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<!doctype html>
<title>Test for preference to not use document fonts</title>
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<div id="content"></div>
const content = document.getElementById("content");
// This is just a subset of browser.display.use_document_fonts.icon_font_allowlist
// that we feel are worth double-checking via this test. In particular:
// * Chromium Bug Tracker and use "Material Icons"
// * Google Translate and Google Timeline use "Material Icons Extended"
// * uses "Material Symbols Outlined"
// * Google Calendar and Google Contacts use "Google Material Icons"
const kKnownLigatureIconFonts = "Material Icons, Material Icons Extended, " +
"Material Symbols Outlined, Google Material Icons";
setup({explicit_done: true }) = "initial";
const kInitialFamily = getComputedStyle(content).fontFamily; = "";
const kTests = [
specified: "monospace",
computed: "monospace",
description: "Single generic family should not be changed",
specified: "monospace, sans-serif",
computed: "monospace, sans-serif",
description: "Generic families should not be changed",
specified: "Courier, monospace",
computed: "monospace, Courier",
description: "Generics are preferred, but may still fall back to document fonts",
specified: "system-ui, sans-serif",
computed: "sans-serif, system-ui",
description: "system-ui is not prioritized",
specified: "Courier, something-else",
computed: `${kInitialFamily}, Courier, something-else`,
description: "Generic is prepended to the font-family if none is found",
specified: kKnownLigatureIconFonts + ", something-else, sans-serif",
computed: kKnownLigatureIconFonts + ", sans-serif, something-else",
description: "Known ligature-icon fonts remain ahead of the generic",
specified: "Material Icons, something-else, Material Symbols Outlined, sans-serif",
computed: "Material Icons, sans-serif, something-else, Material Symbols Outlined",
description: "Generic is moved ahead of the first non-allowlisted font",
specified: "Material Icons, something-else, Material Symbols Outlined",
computed: `Material Icons, ${kInitialFamily}, something-else, Material Symbols Outlined`,
description: "Default generic is inserted ahead of the first non-allowlisted font",
specified: "Material Icons, cursive, Material Symbols Outlined, serif",
computed: "Material Icons, serif, cursive, Material Symbols Outlined",
description: "cursive is not treated as a generic to be prioritized",
specified: "Material Icons, fantasy, Material Symbols Outlined",
computed: `Material Icons, ${kInitialFamily}, fantasy, Material Symbols Outlined`,
description: "fantasy is not treated as a generic to be prioritized",
let systemFont;
// compute expectations while the pref is not active yet.
test(function() {
for (const test of kTests) { = ""; = test.computed;
assert_not_equals(, "", `computed font ${test.computed} was invalid`);
test.expected = getComputedStyle(content).fontFamily;
} = "menu";
systemFont = getComputedStyle(content).fontFamily;
assert_not_equals(systemFont, "", `computed menu system font was invalid`); = "";
}, "Sanity");
function runTest({ specified, computed, description, expected }) {
test(function() { = ""; = specified;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(content).fontFamily, expected);
}, description);
(async function() {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set': [['browser.display.use_document_fonts', 0]]});
for (const test of kTests)
test(function() { = "menu";
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(content).fontFamily, systemFont);
}, "System font should be honored");