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Test for bug 1850834: Replacing the contents of a table should reframe the same amount, regardless of whether it's in an IB split.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<div id="content">
<!-- Reference case: Table as child of block-level element -->
<table id="tableInBlock"></table>
<!-- Test case: Table as child of inline-level element (forming IB split) -->
<table id="tableInIBSplit"></table>
const utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(window);
* This utility function invokes callbackFunc(callbackArg) and returns the
* number of frames that are reconstructed in the process.
function countReframesForTweak(callbackFunc, callbackArg) {
const previousConstructCount = utils.framesConstructed;
return utils.framesConstructed - previousConstructCount;
* Helper for expectSameReframesForTweak, to reduce boilerplate.
* Sets the provided innerHTML in both tables, and then performs the
* dynamic-modification-callback on both tables, and asserts that the
* frame construction counts match.
function testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, startingInnerHTML, message) {
tableInBlock.innerHTML = tableInIBSplit.innerHTML = startingInnerHTML;
let actual = countReframesForTweak(callbackFunc, tableInIBSplit);
let expected = countReframesForTweak(callbackFunc, tableInBlock);
is(actual, expected, message);
* This utility function runs the provided callback function for both of the
* tables, from various starting-conditions. In each case, we check that
* the number of frames that are reconstructed is the same, between the
* two tables.
function expectSameReframesForTweak(callbackFunc, message) {
testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, "", /* <-- empty string */
`${message} (starting with empty table)`);
testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, " ", /* <-- two space chars */
`${message} (starting with ` +
`empty-aside-from-whitespace table)`);
testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, "Some text",
`${message} (starting with text node child)`);
testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, "<caption></caption>",
`${message} (starting with empty caption)`);
testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, "<tbody></tbody>",
`${message} (starting with empty tbody)`);
testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, "<tr></tr>",
`${message} (starting with empty tr)`);
testWithInitialTableContent(callbackFunc, "<td></td>",
`${message} (starting with empty td)`);
`${message} (starting with an empty col)`);
`${message} (starting with an empty colgroup)`);
`${message} (starting with a colgroup/col)`);
`${message} (starting with full subtree)`);
// The actual test logic begins here!
// We invoke expectSameReframesForTweak to compare reframe counts between our
// two tables, for various types of dynamic modifications:
expectSameReframesForTweak((elem)=> { elem.textContent = ""; },
"Reframe count should be the same when clearing table.textContent"
expectSameReframesForTweak((elem)=> { elem.textContent = " "; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.textContent to a space"
expectSameReframesForTweak((elem)=> { elem.textContent = "modified"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.textContent");
(elem) => { elem.innerHTML = "<tbody><tr><td>content</td></tr></tbody>"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.innerHTML to " +
"table subtree with full hierarchy specified");
(elem) => { elem.innerHTML = "<caption>caption</caption>" +
"<tbody><tr><td>content</td></tr></tbody>"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.innerHTML to " +
"table subtree with full hierarchy specified, including a caption");
(elem) => { elem.innerHTML = "<tbody>just a tbody</tbody>"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.innerHTML to " +
"just a tbody");
(elem) => { elem.innerHTML = "<tr>just a tr</tr>"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.innerHTML to " +
"just a tr");
(elem) => { elem.innerHTML = "<td>just a td</td>"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.innerHTML to " +
"just a td");
(elem) => { elem.innerHTML = "<col></col>"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.innerHTML to " +
"just a col");
(elem) => { elem.innerHTML = "<colgroup></colgroup>"; },
"Reframe count should be the same when setting table.innerHTML to " +
"just a colgroup");