiesFromIPC(aBaseDomain, aOriginAttributes,
aHost, aFromHttp, aIsThirdParty,
aCookies, aBrowsingContext);
mProcessingCookie = false;
return ok ? IPC_OK() : IPC_FAIL(this, "Invalid cookie received.");
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla