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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test for configurable scrolling overlap when scrolling by pages</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_utils.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css">
#myIframe {
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
<iframe id="myIframe"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This mochitest tests the behavior of two about:config prefs:
// toolkit.scrollbox.pagescroll.maxOverlapPercent
// toolkit.scrollbox.pagescroll.maxOverlapLines
// These prefs (added in bug 1783183) determine the amount of overlap between
// the old and new content in the scrollport when scrolling by pages, e.g. when
// a user presses PageDown or PageUp, or when we handle a call to
// window.scrollByPages().
// Kick off the main test function when we've loaded:
addLoadEvent(() => {
// constants:
const IFRAME_HEIGHT_IN_PX = 300; // Needs to match the style for #myIframe
const LINE_HEIGHT_IN_PX = 50; // Needs to match our chosen Ahem font-size below
const EPSILON_PER_LINE = 3; // see documentation
"<!doctype html>\
<meta charset='utf-8'>\
</style><div style='height:5000px;width:5000px'>";
// This function sets the relevant about:config prefs to `pctVal` and
// `linesVal` and then checks that paging down (and later up) results in a
// scrollport that overlaps the previous scrollport by `expectedOverlapInPx`.
// Callers that are testing a line-count-based amount of overlap should pass
// `true` for useEpsilon, which then makes us expand the allowable overlap
// to `expectedOverlapInPx +/- (linesVal * EPSILON_PER_LINE)`.
async function testPrefVals(pctVal, linesVal, expectedOverlapInPx, useEpsilon) {
const win = myIframe.contentWindow;
const docElem = myIframe.contentDocument.documentElement;
// Define a convenience "is()" function that uses either is or isfuzzy
// depending on whether we're using an epsilon:
let myIs = function(actual, expected, message) {
if (useEpsilon) {
let epsilon = linesVal * EPSILON_PER_LINE;
isfuzzy(actual, expected, epsilon, message);
} else {
is(actual, expected, message);
// Set the pref values:
let prefVals = [];
if (pctVal != null) {
prefVals.push(["toolkit.scrollbox.pagescroll.maxOverlapPercent", pctVal]);
if (linesVal != null) {
prefVals.push(["toolkit.scrollbox.pagescroll.maxOverlapLines", linesVal]);
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": prefVals});
// Scroll down by 1 page, and check that the overlap is what we expect:
let initialScrollY = docElem.scrollTop;
let deltaY = docElem.scrollTop - initialScrollY;
let overlapY = IFRAME_HEIGHT_IN_PX - deltaY;
myIs(overlapY, expectedOverlapInPx,
`Should get expected overlap, when paging down ` +
`with pref vals ${pctVal}% and ${linesVal}`);
// Now scroll up by 1 page (from the maximum scroll position),
// and check that the overlap is what we expect:
docElem.scrollTop = docElem.scrollTopMax;
initialScrollY = docElem.scrollTop;
deltaY = initialScrollY - docElem.scrollTop;
overlapY = IFRAME_HEIGHT_IN_PX - deltaY;
myIs(overlapY, expectedOverlapInPx,
`Should get expected overlap, when paging up ` +
`with pref vals ${pctVal}% and ${linesVal}`);
// Undo our pref modifications:
await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
// Restore the initial scroll position to clean up after ourselves:
docElem.scrollTop = 0;
async function doTests() {
// Toggle a pref to avoid uninteresting off-by-1 test-failures on Android:
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
"set": [["layout.scroll.disable-pixel-alignment", true]]
// Load a tall scrollable document in an iframe:
let iframeLoad = new Promise(resolve => {
myIframe.addEventListener("load", resolve, { once: true });
myIframe.srcdoc = IFRAME_SRCDOC;
await iframeLoad;
// Test pref-combinations that result in no overlap (0) between the old and
// new scroll positions. If either pref is 0 [or less than 0, which we clamp
// internally when using the pref value], then there should be no overlap.
await testPrefVals(0, 0, 0);
await testPrefVals(10, 0, 0);
await testPrefVals(100, 0, 0);
await testPrefVals(0, 10, 0);
await testPrefVals(-5, -5, 0);
await testPrefVals(-5, 9999, 0);
await testPrefVals(200, -5, 0);
// Test various percent values (with extremely high line-count values which
// makes the line count irrelevant, since we use whichever pref produces a
// smaller amount of overlap). Note that the iframe scrollport is 300px
// tall, so that's what the percent resolves against.
await testPrefVals(1, 9999, 3); // 1% of 300px is 3px
await testPrefVals(10, 9999, 30); // 10% of 300px is 30px
await testPrefVals(50, 9999, 150); // 50% of 300px is 150px
await testPrefVals(80, 9999, 240); // 80% of 300px is 240px
await testPrefVals(99, 9999, 240); // Values above 80% get clamped to 80%.
await testPrefVals(100, 9999, 240); // Values above 80% get clamped to 80%.
await testPrefVals(200, 9999, 240); // Values above 80% get clamped to 80%.
// Test various line-count pref values (with extremely high percent values,
// which makes the percent pref irrelevant, since we use whichever pref
// produces a smaller amount of overlap). Note that the "lines" here are
// sized using the font metrics of the iframe's root scroll frame, which uses
// the initial values for all of the CSS font properties. So our lines here
// have whatever line-height gets used for the default font at the default
// 16px font-size. (Unfortunately we can't force a more predictable font
// like Ahem here; even if we set that set on the root node, it doesn't
// affect the styles on the root scroll frame.)
// So: we set our expectations here by assuming that the lines are a little
// bit taller than the default font-size (16px), with a few pixels of epsilon
// (per line-height) to allow for platform differences.
await testPrefVals(200, 1, 18, true); // 1 line is roughly 18px tall
await testPrefVals(200, 2, 36, true); // 2 lines are roughly 36px tall
await testPrefVals(200, 10, 180, true); // 10 lines are roughly 180px tall
// Test some combinations where both prefs have intermediate values, where
// one or the other will "win" (with the lower pixel-value winning and
// establishing the expected amount of overlap):
// 10% of 300px is 30px, which is less than 5 lines (roughly 5*18 = 90px)
await testPrefVals(10, 5, 30);
// 20% of 300px is 60px, which is more than 2 lines (roughly 2*18 = 36px)
await testPrefVals(20, 2, 36, true);
// 50% of 300px is 150px, which is more than 5 lines (roughly 5*18 = 90px)
await testPrefVals(50, 5, 90, true);