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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "jspubtd.h"
interface xpcIJSWeakReference;
interface nsIClassInfo;
interface nsICommandParams;
interface nsIComponentManager;
interface nsICycleCollectorListener;
interface nsIDocumentEncoder;
interface nsIEditorSpellCheck;
interface nsIFile;
interface nsILoadContext;
interface nsIPersistentProperties;
interface nsIURI;
interface nsIPrincipal;
interface nsIStackFrame;
webidl Element;
* interface of Components.interfaces
* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(b8c31bba-79db-4a1d-930d-4cdd68713f9e)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_Interfaces : nsISupports
* interface of Components.classes
* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(978ff520-d26c-11d2-9842-006008962422)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_Classes : nsISupports
* interface of Components.results
* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(2fc229a0-5860-11d3-9899-006008962422)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_Results : nsISupports
* interface of Components.ID
* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(7994a6e0-e028-11d3-8f5d-0010a4e73d9a)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_ID : nsISupports
* interface of Components.Exception
* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(5bf039c0-e028-11d3-8f5d-0010a4e73d9a)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_Exception : nsISupports
* interface of Components.Constructor
* (interesting stuff only reflected into JavaScript)
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(88655640-e028-11d3-8f5d-0010a4e73d9a)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_Constructor : nsISupports
* interface of object returned by Components.utils.Sandbox.
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(4f8ae0dc-d266-4a32-875b-6a9de71a8ce9)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_utils_Sandbox : nsISupports
* interface for callback to be passed to Cu.schedulePreciseGC
[scriptable, function, uuid(71000535-b0fd-44d1-8ce0-909760e3953c)]
interface nsIScheduledGCCallback : nsISupports
void callback();
* interface of Components.utils
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(86003fe3-ee9a-4620-91dc-eef8b1e58815)]
interface nsIXPCComponents_Utils : nsISupports
* Prints the provided message to stderr.
void printStderr(in AUTF8String message);
* reportError is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
* It will report a JS Error object to the JS console, and return. It
* is meant for use in exception handler blocks which want to "eat"
* an exception, but still want to report it to the console.
* It must be called with one param, usually an object which was caught by
* an exception handler. If it is not a JS error object, the parameter
* is converted to a string and reported as a new error.
* If called with two parameters, and the first parameter is not an
* object, the second parameter is used as the stack for the error report.
void reportError(in jsval error, [optional] in jsval stack);
* Cu.Sandbox is used to create a sandbox object
* let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(principal[, options]);
* Using new Cu.Sandbox(...) to create a sandbox has the same effect as
* calling Cu.Sandbox(...) without new.
* In JS, Cu.Sandbox uses the following parameters:
* @param {Principal} principal
* The security principal defined for a sandbox determines what code
* running in that sandbox will be allowed to do. The principal may be one
* of four types: the system principal, a content principal, an expanded
* principal or a null principal. Depending on the principal type,
* this argument can be a nsIPrincipal, a Window, a String, an Array
* or null. See below.
* A content principal can be provided by passing a nsIPrincipal, a
* DOM Window, or a string URI (not recommended).
* An expanded (or extended) principal is an array of principals,
* where each item can be either a nsIPrincipal, a DOM window or a
* string URI.
* A null principal can either be specified by passing `null` or
* created explicitly with `Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal);`
* @param {Object} options
* Optional parameters, valid properties are:
* - allowWaivers: {Boolean} Allows the caller to waive Xrays, in case
* Xrays were used. Defaults to true.
* - discardSource: {Boolean} For certain globals, we know enough about
* the code that will run in them that we can discard script source
* entirely. A discarded source will be re-read when stringifying
* functions.
* Defaults to false.
* - forceSecureContext: {Boolean} Determines whether content windows and
* workers are marked as "Secure Context"s. If principal is the system
* principal, the value is forced to true. Otherwise defaults to false.
* - freshCompartment: {Boolean} Whether the sandbox should be created
* using a new compartment. Defaults to false.
* - freshZone: {Boolean} if true creates a new GC region separate from
* both the calling context's and the sandbox prototype's region.
* Defaults to false.
* - invisibleToDebugger: {Boolean} Whether this sandbox and its scripts
* can be accessed by the JavaScript Debugger.
* Defaults to false.
* - isWebExtensionContentScript: {Boolean} Whether this sandbox
* corresponds to a WebExtension content script, and should receive
* various bits of special compatibility behavior.
* Defaults to false.
* - metadata: {Object} Object to use as the metadata for the sandbox. See
* setSandboxMetadata.
* - originAttributes: {Object} Dictionary of origin attributes to use if
* the principal was provided as a string.
* - sameZoneAs: {Object} Javascript Object in whose garbage collection
* region the sandbox should be created. This helps to improve memory
* usage by allowing sandboxes to be discarded when that zone goes away.
* It also improves performance and memory usage by allowing strings
* to be passed between the compartments without copying or using
* wrappers.
* Content scripts should pass the window they're running in as this
* parameter, in order to ensure that the script is cleaned up at the
* same time as the content itself.
* - sandboxContentSecurityPolicy: {String} The Content Security Policy
* to apply in this sandbox. This can be used to restrict eval
* (e.g. "script-src 'self'"). It does not apply to DOM methods
* that were retrieved from objects outside the sandbox.
* This is only implemented for Expanded Principals; if desired for
* other principals, bug 1548468 must be resolved first.
* When not specified, the default CSP is used (usually no CSP).
* - sandboxName: {String} Identifies the sandbox in about:memory. This
* property is optional, but very useful for tracking memory usage. A
* recommended value for this property is an absolute path to the script
* responsible for creating the sandbox. If you don't specify a sandbox
* name it will default to the caller's filename.
* - sandboxPrototype: {Object} Prototype object for the sandbox. The
* sandbox will inherit the contents of this object if it's provided.
* Passing a content window object, setting wantXrays:true (default) and
* using an extended principal provides a clean, isolated execution
* environment in which javascript code that needs Web APIs (such as
* accessing the window's DOM) can be executed without interference from
* untrusted content code.
* - userContextId: {Number} The id of the user context this sandbox is
* inside. Defaults to 0.
* - wantComponents: {Boolean} Indicates whether the Components object is
* available or not in the sandbox. If the sandbox interacts with
* untrusted content this should be set to false when possible to
* further reduce possible attack surface.
* Defaults to true.
* - wantExportHelpers: {Boolean} if true, then createObjectIn(),
* evalInWindow(), and exportFunction() are available in the sandbox.
* Defaults to false.
* - wantGlobalProperties: {Array<String>} Each string is the name of an
* object that you want to make available as a global to code running in
* the sandbox. Possible values: Blob, ChromeUtils, CSS, CSSRule,
* Directory, DOMParser, Element, Event, File, FileReader, FormData,
* InspectorCSSParser, InspectorUtils, MessageChannel, Node, NodeFilter,
PromiseDebugging, TextDecoder, TextEncoder, URL, URLSearchParams,
XMLHttpRequest, XMLSerializer, atob, btoa, caches, crypto, fetch,
indexedDB, rtcIdentityProvider
* - wantXrays: {Boolean} Whether the sandbox wants Xray vision with
* respect to same-origin objects outside the sandbox.
* Note that wantXrays is essentially deprecated. The preferred method
* of handling this now is to give the sandbox an expanded principal
* which inherits from the principal of the content compartment the
* sandbox will interact with. That lets the sandbox see the content
* compartment through X-ray wrappers, and gives any object passed from
* the sandbox to the content compartment opaque security wrappers unless
* export helpers are explicitly used.
* "Xray vision" is exactly the same Xray behavior that script always
* gets, by default, when working with DOM objects across origin
* boundaries. This is primarily visible for chrome code accessing
* content. However, it also occurs during cross-origin access between
* two content pages, since each page sees a "vanilla" view of the
* other. The protection is bidirectional: the caller sees the bonafide
* DOM objects without being confused by sneakily-redefined properties,
* and the target receives appropriate privacy from having its expandos
* inspected by untrusted callers. In situations where only
* unidirectional protection is needed, callers have the option to waive
* the X-ray behavior using wrappedJSObject or XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap().
* In general, when accessing same-origin content, script gets a
* Transparent wrapper rather than an Xray wrapper. However, sandboxes
* are often used when chrome wants to run script as another origin,
* possibly to interact with the page. In this case, same-origin Xrays
* are desirable, and wantXrays should be set to true.
* Defaults to true.
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_utils_Sandbox Sandbox;
* evalInSandbox is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
* evalInSandbox evaluates the provided source string in the given sandbox.
* It returns the result of the evaluation to the caller.
* var s = new C.u.Sandbox("");
* var res = C.u.evalInSandbox("var five = 5; 2 + five", s);
* var outerFive = s.five;
* = res;
* var thirtyFive = C.u.evalInSandbox("five * seven", s);
jsval evalInSandbox(in AString source, in jsval sandbox,
[optional] in jsval version,
[optional] in AUTF8String filename,
[optional] in long lineNo,
[optional] in boolean enforceFilenameRestrictions);
* Get the sandbox for running JS-implemented UA widgets (video controls etc.),
* hosted inside UA-created Shadow DOM.
jsval getUAWidgetScope(in nsIPrincipal principal);
* getSandboxMetadata is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
* getSandboxMetadata retrieves the metadata associated with
* a sandbox object. It will return undefined if there
* is no metadata attached to the sandbox.
* var s = C.u.Sandbox(..., { metadata: "metadata" });
* var metadata = C.u.getSandboxMetadata(s);
jsval getSandboxMetadata(in jsval sandbox);
* setSandboxMetadata is designed to be called from JavaScript only.
* setSandboxMetadata sets the metadata associated with
* a sandbox object.
* Note that the metadata object will be copied before being used.
* The copy will be performed using the structured clone algorithm.
* Note that this algorithm does not support reflectors and
* it will throw if it encounters them.
void setSandboxMetadata(in jsval sandbox, in jsval metadata);
* Returns true if the ESM is loaded into the system global previously via
* the ChromeUtils.importESModule method etc. Returns false otherwise.
boolean isESModuleLoaded(in AUTF8String aResourceURI);
* Imports global properties (like DOM constructors) into the scope, defining
* them on the caller's global. aPropertyList should be an array of property
* names.
* See xpc::GlobalProperties::Parse for the current list of supported
* properties.
void importGlobalProperties(in jsval aPropertyList);
* To be called from JS only.
* Return a weak reference for the given JS object.
xpcIJSWeakReference getWeakReference(in jsval obj);
* To be called from JS only.
* Force an immediate garbage collection cycle.
void forceGC();
* To be called from JS only.
* Force an immediate cycle collection cycle.
void forceCC([optional] in nsICycleCollectorListener aListener);
* To be called from JS only. C++ callers should use the
* nsCycleCollector_createLogger() function instead.
* Create an instance of the built-in cycle collector logger object.
nsICycleCollectorListener createCCLogger();
* To be called from JS only.
* If any incremental CC is in progress, finish it. For testing.
void finishCC();
* To be called from JS only.
* Do some cycle collector work, with the given work budget.
* The cost of calling Traverse() on a single object is set as 1.
* For testing.
void ccSlice(in long long budget);
* To be called from JS only.
* Return the longest cycle collector slice time since the last
* time clearMaxCCTime() was called.
long getMaxCCSliceTimeSinceClear();
* To be called from JS only.
* Reset the internal max slice time value used for
* getMaxCCSliceTimeSinceClear().
void clearMaxCCTime();
* To be called from JS only.
* Force an immediate shrinking garbage collection cycle.
void forceShrinkingGC();
* Schedule a garbage collection cycle for a point in the future when no JS
* is running. Call the provided function once this has occurred.
void schedulePreciseGC(in nsIScheduledGCCallback callback);
* Schedule a shrinking garbage collection cycle for a point in the future
* when no JS is running. Call the provided function once this has occured.
void schedulePreciseShrinkingGC(in nsIScheduledGCCallback callback);
* In a debug build, unlink any ghost windows. This is only for debugging
* leaks, and can cause bad things to happen if called.
void unlinkGhostWindows();
* In an NS_FREE_PERMANENT_DATA build, intentionally leak a C++ object. This
* is needed to test leak checking.
void intentionallyLeak();
jsval getJSTestingFunctions();
* Returns an object containing `filename` and `lineNumber` properties
* describing the source location of the given function.
jsval getFunctionSourceLocation(in jsval func);
* To be called from JS only.
* Call 'func', using the provided stack as the async stack responsible
* for the call, and propagate its return value or the exception it throws.
* The function is called with no arguments, and 'this' is 'undefined'.
* The code in the function will see the given stack frame as the
* asyncCaller of its own stack frame, instead of the current caller.
jsval callFunctionWithAsyncStack(in jsval func, in nsIStackFrame stack,
in AString asyncCause);
* To be called from JS only.
* Returns the global object with which the given object is associated.
* @param obj The JavaScript object whose global is to be gotten.
* @return the corresponding global.
jsval getGlobalForObject(in jsval obj);
* To be called from JS only.
* Returns the true if the object is a (scripted) proxy.
* NOTE: Security wrappers are unwrapped first before the check.
boolean isProxy(in jsval vobject);
* To be called from JS only.
* Instead of simply wrapping a function into another compartment,
* this helper function creates a native function in the target
* compartment and forwards the call to the original function.
* That call will be different than a regular JS function call in
* that, the |this| is left unbound, and all the non-native JS
* object arguments will be cloned using the structured clone
* algorithm.
* The return value is the new forwarder function, wrapped into
* the caller's compartment.
* The 3rd argument is an optional options object:
* - defineAs: the name of the property that will
* be set on the target scope, with
* the forwarder function as the value.
jsval exportFunction(in jsval vfunction, in jsval vscope, [optional] in jsval voptions);
* To be called from JS only.
* Returns an object created in |vobj|'s compartment.
* If defineAs property on the options object is a non-null ID,
* the new object will be added to vobj as a property. Also, the
* returned new object is always automatically waived (see waiveXrays).
jsval createObjectIn(in jsval vobj, [optional] in jsval voptions);
* To be called from JS only.
* Ensures that all functions come from vobj's scope (and aren't cross
* compartment wrappers).
void makeObjectPropsNormal(in jsval vobj);
* Determines whether this object is backed by a DeadObjectProxy.
* Dead-wrapper objects hold no other objects alive (they have no outgoing
* reference edges) and will throw if you touch them (e.g. by
* reading/writing a property).
boolean isDeadWrapper(in jsval obj);
* Determines whether this value is a remote object proxy, such as
* RemoteWindowProxy or RemoteLocationProxy, for an out-of-process frame.
* Remote object proxies do not grant chrome callers the same exemptions
* to the same-origin-policy that in-process wrappers typically do, so
* this can be used to determine whether access to cross-origin proxies is
* safe:
* if (!Cu.isRemoteProxy(frame.contentWindow)) {
* frame.contentWindow.doCrossOriginThing();
* }
boolean isRemoteProxy(in jsval val);
* To be called from JS only. This is for Gecko internal use only, and may
* disappear at any moment.
* Forces a recomputation of all wrappers in and out of the compartment
* containing |vobj|. If |vobj| is not an object, all wrappers system-wide
* are recomputed.
void recomputeWrappers([optional] in jsval vobj);
* To be called from JS only. This is for Gecko internal use only, and may
* disappear at any moment.
* Enables Xray vision for same-compartment access for the compartment
* indicated by |vscope|. All outgoing wrappers are recomputed.
* This must not be called on chrome (system-principal) scopes.
void setWantXrays(in jsval vscope);
* Dispatches a runnable to the current/main thread. If |scope| is passed,
* the runnable will be dispatch in the compartment of |scope|, which
* affects which error reporter gets called.
void dispatch(in jsval runnable, [optional] in jsval scope);
// Returns true if we're running in automation and certain security
// restrictions can be eased.
readonly attribute boolean isInAutomation;
// Called by automated tests to exit immediately after we are done getting
// test results.
void exitIfInAutomation();
void crashIfNotInAutomation();
void setGCZeal(in long zeal);
void nukeSandbox(in jsval obj);
* API to dynamically block script for a given global. This takes effect
* immediately, unlike other APIs that only affect newly-created globals.
* The machinery here maintains a counter, and allows script only if each
* call to blockScriptForGlobal() has been matched with a call to
* unblockScriptForGlobal(). The caller _must_ make sure never to call
* unblock() more times than it calls block(), since that could potentially
* interfere with another consumer's script blocking.
void blockScriptForGlobal(in jsval global);
void unblockScriptForGlobal(in jsval global);
* Check whether the given object is an opaque wrapper (PermissiveXrayOpaque).
boolean isOpaqueWrapper(in jsval obj);
* Check whether the given object is an XrayWrapper.
boolean isXrayWrapper(in jsval obj);
* Waive Xray on a given value. Identity op for primitives.
jsval waiveXrays(in jsval aVal);
* Strip off Xray waivers on a given value. Identity op for primitives.
jsval unwaiveXrays(in jsval aVal);
* Gets the name of the JSClass of the object.
* if |aUnwrap| is true, all wrappers are unwrapped first. Unless you're
* specifically trying to detect whether the object is a proxy, this is
* probably what you want.
string getClassName(in jsval aObj, in boolean aUnwrap);
* Gets the incument global for the execution of this function. For internal
* and testing use only.
* If |callback| is passed, it is invoked with the incumbent global as its
* sole argument. This allows the incumbent global to be measured in callback
* environments with no scripted frames on the stack.
jsval getIncumbentGlobal([optional] in jsval callback);
* Returns a name for the given function or object which is useful for
* debugging. It will be very similar to the name displayed in call
* stacks.
* Objects which contain a single enumerable property which is a function
* will generate a name based on that function. Any other non-function
* objects will return "nonfunction".
ACString getDebugName(in jsval obj);
* Retrieve the last time, in microseconds since epoch, that a given
* watchdog-related event occured.
* Valid categories:
* "ContextStateChange" - Context switching between active and inactive states
* "WatchdogWakeup" - Watchdog waking up from sleeping
* "WatchdogHibernateStart" - Watchdog begins hibernating
* "WatchdogHibernateStop" - Watchdog stops hibernating
PRTime getWatchdogTimestamp(in AString aCategory);
jsval getJSEngineTelemetryValue();
* Clone an object into a scope.
* The 3rd argument is an optional options object:
* - cloneFunctions: boolean. If true, functions in the value are
* wrapped in a function forwarder that appears to be a native function in
* the content scope. Defaults to false.
* - wrapReflectors: boolean. If true, DOM objects are passed through the
* clone directly with cross-compartment wrappers. Otherwise, the clone
* fails when such an object is encountered. Defaults to false.
jsval cloneInto(in jsval value, in jsval scope, [optional] in jsval options);
* When C++-Implemented code does security checks, it can generally query
* the subject principal (i.e. the principal of the most-recently-executed
* script) in order to determine the responsible party. However, when an API
* is implemented in JS, this doesn't work - the most-recently-executed
* script is always the System-Principaled API implementation. So we need
* another mechanism.
* Hence the notion of the "WebIDL Caller". If the current Entry Script on
* the Script Settings Stack represents the invocation of JS-implemented
* WebIDL, this API returns the principal of the caller at the time
* of invocation. Otherwise (i.e. outside of JS-implemented WebIDL), this
* function throws. If it throws, you probably shouldn't be using it.
nsIPrincipal getWebIDLCallerPrincipal();
* Gets the principal of a script object, after unwrapping any cross-
* compartment wrappers.
nsIPrincipal getObjectPrincipal(in jsval obj);
* Gets the URI or identifier string associated with an object's
* realm (the same one used by the memory reporter machinery).
* Unwraps cross-compartment wrappers first.
* The string formats and values may change at any time. Do not depend on
* this from addon code.
ACString getRealmLocation(in jsval obj);
* Return a fractional number of milliseconds from process
* startup, measured with a monotonic clock.
double now();
* Reads the given file and returns its contents. If called during early
* startup, the file will be pre-read on a background thread during profile
* startup so its contents will be available the next time they're read.
* The file must be a text file encoded in UTF-8. Otherwise the result is
* undefined.
AUTF8String readUTF8File(in nsIFile file);
* Reads the given local file URL and returns its contents. This has the
* same semantics of readUTF8File.
* Only supports file URLs or URLs that point into one of the omnijars.
AUTF8String readUTF8URI(in nsIURI url);
/* Create a spellchecker object. */
nsIEditorSpellCheck createSpellChecker();
/* Create a commandline object.
* @return a new `nsICommandLine` instance.
* @param args
* The arguments of the command line, not including the app/program itself.
* @param workingDir
* An optional working directory for the command line.
* @param state
* The command line's state, one of `nsICommandLine.STATE_INITIAL_LAUNCH`,
* `nsICommandLine.STATE_REMOTE_AUTO`, or
nsISupports createCommandLine(in Array<ACString> args,
in nsIFile workingDir,
in unsigned long state);
/* Create a command params object. */
nsICommandParams createCommandParams();
/* Create a loadcontext object. */
nsILoadContext createLoadContext();
/* Create a private loadcontext object. */
nsILoadContext createPrivateLoadContext();
/* Create a persistent property object. */
nsIPersistentProperties createPersistentProperties();
/* Create a document encoder object. */
nsIDocumentEncoder createDocumentEncoder(in string contentType);
/* Create an HTML copy encoder object. */
nsIDocumentEncoder createHTMLCopyEncoder();
// Array of the URI of ESM loaded. This attribute is for startup testing
// purposes. This is not expected to be used for production code.
readonly attribute Array<ACString> loadedESModules;
// This function will only return useful values if the
// "browser.startup.record" preference was true at the time the JS file
// was loaded.
ACString getModuleImportStack(in AUTF8String aLocation);
* Interface for the 'Components' object.
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(aa28aaf6-70ce-4b03-9514-afe43c7dfda8)]
interface nsIXPCComponents : nsISupports
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Interfaces interfaces;
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Results results;
boolean isSuccessCode(in nsresult result);
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Classes classes;
// Will return null if there is no JS stack right now.
readonly attribute nsIStackFrame stack;
readonly attribute nsIComponentManager manager;
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Utils utils;
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_ID ID;
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Exception Exception;
readonly attribute nsIXPCComponents_Constructor Constructor;
// A javascript component can set |returnCode| to specify an nsresult to
// be returned without throwing an exception.
attribute jsval returnCode;