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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include "wasm/WasmSerialize.h"
#include "mozilla/EnumeratedRange.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Try.h"
#include "mozilla/Vector.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "jit/ProcessExecutableMemory.h"
#include "js/StreamConsumer.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCode.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCodegenTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmGC.h"
#include "wasm/WasmInitExpr.h"
#include "wasm/WasmModule.h"
#include "wasm/WasmModuleTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmTypeDef.h"
#include "wasm/WasmValType.h"
#include "wasm/WasmValue.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::wasm;
using mozilla::Err;
using mozilla::Maybe;
using mozilla::Ok;
namespace js {
namespace wasm {
// The following assert is used as a tripwire for for new fields being added to
// types. If this assertion is broken by your code, verify the serialization
// code is correct, and then update the assertion.
// We only check serialized type sizes on one 'golden' platform. The platform
// is arbitrary, but must remain consistent. The platform should be as specific
// as possible so these assertions don't erroneously fire. Checkout the
// definition of ENABLE_WASM_VERIFY_SERIALIZATION_FOR_SIZE in js/moz.configure
// for the current platform.
// If this mechanism becomes a hassle, we can investigate other methods of
// achieving the same goal.
template <typename T, size_t Size>
struct Tripwire {
// The following will print a compile error that contains the size of type,
// and can be used for updating the assertion to the correct size.
static char (*_Error)[sizeof(T)] = 1;
// We must reference the bad declaration to work around SFINAE.
static const bool Value = !_Error;
template <typename T>
struct Tripwire<T, sizeof(T)> {
static const bool Value = true;
static_assert(Tripwire<Type, Size>::Value);
# define WASM_VERIFY_SERIALIZATION_FOR_SIZE(Type, Size) static_assert(true);
// A pointer is not cacheable POD
static_assert(!is_cacheable_pod<const uint8_t*>);
// A non-fixed sized array is not cacheable POD
// Cacheable POD is not inherited
struct TestPodBase {};
struct InheritTestPodBase : public TestPodBase {};
static_assert(is_cacheable_pod<TestPodBase> &&
// Coding functions for containers and smart pointers need to know which code
// function to apply to the inner value. 'CodeFunc' is the common signature to
// be used for this.
template <CoderMode mode, typename T>
using CodeFunc = CoderResult (*)(Coder<mode>&, CoderArg<mode, T>);
// Some functions are generic for MODE_SIZE and MODE_ENCODE, but not
// MODE_DECODE. This assert is used to ensure that the right function overload
// is chosen in these cases.
static_assert(mode == MODE_ENCODE || mode == MODE_SIZE, "wrong overload");
CoderResult Coder<MODE_SIZE>::writeBytes(const void* unusedSrc, size_t length) {
size_ += length;
if (!size_.isValid()) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
return Ok();
CoderResult Coder<MODE_ENCODE>::writeBytes(const void* src, size_t length) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer_ + length <= end_);
memcpy(buffer_, src, length);
buffer_ += length;
return Ok();
CoderResult Coder<MODE_DECODE>::readBytes(void* dest, size_t length) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer_ + length <= end_);
memcpy(dest, buffer_, length);
buffer_ += length;
return Ok();
CoderResult Coder<MODE_DECODE>::readBytesRef(size_t length,
const uint8_t** bytesBegin) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(buffer_ + length <= end_);
*bytesBegin = buffer_;
buffer_ += length;
return Ok();
// Cacheable POD coding functions
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_cacheable_pod<T>, bool> = true>
CoderResult CodePod(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder, T* item) {
return coder.readBytes((void*)item, sizeof(T));
template <CoderMode mode, typename T,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_cacheable_pod<T>, bool> = true>
CoderResult CodePod(Coder<mode>& coder, const T* item) {
return coder.writeBytes((const void*)item, sizeof(T));
// "Magic Marker". Use to sanity check the serialization process.
enum class Marker : uint32_t {
LinkData = 0x49102278,
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult Magic(Coder<mode>& coder, Marker item) {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
// Assert the specified marker is in the binary
Marker decoded;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &decoded));
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(decoded == item);
return Ok();
} else {
// Encode the specified marker in the binary
return CodePod(coder, &item);
// Coding function for a nullable pointer
// These functions will only code the inner value is not null. The
// coding function to use for the inner value is specified by a template
// parameter.
template <CoderMode _, typename T, CodeFunc<MODE_DECODE, T> CodeT>
CoderResult CodeNullablePtr(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder, T* item) {
// Decode 'isNonNull'
uint8_t isNonNull;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &isNonNull));
if (isNonNull == 1) {
// Code the inner type
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, item));
} else {
// Initialize to nullptr
*item = nullptr;
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode, typename T, CodeFunc<mode, T> CodeT>
CoderResult CodeNullablePtr(Coder<mode>& coder, const T* item) {
// Encode or size 'isNonNull'
const uint8_t isNonNull = *item != nullptr;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &isNonNull));
if (isNonNull) {
// Encode or size the inner value
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, item));
return Ok();
// mozilla::Maybe coding functions
// These functions will only code the inner value if Maybe.isSome(). The
// coding function to use for the inner value is specified by a template
// parameter.
template <CoderMode _, typename T, CodeFunc<MODE_DECODE, T> CodeT>
CoderResult CodeMaybe(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder, Maybe<T>* item) {
// Decode 'isSome()'
uint8_t isSome;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &isSome));
if (isSome == 1) {
// Initialize to Some with default constructor
// Code the inner type
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, item->ptr()));
} else {
// Initialize to nothing
*item = mozilla::Nothing();
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode, typename T, CodeFunc<mode, T> CodeT>
CoderResult CodeMaybe(Coder<mode>& coder, const Maybe<T>* item) {
// Encode or size 'isSome()'
const uint8_t isSome = item->isSome() ? 1 : 0;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &isSome));
if (item->isSome()) {
// Encode or size the inner value
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, item->ptr()));
return Ok();
// Cacheable POD mozilla::Vector coding functions
// These functions are only available if the element type is cacheable POD. In
// this case, the whole contents of the vector are copied directly to/from the
// buffer.
template <typename T, size_t N,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_cacheable_pod<T>, bool> = true>
CoderResult CodePodVector(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder,
Vector<T, N, SystemAllocPolicy>* item) {
// Decode the length
size_t length;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
// Prepare to copy into the vector
if (!item->initLengthUninitialized(length)) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Copy directly from the buffer to the vector
const size_t byteLength = length * sizeof(T);
return coder.readBytes((void*)item->begin(), byteLength);
template <CoderMode mode, typename T, size_t N,
typename std::enable_if_t<is_cacheable_pod<T>, bool> = true>
CoderResult CodePodVector(Coder<mode>& coder,
const Vector<T, N, SystemAllocPolicy>* item) {
// Encode the length
const size_t length = item->length();
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
// Copy directly from the vector to the buffer
const size_t byteLength = length * sizeof(T);
return coder.writeBytes((const void*)item->begin(), byteLength);
// Non-cacheable-POD mozilla::Vector coding functions
// These functions implement the general case of coding a vector of some type.
// The coding function to use on the vector elements is provided through a
// template parameter.
template <CoderMode _, typename T, CodeFunc<MODE_DECODE, T> CodeT, size_t N,
typename std::enable_if_t<!is_cacheable_pod<T>, bool> = true>
CoderResult CodeVector(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder,
Vector<T, N, SystemAllocPolicy>* item) {
// Decode the length
size_t length;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
// Attempt to grow the buffer to length, this will default initialize each
// element
if (!item->resize(length)) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Decode each child element from the buffer
for (auto iter = item->begin(); iter != item->end(); iter++) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, iter));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode, typename T, CodeFunc<mode, T> CodeT, size_t N,
typename std::enable_if_t<!is_cacheable_pod<T>, bool> = true>
CoderResult CodeVector(Coder<mode>& coder,
const Vector<T, N, SystemAllocPolicy>* item) {
// Encode the length
const size_t length = item->length();
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
// Encode each child element
for (auto iter = item->begin(); iter != item->end(); iter++) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, iter));
return Ok();
// This function implements encoding and decoding of RefPtr<T>. A coding
// function is provided for the inner value through a template parameter.
// The special handling of const qualification allows a RefPtr<const T> to be
// decoded correctly.
template <CoderMode mode, typename T,
CodeFunc<mode, std::remove_const_t<T>> CodeT>
CoderResult CodeRefPtr(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, RefPtr<T>> item) {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
// The RefPtr should not be initialized yet
// Allocate and default construct the inner type
auto* allocated = js_new<std::remove_const_t<T>>();
if (!allocated) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Initialize the RefPtr
*item = allocated;
// Decode the inner type
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, allocated));
return Ok();
} else {
// Encode the inner type
return CodeT(coder, item->get());
// The same as CodeRefPtr, but allowing for nullable pointers.
template <CoderMode mode, typename T,
CodeFunc<mode, std::remove_const_t<T>> CodeT>
CoderResult CodeNullableRefPtr(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, RefPtr<T>> item) {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
uint32_t isNull;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &isNull));
if (isNull == 0) {
MOZ_ASSERT(item->get() == nullptr);
return Ok();
return CodeRefPtr<mode, T, CodeT>(coder, item);
} else {
uint32_t isNull = !!item->get() ? 1 : 0;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &isNull));
if (isNull == 0) {
return Ok();
return CodeRefPtr<mode, T, CodeT>(coder, item);
// This function implements encoding and decoding of UniquePtr<T>.
// A coding function is provided for the inner value as a function parameter.
template <CoderMode mode, typename T,
CodeFunc<mode, std::remove_const_t<T>> CodeT>
CoderResult CodeUniquePtr(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, UniquePtr<T>> item) {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
// The UniquePtr should not be initialized yet
// Allocate and default construct the inner type
auto allocated = js::MakeUnique<std::remove_const_t<T>>();
if (!allocated.get()) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Decode the inner type
MOZ_TRY(CodeT(coder, allocated.get()));
// Initialize the UniquePtr
*item = std::move(allocated);
return Ok();
} else {
// Encode the inner type
return CodeT(coder, item->get());
// UniqueChars coding functions
static size_t StringLengthWithNullChar(const char* chars) {
return chars ? strlen(chars) + 1 : 0;
CoderResult CodeUniqueChars(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder, UniqueChars* item) {
uint32_t lengthWithNullChar;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &lengthWithNullChar));
// Decode the bytes, if any
if (lengthWithNullChar) {
if (!item->get()) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
return coder.readBytes((char*)item->get(), lengthWithNullChar);
// If there were no bytes to write, the string should be null
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeUniqueChars(Coder<mode>& coder, const UniqueChars* item) {
// Encode the length
const uint32_t lengthWithNullChar = StringLengthWithNullChar(item->get());
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &lengthWithNullChar));
// Write the bytes, if any
if (lengthWithNullChar) {
return coder.writeBytes((const void*)item->get(), lengthWithNullChar);
// If there were no bytes to write, the string should be null
return Ok();
// Code a CacheableChars. This just forwards to UniqueChars, as that's the
// only data in the class, via inheritance.
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeCacheableChars(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, CacheableChars> item) {
return CodeUniqueChars(coder, (UniqueChars*)item);
// Code a ShareableChars. This functions only needs to forward to the inner
// unique chars.
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeShareableChars(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, ShareableChars> item) {
return CodeUniqueChars(coder, &item->chars);
// Code a CacheableName
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeCacheableName(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, CacheableName> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->bytes_));
return Ok();
// Code a ShareableBytes. This function only needs to forward to the inner
// bytes vector.
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeShareableBytes(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, ShareableBytes> item) {
return CodePodVector(coder, &item->bytes);
// WasmValType.h
/* static */
SerializableTypeCode SerializableTypeCode::serialize(PackedTypeCode ptc,
const TypeContext& types) {
SerializableTypeCode stc = {};
stc.typeCode = PackedRepr(ptc.typeCode());
stc.typeIndex = ptc.typeDef() ? types.indexOf(*ptc.typeDef())
: SerializableTypeCode::NoTypeIndex;
stc.nullable = ptc.isNullable();
return stc;
PackedTypeCode SerializableTypeCode::deserialize(const TypeContext& types) {
if (typeIndex == SerializableTypeCode::NoTypeIndex) {
return PackedTypeCode::pack(TypeCode(typeCode), nullable);
const TypeDef* typeDef = &types.type(typeIndex);
return PackedTypeCode::pack(TypeCode(typeCode), typeDef, nullable);
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodePackedTypeCode(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, PackedTypeCode> item) {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
SerializableTypeCode stc;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &stc));
*item = stc.deserialize(*coder.types_);
return Ok();
} else if constexpr (mode == MODE_SIZE) {
return coder.writeBytes(nullptr, sizeof(SerializableTypeCode));
} else {
SerializableTypeCode stc =
SerializableTypeCode::serialize(*item, *coder.types_);
return CodePod(coder, &stc);
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeTypeDefRef(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, const TypeDef*> item) {
static constexpr uint32_t NullTypeIndex = UINT32_MAX;
static_assert(NullTypeIndex > MaxTypes, "invariant");
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
uint32_t typeIndex;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &typeIndex));
if (typeIndex != NullTypeIndex) {
*item = &coder.types_->type(typeIndex);
return Ok();
} else if constexpr (mode == MODE_SIZE) {
return coder.writeBytes(nullptr, sizeof(uint32_t));
} else {
uint32_t typeIndex = !*item ? NullTypeIndex : coder.types_->indexOf(**item);
return CodePod(coder, &typeIndex);
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeValType(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, ValType> item) {
return CodePackedTypeCode(coder, item->addressOfPacked());
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeStorageType(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, StorageType> item) {
return CodePackedTypeCode(coder, item->addressOfPacked());
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeRefType(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, RefType> item) {
return CodePackedTypeCode(coder, item->addressOfPacked());
// WasmValue.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeLitVal(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, LitVal> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeValType(coder, &item->type_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->cell_));
return Ok();
// WasmInitExpr.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeInitExpr(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, InitExpr> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->kind_));
MOZ_TRY(CodeValType(coder, &item->type_));
switch (item->kind_) {
case InitExprKind::Literal:
MOZ_TRY(CodeLitVal(coder, &item->literal_));
case InitExprKind::Variable:
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->bytecode_));
return Ok();
// WasmTypeDef.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeFuncType(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, FuncType> item) {
MOZ_TRY((CodeVector<mode, ValType, &CodeValType<mode>>(coder, &item->args_)));
(CodeVector<mode, ValType, &CodeValType<mode>>(coder, &item->results_)));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->immediateTypeId_));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeFieldType(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, FieldType> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeStorageType(coder, &item->type));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isMutable));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeStructType(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, StructType> item) {
MOZ_TRY((CodeVector<mode, FieldType, &CodeFieldType<mode>>(coder,
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
if (!item->init()) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeArrayType(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, ArrayType> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeFieldType(coder, &item->fieldType_));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeTypeDef(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, TypeDef> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeTypeDefRef(coder, &item->superTypeDef_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->subTypingDepth_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isFinal_));
// TypeDef is a tagged union containing kind = None. This implies that
// we must manually initialize the variant that we decode.
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(item->kind_ == TypeDefKind::None);
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->kind_));
switch (item->kind_) {
case TypeDefKind::Struct: {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
new (&item->structType_) StructType();
MOZ_TRY(CodeStructType(coder, &item->structType_));
case TypeDefKind::Func: {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
new (&item->funcType_) FuncType();
MOZ_TRY(CodeFuncType(coder, &item->funcType_));
case TypeDefKind::Array: {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
new (&item->arrayType_) ArrayType();
MOZ_TRY(CodeArrayType(coder, &item->arrayType_));
case TypeDefKind::None: {
return Ok();
using RecGroupIndexMap =
HashMap<const RecGroup*, uint32_t, PointerHasher<const RecGroup*>,
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeTypeContext(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, TypeContext> item) {
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
// Decoding type definitions needs to reference the type context of the
// module
coder.types_ = item;
// Decode the number of recursion groups in the module
uint32_t numRecGroups;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &numRecGroups));
// Decode each recursion group
for (uint32_t recGroupIndex = 0; recGroupIndex < numRecGroups;
recGroupIndex++) {
// Decode if this recursion group is equivalent to a previous recursion
// group
uint32_t canonRecGroupIndex;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &canonRecGroupIndex));
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(canonRecGroupIndex <= recGroupIndex);
// If the decoded index is not ours, we must re-use the previous decoded
// recursion group.
if (canonRecGroupIndex != recGroupIndex) {
SharedRecGroup recGroup = item->groups()[canonRecGroupIndex];
if (!item->addRecGroup(recGroup)) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Decode the number of types in the recursion group
uint32_t numTypes;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &numTypes));
MutableRecGroup recGroup = item->startRecGroup(numTypes);
if (!recGroup) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Decode the type definitions
for (uint32_t groupTypeIndex = 0; groupTypeIndex < numTypes;
groupTypeIndex++) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeTypeDef(coder, &recGroup->type(groupTypeIndex)));
// Finish the recursion group
if (!item->endRecGroup()) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
} else {
// Encode the number of recursion groups in the module
uint32_t numRecGroups = item->groups().length();
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &numRecGroups));
// We must be careful to only encode every unique recursion group only once
// and in module order. The reason for this is that encoding type def
// references uses the module type index map, which only stores the first
// type index a type was canonicalized to.
// Using this map to encode both recursion groups would turn the following
// type section from:
// 0: (type (struct (field 0)))
// 1: (type (struct (field 1))) ;; identical to 0
// into:
// 0: (type (struct (field 0)))
// 1: (type (struct (field 0))) ;; not identical to 0!
RecGroupIndexMap canonRecGroups;
// Encode each recursion group
for (uint32_t groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < numRecGroups; groupIndex++) {
SharedRecGroup group = item->groups()[groupIndex];
// Find the index of the first time this recursion group was encoded, or
// set it to this index if it hasn't been encoded.
RecGroupIndexMap::AddPtr canonRecGroupIndex =
if (!canonRecGroupIndex) {
if (!canonRecGroups.add(canonRecGroupIndex, group.get(), groupIndex)) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Encode the canon index for this recursion group
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &canonRecGroupIndex->value()));
// Don't encode this recursion group if we've already encoded it
if (canonRecGroupIndex->value() != groupIndex) {
// Encode the number of types in the recursion group
uint32_t numTypes = group->numTypes();
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &numTypes));
// Encode the type definitions
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numTypes; i++) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeTypeDef(coder, &group->type(i)));
return Ok();
// WasmModuleTypes.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeImport(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, Import> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeCacheableName(coder, &item->module));
MOZ_TRY(CodeCacheableName(coder, &item->field));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->kind));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeExport(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, Export> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeCacheableName(coder, &item->fieldName_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->pod));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeGlobalDesc(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, GlobalDesc> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->kind_));
MOZ_TRY(CodeInitExpr(coder, &item->initial_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->offset_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isMutable_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isWasm_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isExport_));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->importIndex_));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeTagType(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, TagType> item) {
// We skip serializing/deserializing the size and argOffsets fields because
// those are computed from the argTypes field when we deserialize.
if constexpr (mode == MODE_DECODE) {
ValTypeVector argTypes;
MOZ_TRY((CodeVector<MODE_DECODE, ValType, &CodeValType<MODE_DECODE>>(
coder, &argTypes)));
if (!item->initialize(std::move(argTypes))) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
} else {
MOZ_TRY((CodeVector<mode, ValType, &CodeValType<mode>>(coder,
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeTagDesc(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, TagDesc> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->kind));
CodeRefPtr<mode, const TagType, &CodeTagType<mode>>(coder, &item->type)));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isExport));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeModuleElemSegment(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, ModuleElemSegment> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->kind));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->tableIndex));
MOZ_TRY(CodeRefType(coder, &item->elemType));
MOZ_TRY((CodeMaybe<mode, InitExpr, &CodeInitExpr<mode>>(
coder, &item->offsetIfActive)));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->encoding));
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->elemIndices));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->elemExpressions.count));
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->elemExpressions.exprBytes));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeDataSegment(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, DataSegment> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->memoryIndex));
MOZ_TRY((CodeMaybe<mode, InitExpr, &CodeInitExpr<mode>>(
coder, &item->offsetIfActive)));
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->bytes));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeCustomSection(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, CustomSection> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->name));
MOZ_TRY((CodeRefPtr<mode, const ShareableBytes, &CodeShareableBytes<mode>>(
coder, &item->payload)));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeTableDesc(Coder<mode>& coder, CoderArg<mode, TableDesc> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodeRefType(coder, &item->elemType));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isImported));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isExported));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isAsmJS));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->limits));
(CodeMaybe<mode, InitExpr, &CodeInitExpr<mode>>(coder, &item->initExpr)));
return Ok();
// WasmCodegenTypes.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeTrapSiteVectorArray(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, TrapSiteVectorArray> item) {
for (Trap trap : mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(Trap::Limit)) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &(*item)[trap]));
return Ok();
// WasmCompileArgs.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeScriptedCaller(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, ScriptedCaller> item) {
MOZ_TRY((CodeUniqueChars(coder, &item->filename)));
MOZ_TRY((CodePod(coder, &item->filenameIsURL)));
MOZ_TRY((CodePod(coder, &item->line)));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeBuiltinModuleIds(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, BuiltinModuleIds> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->selfTest));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->intGemm));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->jsString));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->jsStringConstants));
MOZ_TRY((CodeNullableRefPtr<mode, const ShareableChars, &CodeShareableChars>(
coder, &item->jsStringConstantsNamespace)));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeFeatureArgs(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, FeatureArgs> item) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->LOWER_NAME));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->sharedMemory));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->simd));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->isBuiltinModule));
MOZ_TRY(CodeBuiltinModuleIds(coder, &item->builtinModules));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeCompileArgs(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, CompileArgs> item) {
MOZ_TRY((CodeScriptedCaller(coder, &item->scriptedCaller)));
MOZ_TRY((CodeUniqueChars(coder, &item->sourceMapURL)));
MOZ_TRY((CodePod(coder, &item->baselineEnabled)));
MOZ_TRY((CodePod(coder, &item->ionEnabled)));
MOZ_TRY((CodePod(coder, &item->debugEnabled)));
MOZ_TRY((CodePod(coder, &item->forceTiering)));
MOZ_TRY((CodeFeatureArgs(coder, &item->features)));
return Ok();
// WasmGC.h
CoderResult CodeStackMap(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder,
CoderArg<MODE_DECODE, wasm::StackMap*> item) {
// Decode the stack map header
StackMapHeader header;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &header));
// Allocate a stack map for the header
StackMap* map = StackMap::create(header);
if (!map) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Decode the bitmap into the stackmap
MOZ_TRY(coder.readBytes(map->rawBitmap(), map->rawBitmapLengthInBytes()));
*item = map;
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeStackMap(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, wasm::StackMap> item) {
// Encode the stackmap header
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->header));
// Encode the stackmap bitmap
MOZ_TRY(coder.writeBytes(item->rawBitmap(), item->rawBitmapLengthInBytes()));
return Ok();
static inline uint32_t ComputeCodeOffset(const uint8_t* codeStart,
const uint8_t* codePtr) {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(codePtr >= codeStart);
#ifdef JS_64BIT
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(codePtr < codeStart + UINT32_MAX);
return (uint32_t)(codePtr - codeStart);
CoderResult CodeStackMaps(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder,
CoderArg<MODE_DECODE, wasm::StackMaps> item,
const uint8_t* codeStart) {
// Decode the amount of stack maps
size_t length;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Decode the offset relative to codeStart
uint32_t codeOffset;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &codeOffset));
// Decode the stack map
StackMap* map;
MOZ_TRY(CodeStackMap(coder, &map));
// Add it to the map
const uint8_t* nextInsnAddr = codeStart + codeOffset;
if (!item->add(nextInsnAddr, map)) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
// Finish the maps, asserting they are sorted
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeStackMaps(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, wasm::StackMaps> item,
const uint8_t* codeStart) {
// Encode the amount of stack maps
size_t length = item->length();
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
StackMaps::Maplet maplet = item->get(i);
uint32_t codeOffset = ComputeCodeOffset(codeStart, maplet.nextInsnAddr);
// Encode the offset relative to codeStart
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &codeOffset));
// Encode the stack map
return Ok();
// WasmCode.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeSymbolicLinkArray(
Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, wasm::LinkData::SymbolicLinkArray> item) {
for (SymbolicAddress address :
mozilla::MakeEnumeratedRange(SymbolicAddress::Limit)) {
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &(*item)[address]));
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeLinkData(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, wasm::LinkData> item) {
// SymbolicLinkArray depends on SymbolicAddress::Limit, which is changed
// often. Exclude symbolicLinks field from trip wire value calculation.
wasm::LinkData, 88 + sizeof(wasm::LinkData::SymbolicLinkArray));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->pod()));
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->internalLinks));
MOZ_TRY(CodePodVector(coder, &item->callFarJumps));
MOZ_TRY(CodeSymbolicLinkArray(coder, &item->symbolicLinks));
return Ok();
CoderResult CodeCodeSegment(Coder<MODE_DECODE>& coder,
wasm::SharedCodeSegment* item,
const wasm::LinkData& linkData) {
// Assert we're decoding a CodeSegment
MOZ_TRY(Magic(coder, Marker::CodeSegment));
// Decode the code bytes length
size_t length;
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
// Decode the code bytes
const uint8_t* codeBytes;
MOZ_TRY(coder.readBytesRef(length, &codeBytes));
// Initialize the CodeSegment
*item = CodeSegment::createFromBytes(codeBytes, length, linkData);
if (!*item) {
return Err(OutOfMemory());
return Ok();
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeCodeSegment(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, wasm::SharedCodeSegment> item,
const wasm::LinkData& linkData) {
// Mark that we're encoding a CodeSegment
MOZ_TRY(Magic(coder, Marker::CodeSegment));
// Encode the length
size_t length = (*item)->lengthBytes();
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &length));
if constexpr (mode == MODE_SIZE) {
// Just calculate the length of bytes written
MOZ_TRY(coder.writeBytes((*item)->base(), length));
} else {
// Get the start of where the code bytes will be written
uint8_t* serializedBase = coder.buffer_;
// Write the code bytes
MOZ_TRY(coder.writeBytes((*item)->base(), length));
// Unlink the code bytes written to the buffer
StaticallyUnlink(serializedBase, linkData);
return Ok();
// WasmMetadata.h
template <CoderMode mode>
CoderResult CodeCodeMetadata(Coder<mode>& coder,
CoderArg<mode, wasm::CodeMetadata> item) {
// NOTE: keep the field sequence here in sync with the sequence in the
// declaration of CodeMetadata.
// Serialization doesn't handle asm.js or debug enabled modules
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mode == MODE_SIZE || !item->isAsmJS());
if constexpr (mode == MODE_ENCODE) {
MOZ_TRY(Magic(coder, Marker::CodeMetadata));
MOZ_TRY(CodePod(coder, &item->kind));